Saturday, September 11, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Fueling Left Wing Causes

He wasn't lying about this. (HT Cowgirlfromhell's Blog)

Here's one way King Hussein's administration spreads the wealth: Through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Check out some of the 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees:

Workers Defense Project, Austin TX - $85,000
American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation, Washington, DC - $220,000
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc, San Francisco, CA - $225,000
Compacion Foundation, Hispanic Contractors Association de Tejas, Balch Springs, TX - $180,000
International Union, UAW, Detroit, MI - $220,000
New Jersey AFL-CIO, Trenton, NJ - $200,000
SEIU (Service Employee International Union) Education and Support Fund, Washington, DC - $215,000

This is only part of a list of 44 total recipients receiving $6,999,995 of your tax dollars. To redistribute wealth to buy votes from left wing groups and unions. This doesn't come up for a vote, or get earmarked. What make this even worse is that some of the recipients have some ties to supporting illegal immigrants. This is why DC needs to be overhauled.

Background Reading:

OSHA: 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees

Rush Limbaugh: Regime, OSHA Spread Our Cash

1 comment:

  1. Hold on there, Arik. You and Limbaugh need to do your homework. Check out the OSHA Web site and look over the grants awarded as far back as 2003. Many were given to the same groups back then that Limbaugh is arguing are Obama's cronies today.

    I agree that we need to question these dollars and who they're going to. Bloated government? Yes. But did Obama cause this? Is this a left-wing "spread the wealth" conspiracy? Of course not.

    This is another case of being able to find any fact to support a preconceived bias.
