Monday, August 2, 2010

Sarah Palin Questions King Hussein's Manhood

Taking on King Hussein? Now that takes cojones!!

Sarah Palin has slammed King Hussein on immigration. She took it one step further. Here's the quote:

PALIN: Jan Brewer, bless her heart, she's going to do all that she can to continue down the litigation path to allow secure borders because she's -- Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have to look out for all Americans, not just Arizonans but all Americans in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country as was the purpose of immigration laws. If our own president will not enforce the federal law, more power to Jan Brewer and 44 other states who are in line to help support Jan Brewer in state laws, state efforts to do what our president won't do.

Here's the Video. (HT YouTube)

Now for all the Obamabots ready to throw the race card and say Republicans are evil, there's something that you need to know. Gov. Palin's statement is merely the effect. You need to look at the cause.

Exhibit A: Kathleen Parker's article titled, Obama: Our first female president from 6/30/10.

Exhibit B: Rev Jesse Jackson back on 7/9/08 while accusing the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks", added "I want to cut his nuts out." So if Gov. Palin's right, and he really doesn't have cojones, it may have been due to Rev. Jackson's suggestion of removing them.

Exhibit C: James Carville, big time Clinton booster said the following about candidate Obama during the 2008 campaign: "If she gave him one of her cojones, they'd both have two". Hillary took that as a compliment, by the way.

Exhibit D: 5/6/08, Then Sen. "Evan Bayh (D-IN) was halfway through telling a story about "a steelworker in Northern Indiana" on stage beside his Senate colleague, Hillary Clinton. Clinton may not like the story, but her supporters love it: The sheet metal workers union official in Portage, Indiana cited by Bayh had praised her "testicular fortitude" before lighting into unnamed "Gucci wearing, latte-drinking" opponents. "

What I'm saying here is that this has been going on for awhile, and folks on both sides of the aisle have engaged in it. If Sarah Palin's racist and evil, then so are Evan Bayh, James Carville, Kathleen Parker, and Hillary Clinton.

Background Reading:

Washington Post: Obama: Our first female president
Politico: Swing Low, Sweet Hillary
NY Post: Jesse Jackson Says He Wants to Cut Obama's 'Nuts Out'

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