Monday, July 27, 2009

King Hussein Puts Foot In Mouth Over Race

The effects of being in Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years has come out. During King Hussein's press conference, he made serveral uninformed comments regarding the arrest of Henry Louis Gates. He admitted he wasn't up to speed. Here's his quote:

OBAMA: Well, I should say at the outset that, uh, "Skip" Gates is a friend, uh, so I may be a little biased here. I don't know all the facts. What's been reported, though, is that the guy forgot his keys, uh, jimmied his way to get into the house, uh, there was, uh, a report called into the police station that there might be a burglary taking place -- so far, so good, right? I mean, if I was trying to jigger into... Well, I guess this is my house now so --

PRESS: (laughter)

OBAMA (sped up): -- it probably wouldn't happen. (laughter) But let's say my old house in Chicago.

PRESS: (laughter)

OBAMA (sped up): Um, here I'd get shot.

PRESS: (laughter)

OBAMA: Now, I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that, but I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge Police, uh, acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that, uh, there is a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos, uh, being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That -- that's just a fact.

So last night he said if he tries to break in the White House, he'd get shot, and the cops up there "acted stupidly" in Cambridge. "I know, 'Skip' Gates. I don't know the facts." I don't know all the facts, but I know the cops "acted stupidly." So just slam police officers, play the race card and go off on a racial profiling rant. Liberalism with a touch of racial hypesensitivity. Where did he get the second component? If I had to guess, it would be from sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years.

Not to be outdone, here's what his wife said during a 60 minutes interview:

MICHELLE 2007: I don't lose sleep over it because, ummm, the realities are, you know, as a black man Barack can get shot, you know, going to the gas station. You know (laughs) so you know, --

I've been at numerous gas stations and never been shot. I know other balck men who haven't been shot. To suggest that people of other races would never get shot at a gas station is ignorant as much as it is arrogant. Looks like she's been drinking Rev. Wright's kool-aid too.

Then the next day, because of negative reaction and falling poll numbers, he throws Gates under the bus. Here's part of what he said:

OBAMA: -- continue to believe, based on what I have heard, that there was an overreaction in pulling Professor Gates out of his home to the station. I also continue to believe, based on what I heard, that Professor Gates probably overreacted as well.

With King Hussein, it's all about image and spin. (HT Atlas Shrugs (pic)& Rush Limbaugh):

Rush Limbaugh: President Obama Comes Alive When the Topic Turns to Racism
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Throws Gates Under Bus

Sarah Palin Leaves Alaska's Highest Office

So it's official: Sarah Palin is no longer Alaska's Governor. She announced her resignation on July 3rd. While People like Andrea Mitchell, Colin Powell, and Charles Krauthammer have given political eulogies, I believe, based on the facts we know so far, the opposite is true.

Here's my viewpoint. I believe Sarah Palin wants to be President. In order to do this, she must begin now to get a feel for the lower 48, get a campaign base, and help Republicans, wipe out Democratic majorities in 2010. Right now, the only national attention she gets is from has-been commedians or, Matrix agents sliming her.

Regarding Alsaka specifically, there have been 20 ethics complaints thrown up against her, costing Alaska taxpayers (now) over $2,000,000, and Palin personally $500,000. Money that could have been spent, building roads, paying teachers and troopers, as well as Todd & Sarah Palin continuing to provide for her family.

Here's the good news: Regarding those ethics complaints, so far, 15 rulings have been in her favor, and none against her. Translation: they were frivolous. There's something wrong in the Alaska leagal system, not with its Governor.

Why was all this done? It's really simple. It's because the left and RINO Republicans fear her. They fear her because she has better approval ratings than King Hussein. They fear her because she drew larger crowds than King Hussein during the campaign. They fear her because she's the biggest draw in the GOP today, and she connects with people. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if King Hussein, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, and the DNC had a coordinated effort to attack Palin relentlessly to wipe her off the political map. Yes folks, they're that sleezy.

To wrap this up, I feel there's a Palin for Prez in 2012 in the works. What's working in her favor is the field is wide open, and King Hussein has been a royal screw-up so far. What's also in her favor is she's a pro-energy, limited government, pro-national defense conservative and I wish our current President was as wise on these issues as she is. (HT Hot Air, Fox News, Rasmussen Reports, & Christian Science Monitor):

Hot Air: Andrea Mitchell Says Sources Tell Her Palin’s Out Of Politics
Hot Air: Krauthammer: Palin Isn’t A Serious Candidate For President
Fox News: Palin Still Popular
Fox News: Ethics Complaint No. 20 For Palin
Rasmussen Reports: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Christian Science Monitor: Alaska’s tab for ethics complaints about Palin: $1.9 Million (number will rise with 20 complaints in.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

King Hussein Misplaces Blame On GOP For Stalled Healthcare Legislation

King Hussein, In typical Chicago Machine political fashion, passed the blame of stalled socialized medicine legislation on the GOP. Obama blasted the "familiar script" of Republicans who "have openly declared their intention to block healthcare reform."

"Republicans have lambasted Democrats’ efforts to pass healthcare reform, but they have noted that with comfortable majorities in both chambers and control of the White House, Democrats have the ability to pass their legislation." A prime example of this is the stimulas package. It passed with no GOP support.

One problem for Democratic leaders is that blue dog Democrats have balked at what has been proposed, threatening to reject the bills if they are brought to the House and Senate floors. This is because with each passing day, more Americans are contacting Senators and Congressmen, stating their displeasure with the bill.

Another problem is what's in the actual legislation itself. "Here’s the truth, brand-new analysis from The Heritage Foundation — conducted by The Lewin Group — shows that the public-plan component within the House Democrats’ health reform bill is in conflict with how the Congress and the President are selling their reform plan." So for the public option to work, the private option has to be removed from the playing field, a classic Alinsky tactic.

Blaming Republicans for the healthcare stall is smoke and mirrors. It's just a cover-up for his ineffective leadership. He can't get all the people in his own party to support it. Next is Obama wanting this done quick, fast, and in a hurry, before August recess. Could it be because he doesn't want Americans to know what's really in the bill? Also throw in legislation authored by radical leftists, and American citizens fighting it by contacting politicians and telling them to vote no or be kicked out of office, and you have a backlash. If the president keeps pushing this, it will be the first of many. (HT Heritage Foundation, National Review & The Hill):

NRO: Obamacare: You Will Lose Your Current Insurance. Period. End of Story.
The Hill: Obama Blames GOP For Stalled Health Bills

King Hussein Flatly Admits He's Not Familiar With House Bill

Recently King Hussein held a conference call with leftist bloggers having them to urge them to to pressure congress to pass socialized medicine as soon as possible.

"During the call, a blogger from Maine said he kept running into an Investors Business Daily article that claimed Section 102 of the House health legislation would outlaw private insurance. He asked: “Is this true? Will people be able to keep their insurance and will insurers be able to write new policies even though H.R. 3200 is passed?” President Obama replied: “You know, I have to say that I am not familiar with the provision you are talking about.”

This is a truly disturbing admission by the President, especially considering that later in the call, Obama promises yet again: “If you have health insurance, and you like it, and you have a doctor that you like, then you can keep it. Period.” How can Obama keep making this promise if he is not familiar with the health legislation that is being written in Congress?

As was written in the post, Healthcare Update - Private Health Insurance Outlawed, the House bill effectively regulates private individual health insurance out of existence. "The House bill does allow private insurance to be sold, but only “Exchange-participating health benefits plans.” In order to qualify as an ?Exchange-participating health benefits plan,? all health insurance plans must conform to a slew of new regulations, including community rating and guaranteed issue. These will all send the cost of private individual health insurance skyrocketing. Furthermore, all these new regulations would not apply just to individual insurance plans, but to all insurance plans. So the House bill will also drive up the cost of your existing employer coverage as well. Until, of course, it becomes so expensive that your company makes the perfectly economical decision to dump you into the government plan."

King Hussein may not care to look at how many people will lose their current health insurance if his plan becomes law, but like most Americans, I certainly do. That is why The Heritage Foundation partnered with the Lewin Group to study how many Americans would be forced into the public “option” under the House health plan. Here is what they found:

-Approximately 103 million people would be covered under the new public plan and, as a consequence, about 83.4 million people would lose their private insurance. This would represent a 48.4 percent reduction in the number of people with private coverage.

-About 88.1 million workers would see their current private, employer-sponsored health plan go away and would be shifted to the public plan.

-Yearly premiums for the typical American with private coverage could go up by as much as $460 per privately-insured person, as a result of increased cost-shifting stemming from a public plan modeled on Medicare.

It is truly frightening that the President of the United States is pressuring Congress in an all-out media blitz to pass legislation that he plainly admits he has not read and is not familiar with. President Obama owes it to Americans to stop his Orwellian tactic of making promises about what his health plan will or will not do until he has read it in its entirety, and can properly defend it in public, especially in a debate, to his own supporters. (HT The Heritage Foundation):

Heritage Foundation: Obama Admits He’s “Not Familiar” With House Bill

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

King Hussein Getting Boxed In

King Hussein is finding out that his health care reform and tax & kill legislation is stalling. This is something he can't necessarily blame the GOP for.

One reason is that he let ultra left congressional Democrats draft the bills. "They're as partisan as any group that has ever controlled Congress, and just as impatient. They have little interest in the compromises needed to attract Republican support. As a consequence, what they passed -- especially the $787 billion stimulus -- belongs to Democrats alone. They own the stimulus outright.

That makes them accountable for the hopes of a prompt economic recovery now being dashed. With the economy still faltering and jobs still being lost (over two million and counting since Obama's election), Mr. Obama's credibility is sinking and his job approval rating is declining along with the popularity of his initiatives. Republicans, who had insisted the stimulus was wasteful and wouldn't work, are being vindicated."

Next, their high-pressure tactics in promoting and passing legislation, most notably the economic "stimulus" enacted in February, have backfired. Those tactics include unbridled partisanship, procedural short cuts, demands for swift passage of bills, and promises of quick results with backpedaling when they don't produce.

With large majorities in Congress and an obsequious press corps (compliant agents of The Matrix), Mr. Obama was smitten with the idea of emulating President Franklin Roosevelt's First 100 Days of legislative success in 1933. Like FDR, Mr. Obama tried to push as many liberal bills through Congress in as brief a time as possible.

Actions have consequences. "The political fallout that mattered most, however, has been among Democrats in the House who will face tough re-election fights next year. They're in a state of near-panic over the lingering recession. Their confidence in Mr. Obama is fading, and they no longer believe in quickly passing the president's agenda. Cap and trade has been put off until the fall and health-care reform is starting to stall.

For Mr. Obama, this is all a potentially disastrous turn of events. On Capitol Hill, delay favors the opposition and tends to lead to defeat. The longer a bill sits around, the more its contents are dissected and the less likely it is to pass. Mr. Obama realizes this fact, which is why he is pressing for a quick vote on his health-care reform.

His plan has been to exploit the economic downturn to enact his entire agenda, not just the stimulus. The president's position, which he repeated again this week, is that his health, energy and education reforms are necessary to create a sustainable economic recovery. It's a clever political argument, but it makes little economic sense and few people buy it.

That's not all. The stimulus is such a large increase in spending that it turned the deficit into a political issue. There is a growing national wariness to adding billions (or trillions) to the budget, even for a relatively popular cause like health care.

Had Mr. Obama and Democrats proceeded differently, they'd have better odds now for enacting their agenda. They are victims of their own tactics."

As time goes on, Americans will become more aware of King Hussein's agenda. This will result in the President being trapped by his own ideology, and his party's overreaching legislation. Left unchecked, it will cost the Democrats in Congress in 2010, and The White House in 2012. (HT WSJ via TD):

Wall Street Journal: The Obama Agenda Bogs Down

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sen. Dick Durbin: Simply Reprehensible

Here's what Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said during the Sotomayor Hearings:

DURBIN: When we asked questions of the white, male nominees of a Republican president we were basically trying to find out whether, uhhh... to make sure, eh, that they would go far enough in understanding the plight of minorities. 'Cause clearly that was not in...their...DNA.

This is a detestable man and a reprehensible figure. This is the guy who compared the U.S. military to Pol Pot's brigades, Nazis, and Stalinists and so forth in the way they treated prisoners. He had to apologize for it. Now he says that white male Republican judicial nominees are genetically racist.

This must also mean that it's also in Durbin's DNA to block any Republican minority nominee. Or any white male Democrat senator for that matter. Examples are Miguel Estrada and Janice Rogers Brown. Miguel Estrada, a brilliant jurist, did not even get a vote. He's Hispanic. So I guess it also wasn't in Durbin's DNA to allow a vote on the Senate floor for a Hispanic.

It really makes me wonder why the people in Illinois continue to vote in a man like this. They probably think there's no one better. I Say there's no one worse. (HT Rush Limbaugh):

Rush Limbaugh: Dick Durbin Makes Racist Remark, While Coburn Has 'Splainin' to Do

Mark Kirk Eying Senate Bid

With Sen. Roland Burris not running for re-election in 2010, Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL)is eying that senate seat. There are a number of obstacles in his way. First, he stated he wouldn't run. Second, his likely opponent would be Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna, whose fairly popular. Lastly, he lacks support in his party. This came about in a recent meeting of the Illinois Republican congressional delegation on Thursday in which his colleagues refused to back Kirk in a primary. This is due, in large part, to his vote in favor of President Barack Obama's climate change bill.

As a conservative, I will work to identify and defeat those in the Republican party who undermine and damage the conservative movement. Mark Kirk and the other 7 Republicans who voted for the climate change bill have done just that. (HT Crain's & Washington Compost):

Crain's Chicago Business: Kirk denies report he won't run for Senate
Washington Compost: Kirk Opts Out of Senate Race (Or Maybe He Doesn't)?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Healthcare Update - Private Health Insurance Outlawed

Investor's Business Daily had a hard hitting editorial on the Obama health care plan passed by the House of Representatives. How many of you have heard President Obama say, "Hey, if you like your plan, if you like your doctor, you'll get to keep it"? Well it didn't take long to find the catch. On Page 16, there is a provision making individual private medical insurance illegal. Under the Orwellian header of 'Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage,' the 'Limitation On New Enrollment' section of the bill clearly states: 'Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day' of the year the legislation becomes law."

So if this bill becomes law this year, effective January 1, 2010, nobody in the insurance business can offer anybody and you can't buy private medical insurance. "So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised -- with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won't be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers." You will have to go to the public option. "From the beginning, opponents of the public option plan have warned that if the government gets into the business of offering subsidized health insurance coverage, the private insurance market will wither." And you don't need to be an expert to understand this.

"Drawn by a public option that will be 30% to 40% cheaper than their current premiums because taxpayers will be funding it, employers will gladly scrap their private plans and go with Washington's coverage." We also know this. We know that many companies are looking very forward to off-loading their health care expenses to the government. "The nonpartisan Lewin Group estimated in April that 120 million or more Americans could lose their group coverage at work and end up in such a program. That would leave private carriers with 50 million or fewer customers.

What wasn't known until now is that the bill itself will kill the market for private individual coverage by not letting any new policies be written after the public option becomes law. The legislation is also likely to finish off health savings accounts." The reason the left wants health savings accounts dead is because you have control.

Obama and his brownshirts want to get rid of HSA's, and it's in the legislation. Democrats have wanted to get rid of health savings accounts for years. They want to get rid of that because nothing gives individuals more control over their Medicare and the government less than health savings accounts. It took Investor's Business Daily just 16 pages of reading the health care bill, over a thousand pages, to find this naked attempt by the political powers to increase their reach. So that's page 16, and they wonder what other horrors await us as they read the additional 1,002 pages. So the day this private option becomes law nobody can buy and nobody can sell individual, private coverage.

So the way to compete with private carriers is to put them out of business. Pollowing the Alinsky premise, don't level the playing field, clear the playing field. It's a horror story. It really is. This is why they're trying to push this through, because they know their agents in the Matrix are not gonna report this to you. This is not going to be told.

US Rep. Mike Ross, D-Ark., a leader of fiscally conservative House Democrats, said Wednesday a House plan to overhaul the US health-care system is losing support and will be stuck in committee without changes. 'Last time I checked, it takes seven Democrats to stop a bill in the Energy and Commerce Committee,' Ross told reporters after a House vote. 'We had seven against it last Friday; we have 10 today.' Three House committees are slated to begin considering the $1 trillion-plus bill this week, but the Energy and Commerce looms as the biggest challenge. That's because it counts among its 36 Democratic members seven members of the Blue Dog Coalition," conservative Democrats that are opposing House Democrats' efforts in general on health care.

Mike Ross said that the bill doesn't include provisions adequate to curb rising health care costs including what the government spends on health care. So he says that his committee has the votes to block it. He needs to be supported to hold the line against the upcoming pressure from Pelosi, Emanuel, and Obama.

There's a chart in the New York Post on the tax rates and what it's gonna cost various income levels in New York City where the top rate will go to 58%. And somebody at $80,000 a year in New York City will pay an effective 36% of their income in taxes. Posting that New York Post chart, this is what the RNC ought to be doing. Michael Steele ought to get busy getting some people to go to every major city and put this chart out and get it out in every city, what Obama health care is going to cost you, family of four, this income group, this income level. The numbers are what people will understand. How much it's going to cost them above and beyond what everything costs them now. 77% of the American people are happy with their health care. When they find out how much this reform is going to cost them, this bill could be killed.

The bottom line is King Hussein and the Democrats want socialized health care. This legislation proves they're willing to implement it incrementally, like the rest of their agenda over the past 80 years.

Investor's Business Daily: Under Dem Plan, the Public Option is the Only Option
New York Post: Dems Health RX a Poison Pill In NY. Terrifying 57% Tax Looms for Biggest Earners
DowJones: Centrist Dem Leader: Has Committee Votes To Block Health Bill
Heritage Foundation: The True Cost of the House Health Plan in Pictures

Monday, July 6, 2009

Chicago Public Schools Reform: A Failure

In a direct challenge the legitimacy of one of Mayor Richard M. Daley's major claimed accomplishments, the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club has put out a hard hitting report. Titled "Still Left Behind," the report freely uses terms like "abysmal" to describe the true state of public education in Chicago.

Here are some stats:

Half of the students drop out by high school, and of those who remain until 11th grade, 70% fail to meet state standards, the report says. In fact, "In the regular (non-magnet) neighborhood high schools, which serve the vast preponderance of students, almost no students are prepared to succeed in college. In short, typical results from a major metropolitan area school system.

The report directly challenges widespread claims by current and former CPS officials that local students have shown substantial progress over the last decade on standardized tests.

For instance, it notes a 2006 letter from then schools CEO Arne Duncan, now U.S. secretary of education, stating that the share of CPS students meeting or exceeding state standards had leapt 15 points in one year.

In fact, it says, the change occurred because of a change in the test, not because of real educational gains. As a result, it points out, while a test cited by local officials showed that 71% of 8th graders met or exceeded state standards in 2007, a national test taken here the same year showed just 13% were up to par.

So cooking the books happens in the public schools too. Why am I mot surprised?

The report does note that the changes in the test were ordered by the state, not by CPS officials and Mayor Richard M. Daley had no immediate response to the report, but Ron Gidwitz, former chairman of the State Board of Education, said he believes its results are on point.

"It's hard to refute their conclusions when you look at the evidence," including how CPS students do on college-enrollment tests, Mr. Gidwitz said. "We haven't made nearly as much progress as people thought."

A spokeswoman for the Chicago Teachers Union said she hopes the report spurs more cooperation between school management and teachers. "We know what's needed," she said. The problem with that is the teachers union has made a killing maintaining the status quo.

In an effort to save face, Mr. Duncan's office did fire back.

While the data in cited in the report may be accurate, "We disagree with their conclusions," a spokesman for the secretary said. "There's been tremendous progress in Chicago schools" in recent years.

Here's the bottom line: It's common knowledge that public schools, like Chicago's, are failing students all over the country. The root of the problem isn't that there's not enough money. Tons of money has been pumped into the system. It's not that there aren't enough people who care, there are more than enough people who do. The problem is the curriculum. The kids aren't learning, they're being indoctrinated into socialism and dumbed down. (HT Crain's Chicago Business): Chicago Public-School Reform Flops, Biz-Backed Report Says Still Left Behind: Student Learning In Chicago's Public Schools

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Glut Of Oil Moving Towards A Peak

Today the national average for a gallon of gas is $2.62. Last year at this time it was over $4. Speculators and OPEC are keeping fuel prices artificially high even now. However, there is downward pressure against this. It's in the form of a very large glut of oil. This oil is being stored in supertankers that are either out at sea or sitting at docks. Investors, oil companies and even some banks have bought and stored surplus oil everywhere they can. The glut has gone on for so long, that the cost of all of that storage is bound to rise. When it rises enough, some suppliers will refuse to pay and a lot of that oil will be dumped onto the market, forcing oil and gas prices lower.

If enough of that oil floods the market, gas prices could go back to March levels, which were under $2 a gallon. That's good news for everyone.(HT LA Slimes):

LA Times: Glut Of Oil Could Push Gasoline Prices Back Down Below $2 A Gallon

Tea Party Update

There was another Tea Party on July 1st in NYC. Here are some Highlights. (HT VigilantSquirrelBrigade):

The Voices Of Dissent In Iran

This is what happens to people who oppose the Mullahs in Iran. Makes you think of the liberties we need to keep fighting for here. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Smackdown High Gas Prices

The following blog nails it when it comes to gas prices, socialism and what King Hussein said on this topic. The left must be defeated on all fronts. The truth is that the left and the right are irreconcilable. This is how you do it. (HT

Time to stop rising gas prices before its too late

Why are gas prices going up again?

When President Bush was in office, gas prices exceeded $4 per gallon. Gas prices started going down within days, after President Bush signed an executive order allowing offshore drilling for oil.

During his campaign for president, President Obama said he did not have a problem with gas being $4 a gallon. He said he had a problem with gas prices getting to $4 so fast.

Notice President Obama is not saying a word about the steady increase in gas prices. Why? Because it is increasing slowly.

In 2007, U.S. refineries produced 90 percent of the gasoline used in the United States. Ten countries account for approximately 87 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports.

If President Obama wanted the price of gasoline to come down, all he has to do is announce that all oil drilling in the United States, including on shore, offshore and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, is a priority. Then, start announcing how many new wells start producing each month.

We are going to be forced to drive smaller, more efficient cars. Death rates in vehicle accidents will increase. Gas prices will double. State and federal taxes on gasoline will increase.

Then, we will be forced to pay a tax on each mile we drive, because tax revenues will be down because of the better mileage. We will be paying more for less. In the end, we will be driving a smaller car that costs us more to drive per mile and that we are more likely to get killed in.

How many freedoms are you going to allow the government to take away from you before you do something? Please do not wait until you see a strange flag flying over our Capitol.

Russell Bongiovanni Sr. Time To Stop Rising Gas Prices Before Its Too Late

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tax And Kill Passes The House

By a 219-212 vote, Tax and Kill passed the house on Friday. Forty-four Democrats voted against the bill, while eight Republican sellouts crossed the aisle to back it.

The 8 Republicans who sold out America are the following:

Mary Bono Mack (CA) 202-225-5330
Mike Castle (DE) 202-225-4165
Mark Kirk (IL) 202-225-4835
Leonard Lance (NJ) 202-225-5361
Frank Lobiondo (NJ) 202-225-6572
John McHugh (NY) 202-225-4611
David Reichart (WA) 202-225-7761
Chris Smith (NJ) 202-225-3765

Here's what Andrea Mitchell said about the bill:

MITCHELL: Well, more than a squeaker. They just don't have the votes. In fact Harry Reid has said that he's not going to even think about bringing it up to the Senate. This vote in the House, which is a huge tribute to Nancy Pelosi and to the president's leadership, to, you know, Phil Schiliro and Rahm Emanuel and the others and clearly David Axelrod and the others in the White House.

In short, it's a tribute to radical leftists in our government. An abomination if there ever was one. So much for government of, by, and for the people. The Constitution has been shredded once again by these leftards.

This vote will have consequences. Here are some on the horizon: America's biggest oil companies will probably cope with US carbon legislation by closing fuel plants, cutting capital spending, and increasing imports. ConocoPhillips Chief Executive Officer Jim Mulva said would create a competitive imbalance. 'It will lead to the opportunity for foreign sources to bring in transportation fuels at a lower cost, which will have an adverse impact to our industry, potential shutdown of refineries and investment and, ultimately, employment,' Mulva said in a June 16 interview in Detroit. Houston-based ConocoPhillips has the second-largest US refining capacity.

This bill, if it becomes law, will make things worse for everyone by driving up costs and raising taxes. Our hopes now fall on the Senate, which is a little tougher now that Al Franken will be seated (thanks to ACORN among others). (HT Rush, Politico, AFP, & Bloomberg):

Rush Limbaugh: Madoff Sentenced to 150 Years, Waxman and Markey Remain Free
Politico: House Passes Climate-Change Bill
AFP: ConocoPhillips Chief Warns Of Impending Oil Crisis
Bloomberg: Big Oil’s Answer to Carbon Law May Be Fuel Imports