Friday, August 6, 2010

Missouri Shows Out Against Obamacare.

The Latest to Resist.

By more than a 2 to 1 margin, Missourians voted to reject a key provsion of Obamacare. Proposition C would prohibit the government from requiring people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for not having it.

A couple of voters voiced their thoughts. From Fox News:

"To us, it symbolized everything," said Annette Read, a tea party participant from suburban St. Louis who quit her online retail job to lead a yearlong campaign for the Missouri ballot measure. "The entire frustration in the country ... how our government has misspent, how they haven't listened to the people, this measure in general encompassed all of that."

Missouri's ballot also featured primaries for U.S. Senate, Congress and numerous state legislative seats. But at many polling places, voters said they were most passionate about the health insurance referendum.

"I believe that the general public has been duped about the benefits of the health care proposal," said Mike Sampson of Jefferson City, an independent emergency management contractor, who voted for the proposition. "My guess is federal law will in fact supersede state law, but we need to send a message to the folks in Washington, D.C., that people in the hinterlands are not happy."

Not just the hinterlands, but most everywhere else. Then there's the first sentence of the NY Slimes article on this subject:

"Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a measure aimed at nullifying the new federal health care law, becoming the first state in the nation where ordinary people made known their dismay over the issue at the ballot box."

Ordinary people?? As opposed to who? The ruling class? The political class? The Intellectual Media Class? This is, in addition to the rejection of Obamacare, a great example of the disconnect between Americans and DC & their propogandists in the lamestream media.

Background Reading:

Fox News: Missouri Votes to Block Obama's Health Insurance Mandate
NY Times: Missouri Voters Reject Health Law

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