Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quotes Of The Day

Saturday night's dinner at the Gridoron Club in Washington, D.C. had a bigger crowd than usual due to the prescence of Sarah Palin.

She didn't dissapoint mainly due to her underestimated wit. My favorite quotes of hers from that evening were the following:

Regarding Vice President Biden, if the election had turned out differently, she said, "I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and vice president Biden could be on the road selling his book, 'Going Rogaine.'"

Regarding the toxic relations with some McCain campaign staffers, she stated, "The view is so much better from inside the bus than under it," referring to her current book tour by bus.

Liberals still fear her, which is why they smear her at every opportunity. It will be interesting to see what the future holds. (HT Michelle Malkin, My Way, & Politico):

Michelle Malkin: Quote Of The Day
My Way: Palin Pokes Fun At Herself At Journalists' Dinner
Politico: Palin Cracks Wise At Gridiron dinner

Monday, December 7, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

King Hussein's poll numbers continue to slide. Can you figure out why?? (HT Rush Limbaugh):

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

I have a dream. I would love to see this happen!! (HT Steve Cooper):

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Veteran's Day Salute

In honor of Veteran's Day, I give a salute and photos form the Naperville, IL Healing Field of Honor. Semper Fi!! (HT Naperville Sun):

It's Easier To Lie To.......

Tar & Feather them!! HT RightWingStuff.com

It seems that it's easier to lie to Democrats & left-leaning Women.

From Rasmussen, my comments in parentheses:

"Some folks may be surprised that the number is this high (like me), but only four percent (4%) of U.S. voters say most politicians keep their campaign promises.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 76% say the majority of politicians do not keep the promises they make on the campaign trail (they know when they're being lied to!). Nearly one-out-of five voters (19%) aren’t sure.

Voters are evenly divided, however, over why the politicians break their promises. Forty-five percent (45%) believe it’s because they deliberately made a false promise to get elected. Forty-three percent (43%) take a more charitable approach and say unforeseen events after they took office forced the politicians to break their promises (What about standing on principles?). Women are slightly more sympathetic than men, primarily because 23% of female voters say they’re not sure if most politicians keep their campaign promises (disappointing).

While 58% of men say politicians deliberately make false promises to get elected, 55% of (mostly liberal) women say unforeseen circumstances after they took office are to blame when politicians break their vows.

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of GOP voters and 52% of unaffliateds think that when politicians break campaign promises, it’s because they deliberately made false promises. Seventy-four percent (74%) of (gullible, leftist) Democrats attribute it to unforeseen events after they took office. "

With each passing day, more people are getting involved, and are active. The people in the know can see when they're being lied to. The ones who are blindly following like sheep, cannot. These are the ones (Obamabots) who believe their messiah can do nothing wrong. This has certainly been proven as a complete fallacy. (HT Rasmussen Reports):

Rasmussen Reports: Just 4% Say Most Politicians Keep Their Campaign Promises

Rachel Maddow's Constitutional Ignorance

Choose your drink.

On November 5th, the following took place on the left wing Kool-Aid network, PMSNBC:

RACHEL MADDOW, HOST: Congressman Akin was not alone in stumbling over a little basic U.S. history. He had some good company in the top Republican in the House, Minority Leader John Boehner.


JOHN BOEHNER: (R-OHIO.): This is my copy of the Constitution. And I'm gonna stand here with our Founding Fathers who wrote in the Preamble, "We hold these truths to be self-evident..."


MADDOW: (waving hands): Nnn, Constitution doesn't have a Preamble. Not. Nope. Stop it. That would be the Declaration of Independence. Ooh.

Rachel, my dear sweet leftist dunce, The Constitution does have a preamble. Allow me to present it to you:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Oh snap, looks like the congressmen weren't the only ones "in stumbling over a little basic U.S. history." Ouch, quit it!

I'm not taking my foot off the accelerator. Since lefties love Wikipedia so much, here's an excerpt from its section titled "Preamble to the United States Constitution":

The Preamble to the United States Constitution is a brief introductory statement of the fundamental purposes and guiding principles that the Constitution is meant to serve. In general terms it states, and courts have referred to it as reliable evidence of, the Founding Fathers' intentions regarding the Constitution's meaning and what they hoped it would achieve (especially as compared with the Articles of Confederation).

Consider the fact checker checked.

The following night, Dearest Rachel stated the following:

RACHEL MADDOW, HOST: And finally to our department of corrections. On last night's show I made fun of who House minority leader John Boehner because at yesterday's whites of their eyes Michele Bachmann-led anti-healthcare reform rally on the Capitol steps, he waggled a copy of the Constitution at the crowd, bragged that he was standing with the Founding Fathers and then said he was quoting the Preamble to the Constitution while he actually quoted from the Declaration of Independence. Being myself constitutionally incapable of leaving well enough alone, I then excitedly exclaimed not that he wasn't reading from the Preamble to the Constitution but that there wasn't a Preamble to the Constitution at all, which of course is total nonsense and which I'm very sorry to have said. However, it does also give me the opportunity to do penance to the Preamble by -- you know what's coming, don't you? Get up, get out of your chair and let me not only apologize to the Preamble but join us all together now in civics geek karaoke to "The Schoolhouse Rock" version to the Preamble. Go, go, go, go! [...]

♪♪ America. Never fun to have to correct a mistake but this one was close to fun. Thank you, Schoolhouse Rock. I'm very sorry.

I'll give Rachel some cool points for owning up to her gaffe, but since leftists by and large have contempt for and are ignorant of The Constitution, it doesn't surprise me in the least that it happened. The left spends their time trying to ignore, subvert, shred, and get around The Constitution. Must be the Kool-Aid. Maddow has whopping flubs pretty regularly (see here, here, & here,) and making fun of her ignorance would become a entertaining, full time job.(HT NewsBusters, IUSB Vision, & Wikipedia):

NewsBusters: Maddow Wrongly Claims 'Constitution Doesn't Have A Preamble'
NewsBusters: Maddow Apologizes For Constitution Gaffe With Schoolhouse Rock
IUSB Vision: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Doesn’t Know The Constitution: Claims It Has No Preamble.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Rep. Owens Breaks FOUR Campaign Promises In One Hour

You Lie! HT RightWingStuff.com

Congressman-elect Bill Owens (D-NY), the newly minted congressman from NY-23, didn't take long to break campaign promises.

This has to be a world record though. He was sworn in Saturday at noon. Shortly thereafter in a press release, that he was in favor of the the "Affordable Healthcare for America Act" bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.

That's a big problem because first, Mr. Owens had recanted his solid position against public option later in the campaign, ( a flip-flop) clarifying that he did not wish public option to be a 'litmus test' for the Health Reform bill and that on Oct. 30th, several days prior to the election, in a debate had stated that he generally supported the public option as it was written at that time.

Next, "Mr. Owens also indicated during his campaign that he was firmly opposed to cutting Medicare benefits, taxing health care benefits, and increased taxes on the middle class in any way as you can see clearly in the screenshot below, taken directly from Mr. Owens' campaign website."

The House Health reform bill contains sections that cut Medicare benefits, tax existing health care benefits, and increases taxes on the middle class, yet Mr. Owens stated today that he will now vote in favor of those things contrary to what he had promised the voters of NY's 23rd Congressional District that he would vote against.

Mr. Owens also indicated in his press release Saturday that "This legislation will reform the insurance industry and provide increased access to affordable healthcare without taxing healthcare benefits, cutting Medicare benefits or raising taxes on the middle class, and that is exactly the direction we need to go." Spoken like a good little leftist, and so very misleading!!

From The Gouverneur Times (my comments in parentheses):

Both FactCheck.org and the Congressional Budget Office agree that HR 3962 contains potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in planned cuts to Medicare, yet Mr. Owens indicates that he supports this legislation and says that it does not cut Medicare benefits. Either Mr. Owens has been snowed or the public is about to be.

HR 3962 also includes a range of various taxes on middle-class families as well as language to repeal tax relief already in place. Has Congressman Owens blindly followed Ms. Pelosi's rhetoric in believing that the end to a tax cut is not the same thing as an increase in taxes or is he hedging his bet with very carefully chosen words?

HR 3962 now also contains language that allows illegal immigrants to be covered under the legislation. When The Gouverneur Times attempted to contact Mr. Owens for clarification of this language, we received no response other than the press release heretofore mentioned. Specifically, we asked if illegal immigrants would be forced to purchase healthcare insurance as citizens will be and whether or not they would be forced to do so at standard rates or if they would qualify for the public option subsidy.

The Associated Press said Saturday morning that: "House leaders said that, in keeping with the Hispanic Caucus' demands, there was not likely to be any prohibition added to the House bill against illegal immigrants shopping in the exchange." (Guess this means Rep Joe Wilson (R-SC) was telling the truth and Obama is a liar after all.)

The mixed-up mess that was the 23rd Congressional District Special Election was a close race between Democrat Bill Owens and Conservative Doug Hoffman. Many feel that it was unlikely Mr. Owens would have won those crucial few thousand votes if the voting public was aware of his intent with regard to the Health Care bill. The majority of residents in this district do not support the Health Reform bill as it is now written and many feel like they've become victims of a fraud perpetrated by their chosen candidate.

What happened in NY-23 just now happened to the nation last November. In both cases the lesson learned is you can't trust a liberal Democrat to do the right thing. I've said this before, and it bears repeating: In 2010, Americans need to throw out as many Democrats as possible to take this country back. (HT The Gouverneur Times):

The Gouverneur Times: Owens Breaks 4 Campaign Promises In First Hour In Congress

Recession Claiming Victims

The recession and the corresponding layoffs have taken its toll on many. The crushing weight of debt, foreclosure, and repossession, have driven some to the point that suicide was the only way out.

One example is Debra K. Gibbs, a 54-year-old homemaker in Goshen, in Elkhart County, IN. She didn’t leave a note. "Instead, she simply sent her worried daughter out for soda pop on a summer morning — and then shot herself in the head.

Despondent over a pending home foreclosure and mounting bills, Gibbs took her life on June 23, the day after crews came to repossess her 2007 Chevy Malibu, the last purchase she’d made together with her late husband, Sam.

“She was doing everything she could to hold onto what was hers,” said Gibbs’ daughter, Rebecca Filley, 30, of Cassopolis, Mich. “This was a vivacious, very strong woman, and she was taken to her knees because of money.”

Suicide experts say the reasons for taking one’s own life are complicated, and can’t be attributed to a single factor.

While there hasn't been a link between suicide rates and recent national recessions, which are declared based on many factors, there is a link with circumstances that come along with a recession, such as unemployment and home foreclosure, said John L. McIntosh, a professor of psychology at Indiana University at South Bend who researches suicide trends. Individually, people who’ve lost jobs commit suicide at rates two times to four times as high as those who are employed, the suicide association notes.

Medical and law enforcement officials who’ve watched the rise of suicides in their own communities say they can’t help but see a link with the downturn. “We’ve had many situations where people lost their jobs and that was the reason for why they do what they do,” said Sheriff Mark A. Hackel of Macomb County, Mich.

In that county of about 830,000, 81 people on average committed suicide each year between 1979 and 2006, records from the federal Centers for Disease Control show. But the figure jumped to 104 in 2008 and to 178 in the first seven months of 2009, a rise that has left Hackel’s deputies scrambling to respond to near-daily calls about suicide attempts."

With unemployment now over 10%, Americans more than ever want jobs more than unempoloyment benefits extensions or a health care overhaul. One of the best ways to accomplish this and lower suicides is for the government to reverse course. Go back to using conservative policies that will allow companies to expand and create jobs and income. Then allow people to keep more of what they earn. You'll have fewer foreclosures and repos, and More Americans will have peace of mind. (HT MSNBC. I'm shocked that they would report this!!):

MSNBC: Suicides In The Downturn Raise Worries About Recession’s Real Cost

Friday, November 6, 2009

Photo Of The Day

The modern day Bonnie & Clyde. (HT IOwnTheWorld.com via DJ & TD)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obamacare Kills Employer Healthcare Plans

Obamacare. (HT Michelle Malkin):

The rhetoric from King Hussein and Congress is "If you like the health coverage you have, you can keep it."

Page 92 of the current House bill, HR 3962 tells another story. It states, with my comments in parenthases:

"The commissioner shal establish a grace period thereby for plan years beginning after the end of the 5-yeear period beginning with Y1 (2013), an employment based health plan in operation as of the day before the first day of Y1 (2013) must meet the same requirements as apply to a qualified health benefits plan (by the Government) under section 201, including the essential benefit package requirement under section 221."

Translation: In the next few years, you will lose your current helthcare coverage provided by your employer because it will have to change, or be phased out entirely to meet the government guidelines.

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being lied to. This is change I simply don't believe in. Obama said himself that he's " an advocate of a single payer, universal healthcare system". That we can't "eliminate employer healthcare coverage immediately", and that he can see a "transition process" to single payer. This is the statist agenda, and Americans need to throw as many of them in congress out as possible in 2010. I don't want a government bureaucrat telling anyone what medicines they can take or surgeries they can have.

[Obamacare Timebomb. (HT Rush Limbaugh):]

Rush Limbaugh was right: Obamacare is a ticking timebomb. This stuff doesn't kick in until 2013 so we have an opportunity to fight this statist monstrosity with everything we've got. (HT National Review via Mark Levin):

National Review: Keep the Coverage You Have . . . But Only for Five Years

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obamacare: Grossly Underestimated

Obamacare. (HT Michelle Malkin):

The Republican staff on the Senate Budget Committee published an estimated cost of H.R. 3962 when fully implemented over ten years: $2.4 Trillion!! That's a far cry from the $894 Billion that Speaker Nazzi Pelocchio trumpeted. Politicians have a bad habit of severely underestimating the costs of their programs, and this is no exception. Democrat Blue Dogs in the House (an endangered species) should be very afraid with this estimate. Back in August, Stephen Parente, an expert on health-care financing at the University of Minnesota came to a very similar conclusion:

PARENTE: Over the last few months, my colleagues and I at the consulting firm Health Systems Innovations have provided cost estimates of health-care reform to both Republican and Democratic members of Congress, and we’ve posted these estimates on our website as well. We believe that the Democratic bills currently under consideration in the House and Senate would cost $2.1 trillion and $2.4 trillion, respectively—much higher than CBO’s figures.

Speaker Pelosi has reportedly said that she’s willing to sacrifice seats in Congress to pass the Democrats monstrous Obamacare bills. I say we take her up on that. (HT National Review):

National Review: $2.4 Trillion for House Health Bill

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Obamacare = Big Government Bureaucracy

Obamacare. (HT Michelle Malkin):

How massive is the Federal bureaucracy that will be created by this bill? Let me count the ways. (HT Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)):

Boards, bureaucracies, commissions, and programs created in H.R. 3962, Speaker Nazzi Pelocchio’s government takeover of health care:

1. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 111(d), p. 61)

2. Grant program for wellness programs to small employers (Section 112, p. 62)

3. Grant program for State health access programs (Section 114, p. 72)

4. Program of administrative simplification (Section 115, p. 76)

5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 223, p. 111)

6. Health Choices Administration (Section 241, p. 131)

7. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 244, p. 138)

8. Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 155)

9. Program for technical assistance to employees of small businesses buying Exchange coverage (Section 305(h), p. 191)

10. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Commissioner (Section 306(b), p. 194)

11. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 307, p. 195)

12. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 308, p. 197)

13. Grant program for health insurance cooperatives (Section 310, p. 206)

14. “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 321, p. 211)

15. Ombudsman for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 321(d), p. 213)

16. Account for receipts and disbursements for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 322(b), p. 215)

17. Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191 (b), p. 589)

18. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for “culturally and linguistically appropriate services” (Section 1222, p. 617)

19. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 648)

20. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicare (Section 1301, p. 653)

21. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 672)

22. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 681)

23. Independence at home demonstration program (Section 1312, p. 718)

24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 734)

25. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 738)

26. Patient ombudsman for comparative effectiveness research (Section 1401(a), p. 753)

27. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1412(b)(1), p. 784)

28. Quality assurance and performance improvement program for nursing facilities (Section 1412 (b)(2), p. 786)

29. Special focus facility program for skilled nursing facilities (Section 1413(a)(3), p. 796)

30. Special focus facility program for nursing facilities (Section 1413(b)(3), p. 804)

31. National independent monitor pilot program for skilled nursing facilities and nursing facilities (Section 1422, p. 859)

32. Demonstration program for approved teaching health centers with respect to Medicare GME (Section 1502(d), p. 933)

33. Pilot program to develop anti-fraud compliance systems for Medicare providers (Section 1635, p. 978)

34. Special Inspector General for the Health Insurance Exchange (Section 1647, p. 1000)

35. Medical home pilot program under Medicaid (Section 1722, p. 1058)

36. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicaid (Section 1730A, p. 1073)

37. Nursing facility supplemental payment program (Section 1745, p. 1106)

38. Demonstration program for Medicaid coverage to stabilize emergency medical conditions in institutions for mental diseases (Section 1787, p. 1149)

39. Comparative Effectiveness Research Trust Fund (Section 1802, p. 1162)

40. “Identifiable office or program” within CMS to “provide for improved coordination between Medicare and Medicaid in the case of dual eligibles” (Section 1905, p. 1191)

41. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Section 1907, p. 1198)

42. Public Health Investment Fund (Section 2002, p. 1214)

43. Scholarships for service in health professional needs areas (Section 2211, p. 1224)

44. Program for training medical residents in community-based settings (Section 2214, p. 1236)

45. Grant program for training in dentistry programs (Section 2215, p. 1240)

46. Public Health Workforce Corps (Section 2231, p. 1253)

47. Public health workforce scholarship program (Section 2231, p. 1254)

48. Public health workforce loan forgiveness program (Section 2231, p. 1258)

49. Grant program for innovations in interdisciplinary care (Section 2252, p. 1272)

50. Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment (Section 2261, p. 1275)

51. Prevention and Wellness Trust (Section 2301, p. 1286)

52. Clinical Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 1295)

53. Community Prevention Stakeholders Board (Section 2301, p. 1301)

54. Grant program for community prevention and wellness research (Section 2301, p. 1305)

55. Grant program for research and demonstration projects related to wellness incentives (Section 2301, p. 1305)

56. Grant program for community prevention and wellness services (Section 2301, p. 1308)

57. Grant program for public health infrastructure (Section 2301, p. 1313)

58. Center for Quality Improvement (Section 2401, p. 1322)

59. Assistant Secretary for Health Information (Section 2402, p. 1330)

60. Grant program to support the operation of school-based health clinics (Section 2511, p. 1352)

61. Grant program for nurse-managed health centers (Section 2512, p. 1361)

62. Grants for labor-management programs for nursing training (Section 2521, p. 1372)

63. Grant program for interdisciplinary mental and behavioral health training (Section 2522, p. 1382)

64. “No Child Left Unimmunized Against Influenza” demonstration grant program (Section 2524, p. 1391)

65. Healthy Teen Initiative grant program regarding teen pregnancy (Section 2526, p. 1398)

66. Grant program for interdisciplinary training, education, and services for individuals with autism (Section 2527(a), p. 1402)

67. University centers for excellence in developmental disabilities education (Section 2527(b), p. 1410)

68. Grant program to implement medication therapy management services (Section 2528, p. 1412)

69. Grant program to promote positive health behaviors in underserved communities (Section 2530, p. 1422)

70. Grant program for State alternative medical liability laws (Section 2531, p. 1431)

71. Grant program to develop infant mortality programs (Section 2532, p. 1433)

72. Grant program to prepare secondary school students for careers in health professions (Section 2533, p. 1437)

73. Grant program for community-based collaborative care (Section 2534, p. 1440)

74. Grant program for community-based overweight and obesity prevention (Section 2535, p. 1457)

75. Grant program for reducing the student-to-school nurse ratio in primary and secondary schools (Section 2536, p. 1462)

76. Demonstration project of grants to medical-legal partnerships (Section 2537, p. 1464)

77. Center for Emergency Care under the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (Section 2552, p. 1478)

78. Council for Emergency Care (Section 2552, p 1479)

79. Grant program to support demonstration programs that design and implement regionalized emergency care systems (Section 2553, p. 1480)

80. Grant program to assist veterans who wish to become emergency medical technicians upon discharge (Section 2554, p. 1487)

81. Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee (Section 2562, p. 1494)

82. National Medical Device Registry (Section 2571, p. 1501)

83. CLASS Independence Fund (Section 2581, p. 1597)

84. CLASS Independence Fund Board of Trustees (Section 2581, p. 1598)

85. CLASS Independence Advisory Council (Section 2581, p. 1602)

86. Health and Human Services Coordinating Committee on Women’s Health (Section 2588, p. 1610)

87. National Women’s Health Information Center (Section 2588, p. 1611)

88. Centers for Disease Control Office of Women’s Health (Section 2588, p. 1614)

89. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Office of Women’s Health and Gender-Based Research (Section 2588, p. 1617)

90. Health Resources and Services Administration Office of Women’s Health (Section 2588, p. 1618)

91. Food and Drug Administration Office of Women’s Health (Section 2588, p. 1621)

92. Personal Care Attendant Workforce Advisory Panel (Section 2589(a)(2), p. 1624)

93. Grant program for national health workforce online training (Section 2591, p. 1629)

94. Grant program to disseminate best practices on implementing health workforce investment programs (Section 2591, p. 1632)

95. Demonstration program for chronic shortages of health professionals (Section 3101, p. 1717)

96. Demonstration program for substance abuse counselor educational curricula (Section 3101, p. 1719)

97. Program of Indian community education on mental illness (Section 3101, p. 1722)

98. Intergovernmental Task Force on Indian environmental and nuclear hazards (Section 3101, p. 1754)

99. Office of Indian Men’s Health (Section 3101, p. 1765)

100. Indian Health facilities appropriation advisory board (Section 3101, p. 1774)

101. Indian Health facilities needs assessment workgroup (Section 3101, p. 1775)

102. Indian Health Service tribal facilities joint venture demonstration projects (Section 3101, p. 1809)

103. Urban youth treatment center demonstration project (Section 3101, p. 1873)

104. Grants to Urban Indian Organizations for diabetes prevention (Section 3101, p. 1874)

105. Grants to Urban Indian Organizations for health IT adoption (Section 3101, p. 1877)

106. Mental health technician training program (Section 3101, p. 1898)

107. Indian youth telemental health demonstration project (Section 3101, p. 1909)

108. Program for treatment of child sexual abuse victims and perpetrators (Section 3101, p. 1925)

109. Program for treatment of domestic violence and sexual abuse (Section 3101, p. 1927)

110. Native American Health and Wellness Foundation (Section 3103, p. 1966)

111. Committee for the Establishment of the Native American Health and Wellness Foundation (Section 3103, p. 1968)

A bureaucracy this big will be way more than the $894 Billion over 10 years that the government is projecting. Who pays for government programs when they go overbudget? YOU. That's why more people are against Obamacare than for it.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Case For Economic Freedom

On the Oct. 26 broadcast of MSNBC's "The Ed Show," Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) made a case for bigger government and argued "the only reason people opposed it was because they were disillusioned by the government for its failures during the Bush administration, specifically dealing with Hurricane Katrina."

CNBC's Larry Kudlow responded to the leftist imbalance by stating the following:

KUDLOW: Was there a conservative there? I saw Ralph Nader and Barney Frank. Did MSNBC miss a conservative dissent?

Well, here's my response to Congressman Barney Frank: With all due respect to Mr. Frank, who I think is a very smart guy, we tried heavy government control and regulation in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe," Kudlow said. "It didn't work. They rebelled. They wanted economic freedom - the right to keep their own money, the right to start their own businesses, the right to climb the ladder of success in a free economy. That was the revolution.

The Reagan free market - deregulation revolution, with a sound dollar and low tax rates launched a 27-year boom," Kudlow said. "The Gipper's policies were copied all around the world.

So my question - what does Mr. Barney Frank know that virtually the entire rest of the globe doesn't know?" Kudlow asked. "The battle between democratic entrepreneurial capitalism and statism has already been won by the economic freedom fighters. This Congress is going in the wrong direction. Growth and wealth come from individuals and human action, not the heavy footprint of the state.

Look, this is better than that MSNBC show that had two lefties - Barney Frank and the other dope, Ralph Nader," Kudlow said. "At least we have an equal representation.

Larry Kudlow is the former associate director for economics and planning in the Office of Management and Budget under former President Reagan and he just explained that free-market policies had a proven track record. Government Regulation, not so much.

Individuals, not goverment, creates wealth. When you lower taxes and allow people to keep more of what they earn, treasury revenues go up. Reagan and Bush proved this by creating all time records in revenues. The Obama administration & the Democrat controlled Congress is moving in the opposite direction, and revenues have dropped off the table. (HT Real Clear Politics & NewsBusters):

Real Clear Politics: CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy
NewsBusters: CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Palin's Enemies In Alaska Exposed

Sarah Palin's enemies in Alaska have been outed and they're crying foul. Could it be because now Sarah Palin can target and shut them down? Here's the kicker: The White House knew about it all along. Read, watch and learn. (HT Canada Free Press & Atlas Shrugs):

Canada Free Press: Palin Bullies: Exposed And Whining

Atlas Shrugs: Obama Operatives Behind Palin Legal Harassment And "Ethics" Charges

King Hussein Poised To Cede US Soverignty

Lord Monckton reveals King Hussein's plans on an upcoming UN climate change treaty conference in December in Denmark. If he goes through with this, it could be the end of America as we know it, and a New World Order will begin to take hold. (HT Rush Limbaugh & YouTube):

Rush Limbaugh: Lord Monckton vs. Gordon Brown

Enemy In The White House

He can't be all four. (HT AdamThinks.com):

This video makes it pretty clear. From bowing to a Saudi King, to quoting "The Holy Koran", to saying that "America is not and never will be at war with Islam", even though Islam has been at war with us for decades, America has an Muslim enemy in the White House. He said, ".......I am one of them". (HT NetworkedBlogs.com, YouTube, & Feel the Change Media):

Political Caption Of The Day

What I refer to as The Marxist Hexagon. Don't forget about the roles of the NEA, AFT, AFL-CIO, Media Matters, Moveon.org, and George Soros, to name a few. (HT Founding Bloggers):

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Protest Against The Matrix

Resist. (HT AR15.com):

Something's happening in America that's long overdue. Like the tyrants in DC, the Matrix (media) is finally being protested. After the way they went in the tank for King Hussein during the campaign, and how they're going out of their way to protect him from his failures now, it's pretty clear that in addition to taking back congress, we also have to take back how information is being presented to Americans. That's why this blog came into being.

On Saturday in over 100 cities across the Nation, Americans prtested the liberal bias of the Matrix. Of course the Matrix poo-pooed it, like the DC rally last month. The UK didn't. The Daily Mail ad the article titled, A million march to US Capitol to protest against ‘Obama the socialist’.

See the picture and feel the passion from all over the country. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Photo Of The Day

To quote Martin Luther King, I have a dream. (HT Paul Gaudiosi):

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Photo Of The Day

First King Hussein, Then Nazzi Pelocchio, now Joe "loose lips" Biden. The Trinity is now complete. (HT Ashlandic Ramblings):

Political Caption Of The Day

Porkulus. (HT RightWingStuff.com)

Why Conservatives Must Take Back The GOP

Hardcore Conservative. (HT ThoseShirts.com):

Conservatives must take back the Republican Party because a 3rd party guarantees the re-election of King Hussein. If you don't believe this, I call to your attention the 1992 election which ushered in the Clinton Administration.

Another case study: New York's 23rd district. The conservative who tried to get the nomination for that seat is Doug Hoffman. The GOP’s establishment picked nominee, with no actual Republican voters having a say in the matter, is Dede Scozzafava.

"The National Republican Congressional Committee feels so threatened by Doug Hoffman’s campaign, which the NRCC says is going no where, that they have taken to running attack ads against Hoffman. Their accusation? Hoffman is not as conservative as he says he is."

[Hardcore Right Winger. (HT RightWingStuff.com)]

Even if that's true, which is somewhat of a stretch, he's still way more conservative than the local party bosses nominee. "Now, let’s examine the two candidates and their positions. It seems the NRCC would rather talk about how Hoffman is not as conservative as he says he is instead of trying to claim Dede Scozzafava is anything other than an ACORN endorsed leftist."

Scozzafava :

* Supports the Obama stimulus
* Supports card check
* Supports Cash for Clunkers
* Supports Davis Bacon
* Refuses to sign no tax pledge
* Refuses to sign no pork pledge
* Voted to force all NY state employees to pay union dues
* Voted for higher taxes 190 times
* Voted for a bank bailout
* Has not demonstrated any support for school choice

Hoffman :

* Against the Obama stimulus
* Against card check
* Against Cash for Clunkers
* Against Davis Bacon
* Signed tax pledge
* Signed pork pledge
* Supports school choice

Which of these candidates sounds like the real conservative to you?

Call Pete Sessions in New York and tell him shame on him for supporting an ACORN backed candidate in NY-23. His number is (202) 225-2231. And don’t let his staff tell you it is an NRCC matter. This is a Pete Sessions matter. And Northeastern Republicans can't figure out why they're extinct in the House. No true conservative in their right mind would back a candidate supported by ACORN. (HT Red State):

Red State: Scozzafava v. Hoffman

Rotten ACORNS In Ohio

Obamacorn. HT Hannah Giles.

It seems King Hussein's favorite group of redshirts has gotten themselves into more hot water. From the American Spectator:

" The activist group ACORN, which has long worked with criminals as it preys on the weak and the troubled, is on the verge of yet another public relations catastrophe.

That's because a cross-dressing Ohio male escort whom ACORN registered multiple times to vote was convicted of full-fledged vote fraud in addition to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud. A spokesman for Cleveland prosecutor Bill Mason confirmed yesterday that a local investigation of ACORN remains wide open.

The conviction of Darnell Nash, apparently known by several aliases including Serina "Sexy Slay" Gibbs, is hugely significant for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that ACORN has long maintained that vote fraud, as opposed to the lesser crime of voter registration fraud, essentially never happens.

ACORN's Project Vote affiliate has tried to get rid of the problem of vote fraud by defining it out of existence. Lorraine C. Minnite, a political science professor at Columbia University's Barnard College, argues in an ACORN/Project Vote report called "The Politics of Voter Fraud" that "[t]he claim that voter fraud threatens the integrity of American elections is itself a fraud." Minnite is also a senior fellow at the liberal think tank Demos.

While ACORN has not yet been charged in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, the fact that an individual voter registered by ACORN has been convicted of actually casting a fraudulent ballot appears to be a historic first for the embattled radical advocacy group."

If Darnell Nash wasn't enough, check out the story of Shari Bell:

"ACORN's Ohio chapter had bad luck with prostitutes last year.

An Ohio woman named Shari Bell who was allegedly a crack cocaine user, prostitute, and ACORN worker, was arrested on drug and prostitution charges in October. Bell was arrested by Cincinnati police after she allegedly offered an undercover cop sex for money. Police found a crack pipe in the pocket of her coat.

Meanwhile, the noose continues to tighten around ACORN's tax-subsidized neck."

So once again the prostitution angle rears its head. It's part of their cesspool culture. Lastly, there's ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis playing the crying game at the National Press Club. "Lewis claimed the Republican National Committee "every single day, because we've been inflated as the bogeyman, raises almost $2 million dollars a day every day."

She claimed "this form of modern day ACORN McCarthyism has got to stop. Last week, members of Congress were asked, 'Are you now or have you ever been a member of ACORN?'"

Given what's been seen and heard recently, it's a very appropriate question to ask, wouldn't you say?? (HT American Spectator):

American Spectator: The Nine Voting Lives of ACORN's Darnell Nash

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An Obama Joker Mystery

Back in August Flickr took down the (in)famous Obama Joker Photo. The reason given was that “In this intance, the Yahoo! Copyright Team here in the US received a complete Notice of Infringement as outlined by the DMCA (Digitial Millenium Copyright Act)”.

However, Photo District News reports that "that they have contacted spokespeople at TIME Magazine, DC Comics, and the photographer who took the original image for Time Magazine, Platon, and all are denying having filed a DMCA takedown notice against this image. Apparently the photographer Platon’s office wasn’t even aware of the Obama/Joker issue."

Here's the photo's creator Firas Alkhateeb's response:

Alkhateeb: I actually don’t know who filed the DMCA notice, but I figured it must be from Time magazine, since it’s their image. All flickr told me was that one was filed, but not by who. I’m in the process of consulting with lawyers now and figuring out my options but so far one guy I talked to at the EFF told me in all likelihood the image is fair use and I shouldn’t have any problems with a long, protracted court case, but well have to see in the coming stages.

"As one would think the only parties with a possible copyright issue are Time, DC Comix, and the photographer, and these three apparently didn't submit a DMCA notice, Flickr either acted on its own to take down a picture it didn't like or management is protecting the identity of the complainant.

Regardless of which is the case, it appears Flickr is engaging in its own form of political censorship by either acting unilaterally or complying with the wishes of a party possessing no legal right to the picture in question."

If you browse through Flickr you can find photos such as this:

And This:

"Why wasn't Flickr or Time concerned with copyright issues involving these parodies?

Not surprisingly, this isn't the first time Flickr came to Barack Obama's defense:

Thomas Hawk blogged about how the site deleted the account of a user named Shepherd Johnson after he made critical comments about Obama in the Official White House Photostream back in June."

Again, Is Flickr protecting itself from a lawsuit by Time, or censoring free speech it doesn't agree with? It wouldn't have anything to do with their liberal baises would it?? (HT NewsBusters, Photo District News, & Thomas Hawk):

Newsbusters: Who Asked Flickr to Take Down Obama Joker Photo?
Newsbusters: Photo Sharing Website Flickr Takes Down Obama Joker Poster
Photo District News: Mystery: Who Asked Flickr To Delete The Obama Joker?
Thomas Hawk: Flickr User Posts Comments Critical of Obama on the Official White House Photostream and Has His Comments Along With His Entire Flickrstream Deleted Without Warning

Photo Of The Day

Obama is ACORN. (HT Freerepublic.com):

Monday, October 5, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

Taxed Enough Already. (HT RightWingStuff.com)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

Time for conservatives to exercise their 1st Amendment rights. (HT RightWingStuff.com):

Monday, September 28, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

Give Me Liberty, Not Debt!! (HT RightWingStuff.com):

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quote Of The Day

Resist. (HT AR15.com)

Here's a quote from then Senator Obama back in 2007:

OBAMA: I've been fighting alongside of ACORN on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote in Illinois, Acorn was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.

[Obamacorn. (HT Hannah Giles)]

Obama's first job was with ACORN. He trained people for ACORN. He represented ACORN in court cases. His campaign gave ACORN (Project Vote) $800,000 to stuff the ballot boxes for him. That's why he punted when the corruption question came up.

Quoting Rush Limbaugh, "Obama is ACORN. ACORN is Obama." There's no separating the two. There are also ties between ACORN and the SEIU and the NEA. More on that in future posts. The rotten ACORN scandal should be a millstone around the necks of Obama, the Democrat leadership, and the Matrix (MSM).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Picture Of The Day

Oriana Fallaci nails it. (HT Lyn Morales):

Monday, September 21, 2009

Rotten ACORN In The White House

Obamacorn, by Leo Alberti.

During King Hussein's media blitz, ACORN came up. From ABC:

STEPHANOPOULOS: Congress said they should cut off all funding for ACORN. Are you for that?

OBAMA: You know, it's -- frankly it's not really something I've followed closely. I didn't even know that ACORN was getting, uh, uh, a whole lot of federal money.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But the Senate and the House have voted to cut it off.

OBAMA: Yeah, what I know is what I saw on that video was certainly inappropriate, and deserves to be --

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you're not committing to cut off the federal funding?

OBAMA: George, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. It's not something I'm paying a lot of attention to.

That's pure horse manure. Remember: During the campaign Obama gave $800,000 to ACORN to stuff the ballot box for him. You don't invest that much money and not pay close attention. You want a return on your investment. King Hussein can't throw ACORN under the bus because he's in too deep with them.

It's a shame to have to call the President of the United States a liar, but I have to call it like I see it. ACORN is a criminal organization that corrupts everyone and everything it touches. President Obama is no exception. One part of taking back this country is to crush ACORN. (HT Rush Limbaugh, American Thinker, National Review, & Politico):

Rush Limbaugh: Obama Claims ACORN Ignorance
American Thinker: Obama: ACORN? What's That?
National Review: ACORN Scandal Has Deep Roots
Politico: Obama Punts on ACORN Funding

Political Caption Of The Day

Tar & Feathers. I'm sure people can think of at least one politician who deserves it.(HT RightWingStuff.com)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

Stop Spending, Start Resigning. (HT RightwingStuff.com)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

King Hussein's Tiresome Overexposure

Resist. HT AR15.com.

By now you know that King Hussein is going to be on all the Sunday shows and Letterman on Monday to boost support for Obamacare and his lagging approval ratings. I can't see this happening for a number of reasons. First, the ratings for his speeches have been on a steady decline. Second, Rassmussen reported that 56% disapprove of Obamacare, a new high water mark. Prediction: The Sunday shows already abysmal ratings will be even more so with King Hussein's appearances.

There's another huge problem for King Hussein that few have mentioned: Obama hasn't reveled a plan for public display. There's no website or bill in congress with his signature on it. There's only the bills that have been drawn up in the House and Senate. More Americans are fighting those with each passing day.

Obama is overexposed. I was at Whole Foods Friday night. What did I see at the checkout counter? Obama on the cover of Men's health Magazine. Yes, Team Obama bristles when the word "overexposed" is mentioned, but look at what King Hussein said on this subject:

OBAMA: I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse.

Today that would be Taylor Swift or Kanye West. That quote was during the campaign. How much more is this statement true with all the press coverage, interviews, and magazine covers? The more he talks, the more people tune him out, and the more likely Americans will see his lies and kill Obamacare.

What am I doing on Sunday? Going to church. Then coming home to eat and watch football. (HT Rush Limbaugh, NY Slimes, American Barack Channel, & Rasmussen Reports):

Rush Limbaugh: Please Keep Talking, Mr. President
NY Slimes: Obama The Omnipresent
ABC: Does Obama Have Something New To Say?
Rasmussen Reports: Opposition to Health Care Plan Hits New High of 56%

Consequences Of Rotten ACORNS

Obamacorn, by Leo Alberti.

Actions have consequences. The ACORN situation is no exception. One consequence is the Senate's vote to defund ACORN. Now it's the House's turn. By a 345-75 tally, the House voted to cut all federal funding for ACORN. Three no votes of worthy mention were Jesse Jackson Jr., Bobby Rush, and Jan Schakowsky. You can always count on a Chicago Democrat to vote to continue funding corruption and criminal activity.

Here are 11 folks who were gutless:

The present votes:

Hastings (FL)

And not voting:

Barrett (SC)
Connolly (VA)
Frank (MA)

This bears repeating: ACORN is a institution that must be shut down to preserve this country. This vote is a positive step in that direction. (HT Michelle Malkin & Big Government):

Michelle Malkin: Another Pipeline Closed Off: House Cuts ACORN Funding, 345-75
BigGovernment.com: House Votes To Defund ACORN–Final Vote Results For Roll Call
BigGovernment.com: **UPDATED** House Votes to Cut All Funds to ACORN

Picture Of The Day

This picture represents a recurring theme of the Obama Administration. (HT BigGovernment.com):