Monday, August 31, 2009

Jan Schakowsky Townhall Report

Earlier tonight I attended Townhall meeting held by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL). It featured everything I have seen read, and heard about. There were some campaigning, there were TV crews there. There was leftist astroturfing. Signs weren't allowed inside, but they wore mass produced sticky badges. Seats towards the front were reserved for the brownshirts, so they outnumbered regular citizens, but their voices could still be heard.

During the meeting, Rep. Schakowski said she had read the bill. However, when questioned on Sec 431A on p.195 regarding the Health Chioces Administration having access to taxpayer information such as filing status, income, and dependents, she said she'd have to get back to us on that.

One hard-hitting question about her buddy President Obama was regarding the video clip of him saying he's "a proponent of a single payer healthcare plan" to the SEIU in 2003 and 2007. His key statement was " I don't think we can eliminate employer healthcare coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process. I can envision a decade out, or 15 years out, or 20 years out." However, earlier this year at the AMA he says that "those who are claiming a public option is a Trojan horse for a single payer system (is) an illegitimate concern that's being put forward". The question was, "was he lying then, or is he lying now?" Complete with thunderous applause. Of course she wouldn't answer the question.

After the Townhall adjourned, I saw the astroturfers outside the building holding their mass produced signs chanting, health care now! on the other side were the tea party protesters, and with them were LaRouche democrats with their Obama as Hitler signs.

Going to this Townhall only deepened my convictions to fight government run health care in any way possible, and this blog is part of that fight. (HT YouTube):

YouTube: SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS Saying His Health Care Plan Will ELIMINATE Private Insurance

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Astroturfing Update

It seems now that in addition to union and ACORN thugs being paid to attend Townhall meetings, ads are also being posted on Craigslist to recruit more brownshirts. Offering $500 a week to protest for Obamacare. More From RedState:

"So I received an email/comment this morning about a craigslist ad soliciting health care activism for money. “Activism for money,” I thought!! Was this it at last? The missing link Democrats have been searching for? Obamacare opponents turning up at town halls really are a mob?

We really are nothing but a slew of paid hacks drummed up by the promise of easy cash by cynical Obamacare opponents to create an artificial appearance of opposition?!?

Ummmm, no.

So I started searching around, and posting links on Twitter, and reading links I received by reply. Turns out there are hundreds, if not thousands, of advertisements seeking “activists” who will be paid to support Obamacare. That’s right CNN. That’s right Olbermann. You want astroturf? It’s out there by the dozens. In support of, not in opposition to."

Here's a challenge: Go to Craigslist, search for Obama in All Jobs, pick your city, and see how many results you get.

Our good friend George Soros is back. This from Hot Air:

"In another sign of the urgency gripping the pro-health care reform camp, billionaire George Soros has pledged to sink $5 million into the fight, the group getting the money confirmed.

Soros — whose operation carefully guards the privacy of such donations — made the pledge to Health Care For America Now, the leading coalition of pro-reform groups, unions and providers, HCAN chief Richard Kirsch confirmed in an email that was forwarded to me." …

Soros $5,000,000 pledge is more proof that the real astroturfing is coming from the left, regardless of Harry Reid holding up astroturf for the TV cameras.

Red State: Let’s Talk Astroturf
Hot Air: Guess Who’s Funding ObamaCare Advocates?

Crook County Cronyism Continues

Some things never change. One of them is "Soldiers for Stroger" getting rewarded for campaign contributions with fat cat raises. All on the taxpayers dime.

"Patronage workers with the Cook County Forest Preserve District are seeing more green these days -- in their paychecks.

With people everywhere facing tough financial times, the 28 forest preserve patronage workers who've been on the payroll since 2006 all got hefty raises in the following two years, an analysis by the Chicago Sun-Times and the Better Government Association has found. They're among 38 forest preserve workers who are exempt from the Shakman court order that bans political hiring in city and county government.

On average, the exempt employees were paid $98,071 last year. Nine of them saw their salaries increase 19 percent or more between 2006 and 2008.

Most of the Shakman-exempt employees -- 24 in all -- have contributed to the campaign funds of Cook County Board President Todd Stroger; his late father, former board President John Stroger; or the 8th Ward Regular Democratic Organization that John Stroger controlled.

The Strogers and the party organization have gotten a total of $49,870 in campaign contributions from the exempt employees since the mid-1990s. The biggest contributor: Deputy Comptroller Alvin Lee ($12,100), followed by district police chief Richard Waszak ($8,050)."

To be a part of county government you have to be connected. Not necessarily in the 8th ward, but you still have to be in the know somehow, as the following shows:

"Many of those with Shakman-exempt jobs with the district have an 8th Ward pedigree, but not all. Among those:

• • The district's top executive, Steve Bylina, has worked in Ald. Edward M. Burke's 14th Ward organization. A forestry expert, his annual pay is $168,511.

• • Former county commissioner and 37th Ward Ald. Frank Damato is the district's "coordinator of community intergovernmental relations." He makes $100,657.

• • Frank Mole, who has ties to the 36th Ward Regular Democratic organization, holds the title "assistant maintenance superintendent III." His salary went from $82,844 in 2006 to $99,686 in 2008 -- a 20 percent hike.

• • Vito Benigno, who was active in former 42nd Ward Ald. Burton Natarus' Democratic organization, is a "recreation superintendent III." His pay rose 22 percent from 2006 to 2008, to $105,851.

In all, 28 of the Shakman-exempt forest preserve workers saw their pay rise 13 percent or more during the three-year period. The only Shakman-exempt staffers who got pay hikes of less than 13 percent were the 10 who had been in their jobs for two years or less.

Mayberry says the raises resulted, in part, from the district's approving a new contract for unionized employees in December 2007 that "included wage increases that were, at that time, primarily retroactive."

Ah yes, public sector unions, another group that incrases the cost of living for taxpayers with their high wages and gold-plated benefits. Can't forget about them.

Cook County Government is in desperate need of an overhaul. Let's start at the top and work downward. (HT Chicago Sun-Times):

Chicago Sun-Times: Workers Give To Stroger's Campaign, Get Big Raises

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rep. Melissa Bean: Lapdog Democrat & Coward

During this August recess, a lot of Democrats have wilted under the heat from their constituents regarding Town Hall Meetings. Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL) is no exception. First, she says she's having a $25 per person Town Hall breakfast. Once she got outed, she changes it to a Chamber of Commerce breakfast. Not very slick.

Next, she slaps together a telephone Town Hall Meeting, but curiously doesn't notify her constituents until the last minute. Check out reports from two of them:

"While driving around Marathon Pundit-land, I switched on Mancow Muller’s WLS-AM show, and found out that alleged-Blue Dog Rep. Melissa Bean (D-IL) will be holding a conference call “town hall” meeting.

Can anyone participate?


I just called Bean’s office, and a nervous man answered the phone that the list of names of people who have contacted Bean’s office in the past can participate in tonight’s call.

I asked her staffer if I could be added right now, he said that “It was too late, the list for tonight’s call has already been submitted to a private company.

Bean is a coward, plain and simple.

But if you are on Bean’s contact list, you will receive a call between 8:20pm and 8:30pm CDT this evening. Answer that call.

Bean voted for both the $787 billion stimulus bill and the national energy tax, better known as cap and trade. She’s considering a second stimulus. "

Sample #2:

"I was signed up for IL Congresswoman Melissa Bean’s tele-town hall meeting tonight, but I never received a call as promised. I was told that I would receive a call between 8:20 and 8:30 CST. Instead I received a call just before 9:00 CST tonight with Melissa Bean’s recorded voice saying that she was sorry that I was unavailable when she called earlier in the evening. She then went on to list a number of topics that they had discussed during the “town hall meeting.”

I know they never called because I’ve been sitting by the phone waiting for her call all evening. They obviously had my phone number and name on their list or I wouldn’t have receive the apology call at 9:00. Perhaps they recognized my name from letters that I’ve sent in opposition to Obamacare.

But the biggest problem I have is believing that they actually managed to hold a town hall meeting, take questions from all of her passionate constituents, cover all of the topics she mentioned in the phone call and manage to have the meeting last less than 30 minutes.

Give me a break!"

Now for the real Doozy:

"I just talked to her staffer and only people who have signed up previously will be on a telephone townhall tonight (approx 8:30 cst ).

I have called her office for 3 weeks to find out where and when she would be meeting with 8th district residents. I was told repeatly that the scheduler was working on it. I asked numerous times if it was a face to face vs a telephone town hall. I was lied to. She is a coward-an arrogant incompetent coward.

I guess I’ll have to get my signs ready and get to the Concorde banquet facility for the Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce breakfast. Bacon Eggs and BS."

So you can put Melissa Bean in with Barack Obama, Dick Durbin, Mark Kirk, and Jan Schakowski as a group of Illinois Politicians doing great damage to this nation. (HT Michelle Malkin):

Michelle Malkin: Pretty Sneaky, Congresswoman Bean
Michelle Malkin: Cone of Shame Award: Democrat Rep. Melissa Bean

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

A Tea Party member Responds to the charges of Nazzi Pelocchio. (HT Atlas Shrugs & Gathering of Eagles):

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Canada Takes Steps To Move Away From Socialized Medicine

Here's one thing that King Hussein and his Deathcare supporters won't tell you: Canada also wants to overhaul their healthcare system, in the opposite direction.

Here's the dirty little secret: Canadian doctors know "that the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize. We know that there must be change. We're all running flat out, we're all just trying to stay ahead of the immediate day-to-day demands. That competition should be welcomed, not feared. In other words, there could be a role for private health-care delivery within the public system. (Canadians) have to understand that the system that right now - if it keeps on going without change - is not sustainable."

Now take a look at what one Canadian citizen, now living in North Dakota had to say:

"I am from Canada. I've been in the States here for a year and I've just noticed a huge difference between the health care system at home and the health care system here in my new home. The waiting times are what I noticed first. Usually in the doctor's office you have to wait one or two or three -- depending if you have a doctor -- maybe seven, depends. Here I was surprised that I actually got in in a couple minutes. There are also... I guess what I don't understand is how people think that the government can take care of the medical care system. Because I've see on the other side. It's so obvious to me to see. The difference is just extreme."

The Canadians are looking to overhaul government run health care. Canadian citizens are moving to The US to flee government run health care. The majority of Americans are happy with their current health care plans and don't want government run health care. Yet, King Hussein and the Statists in congress want to force this on us. Remember, there was a House amendment to the healthcare bill that would have anyone who voted for it to enroll in the plan. The Democrats voted it down. That speaks volumes!! If this is sooooooo great, why won't they enroll themselves, and not make themselves exempt? (HT Rush Limbaugh, The Canadian Press, & Fox News):

Rush Limbaugh: Canadian to America: Don't Do It!

The Canadian Press: Overhauling Health-Care System Tops Agenda At Annual Meeting Of Canada's Doctors
Fox News: Canadian Health Officials: Our Universal Health Care Is 'Sick,' Private Insurance Should Be Welcomed

Miracles Happen: She Did Get Away

In my earlier post, The One I Hope Got Away, I prayed that Fathima Rifqa Bary, was able to save her life by fleeing her home.

As it turns out she did just that. She managed to make it all the way to Orlando, where she was able to find a safe haven in a Pastor's home.

Now the hard part has begun. Fathima is in a custody battle for her life. If she's forced to go back home, she'll be certainly be sentenced to death for apostasy. Hopefully, people like Robert Spencer and friends of honor killing victims will speak on her behalf. Rosa Gonzalez, Fathima's lawyer, stated that "She (Fathima) says her life is in danger and she could be killed in an honor killing. Unfortunately it happens every day in the U.S." (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Atlas Shrugs: She Got Away!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Obama Kool-Aid Losing Some Sweetness With Democrats

With each passing day, Americans are becoming less enamored with King Hussein. Case in point: In Ohio, some Democrats are getting impatient with the President's speed towards reaching goals.

"We are eager and impatient, so you’re seeing a little bit of that,” said Chris Redfern, chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party. “Elections have results, and those in the base are the most anxious to achieve what’s promised in the election. That’s why Democrats are showing some impatience in reaching our goal.”

Then there's Missouri, where Democrats believed their "Messiah" would fix everything, but has healed nothing.

Democratic strategist Steve Glorioso said Missouri voters who had high hopes for an Obama presidency are growing more anxious and disappointed as the economy continues its slide downward and unemployment remains on its upward trend.

"People are scared,” Glorioso said. “This is the worst economic time anyone under the age of 80 has ever experienced, and you can’t discount people being afraid. Now that we are in July, the fear is turning to disappointment that the president hasn’t fixed everything yet. I don’t know why they thought he could change everything by now, but some did.”

Here's the brutally honest truth: Anyone looking for King Hussein to fix everything and heal the land, will only get disappointment in the end. The purpose of government is to protect your soveringty and freedom (although that's not happening now), not provide for you from the womb to the tomb, aka the nanny state utopia.

Remember what Thomas Jefferson said "a government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take away everthing you have." (HT The Obama Kool-Aid wearing off among some Dems

Highlights Of Nazi Pelocchio Protest In Denver

House Speaker Nazi Pelocchio visited a Devner clinic last week. Real American grassroots were out saying no to Obamacare. This isn't astroturfing. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

This however is astroturfing. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Astoturfing is paying people to sit in town hall meetings in purple and red t-shirts, and counter Americans with people paid to show up with mass produced signs. The difference is clear.

20 Questions for Your Congressman

This is very well put together and speaks for itself. (HT Atlas Shrugs and Robert Tracinski):

20 Questions for Your Congressman

What to Ask at the Town Hall Meeting

Editor's Note: The op-ed below has been added to TIA's new health care page, which gathers together all of my recent columns on health care. From this page, you can get printable versions of the article, or you can e-mail them to a friend. Feel free to send them on to as many people as possible, particularly to your elected representatives.—RWT

The smear against small-government advocates who have confronted their congressmen at town hall meetings is that they are an "angry mob" who just want to shout down advocates of Obama's health-care bill. In fact, these protesters have come to the meetings to ask some tough questions—questions that should have been asked by the mainstream media. So when you head off to a local town hall meeting during the August recess, focus on asking good questions. I don't mean just rhetorical questions intended to make a point, but also real questions that require a substantive answer.

As a guide to help you prepare for your local town hall meeting, here are my suggestions for 20 questions you can ask your elected representatives about the economics, history, politics, and morality of Obama's health-care plan. If your elected representative will answer these questions, it will tell you a great deal about his principles (or lack of them) and his goals. It might also tell you about his method of making decisions: does he just repeat canned talking points, or does he really think about your questions? And if he won't answer your questions—if he doesn't have the guts to do anything but preach to the converted at union-sponsored rallies—well, that gives you all the answers you need right there, doesn't it?

But don't just ask these questions of your congressmen. Ask them of your friends and neighbors, of newspaper columnists and reporters, of local doctors and businessmen and others in positions of influence. These are the kinds of questions we should all be thinking about and trying to answer, if we are going to subject this legislation to the scrutiny it needs before Congress votes on it.

1. The government has been "reforming" health-care for sixty years—tax breaks for employer-provided health-insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, encouraging HMOs and managed care, and government health-insurance at the state level in Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon. Government health-care has expanded until it is now more than 50% of all health-care spending. Yet after sixty years of government "reform," the problems with health-care are just getting worse. So why should we believe that even more government is the solution?

2. President Obama keeps telling us that he's not trying to get rid of private health insurance. But the bill being debated in Congress would require all new insurance policies to be offered through a government-run exchange, in which the rates that can be charged and the coverage that has to be provided will be dictated by the government's so-called "Health Choices Commissioner." Employer-provided health-insurance will fall under the same regulations in five years. How is this insurance going to be "private" if the government controls everything about it?

3. A video on YouTube shows Barack Obama back in 2003—only six years ago—saying that he is in favor of a "single payer" system. The "single payer" is government, so this means he was in favor of socialized medicine. And just a few weeks ago, Barney Frank—one of the Democratic leaders in the House—said that he considers the current bill a step toward "single payer." So when Obama and the Democrats tell us this bill won't lead to a government takeover of health-care, why should we believe them?

4. Medicare is broke. Social Security is broke. Federal tax receipts are falling, and Congress has already voted on trillions of dollars of stimulus and bailouts in the last year. The national credit card is maxed out. So how can you justify voting for a bill that will require even more money that we don't have?

5. The health-care bill that is being discussed includes huge taxes on businesses to force them to provide more health insurance for their employees, as well as a whole set of mandates telling health insurance companies who they have to cover and what they have to cover them for. This is an enormous increase of costs for businesses and insurers. Have you considered how they're going to pay for all of this, or whether they will even be able to pay for it? How many of these companies will go out of business or lay off more workers after the government forcibly increases their expenses?

6. One of the main demands of the health-care bill is that insurers are required to cover people with "pre-existing conditions." That's like getting insurance on your car after you crash it. It's just a way of getting someone to bail you out for something that has already happened. This isn't insurance, it's a handout. So doesn't that mean that the rest of us will have to pay more for our insurance to absorb the cost of those handouts?

7. The health-care bill will mandate what costs insurance companies have to cover. For example, they will have to pay for routine check-ups and physicals, or they will have to provide every woman with maternity coverage. But what if you don't want to pay for that extra coverage? Right now, if you're young and healthy and don't need frequent check-ups, you can save money with a high-deductible insurance that doesn't cover them. Or if you don't want children, or already have children, you can save money by dropping the maternity rider on your policy. By taking those choices away from us, won't this bill actually make our insurance more expensive, not less?

8. A lot of people have been upset about Congress passing bills that they haven't had time to read—and they haven't even finished writing the health-care bill yet. But what I want to know is, with a bill this big and complex, have you taken the time to read it and understand it? Can you really say that anyone has had the time to figure out how all the parts will work together and what all of the consequences will be? With a bill this big, is it even possible to figure out all of that and really know what you're voting for?

9. President Obama and the Democratic leadership are making us a lot of promises about what we will get and what we won't get from this health-care bill. But what is or isn't in this one particular bill is not the end of the story. For example, how many times has Medicare changed over the last forty years? As more and more of us become dependent on the government for our health-care coverage, won't we have to worry about what some future Congress or some future bureaucrat will decide to cover or not cover?

10. The defenders of the health-care bill claim that it's going to lead to all sorts of savings, not by actually cutting any services or denying care, but just by finding "inefficiencies" that will save money. Do you think this is remotely plausible? When has anybody ever said, "This project has to be lean and efficient—let's get the government do it"?

11. One of the ways that has been proposed for government-provided health insurance to save money is by substituting Medicare reimbursement rates for market rates when paying doctors and hospitals. But many private hospitals and medical practices have said that if they have to accept these lower rates, they can't cover their expenses, and they will go out of business. So doesn't this bill guarantee an immediate shortage of doctors and medical services?

12. Medicare cuts costs by paying lower rates to doctors and hospitals, who then shift these costs to those of us with private health insurance, who get charged higher rates. But if the government takes over and starts dictating Medicare reimbursement rates for everyone, who will the costs get shifted to then?

13. When the government starting portraying people in the financial industry as villains and started limiting their pay and subjecting them to more regulations, banks reported a "brain drain" as smart and well-educated people left the industry or went overseas looking for better pay and less stress. But the term "brain drain" was originally coined in the 1960s when doctors and medical researchers left Britain to escape socialized medicine. Aren't you afraid we might see the same kind of brain drain from the medical profession here in America?

14. Do you know the meaning and significance of the term "quality adjusted life year"? (For this question, you will need the answer, which you can supply if your congressman is forced to admit that he doesn't know it—preferable after some stammering and a long, awkward pause. "Quality adjusted life year" is a term used under socialized medicine to determine whether elderly patients are allowed to get expensive drugs or treatments, depending on some bureaucrat's calculation of how many good years they have left. You should ask your congressman: Can you assure us that the same thing won't happen here?)

15. One of the proposals for how the government is going to save money is that it's going to have a panel of medical experts who will dictate from Washington, DC, what the proper medical practices are that should be paid for, and what practices are supposedly "wasteful" and "unnecessary." Won't this mean interfering with decisions that would normally be made by me and my doctor? And won't this discourage innovation by requiring any new idea to get approved by a board of establishment "experts" before a doctor can even try it out?

16. Government-run health-care is not some new, untested idea. In Britain, it has led to a "postcode lottery," where the medical procedures you are allow to get depend on where you live. In Canada, it has led to a shortage of doctors and waiting lists for major surgeries. In America, Medicare ended up costing far, far morethan anyone expected. Massachusetts and Maine spent enormous amounts of money to extend government coverage to very few people. The Oregon Health Plan may not cover your cancer treatment—but it will cover assisted suicide. Given all of this experience, what makes you think that somehow this will be the exception that will avoid all of the problems that government health-care has always led to?

17. Why does "reform" always mean more government? Are you aware of proposals that have been put forward for free-market reforms of health care? Congress has already approved Health Savings Accounts, where individuals buy their own high-deductible health insurance and save money tax-free, which they can use for their out-of-pocket health-care expenses. This gives people more control over their spending on routine medical treatments while keeping them covered for a serious illness, and it allows them to keep their health insurance if they change jobs. But this program has been limited in size. Are you open to ideas like this, for free-market reform of health-care?

18. A lot of doctors say that medical malpractice insurance is what is really driving up health-care costs. Doctors have to charge more to cover their expenses, and they also have to practice "defensive medicine," ordering unnecessary extra tests just to make sure they can defend themselves in court if something goes wrong. So why isn't tort reform—for example, limiting excessive jury awards in malpractice lawsuits—being considered as part of health-care reform?

19. What part of your decision on this bill, if any, is affected by a consideration for liberty, individual rights, and the Constitution? Would you consider opposing this bill for no other reason than because it gives more power to government at the expense of the freedom and property rights of private businesses and individuals? Would you consider opposing it simply because it grants powers to the government that are not authorized anywhere in the Constitution?

20. Thomas Jefferson said, "A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." Notice what is not on his list: government-provided housing, or government-provided food, or government-provided health care. And Jefferson's views on the role of government were widely shared by America's Founding Fathers. So my question is: Please explain where you disagree with the vision of our Founding Fathers, and why.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The King Hussein Behind The Mask

In my earlier post, King Hussein Getting Boxed In, I wrote about how the President is being trapped by his own ideology, and his party's overreaching legislation.

In the best column yet on King Hussein's worldview, R.J. Moeller tells an accurate timeline on Barack Obama and who he really is.

Moeller begins with "Obama's current political troubles are the result of his misguided worldview, not GOP operatives.

As pundits and politicians scurry to explain, or explain away, the declining popularity and poll numbers for President Obama, the Democrat-dominated congress, and their Leftist policies intended to “re-make” America, many are missing the most obvious potential explanation. The ideas and pieces of legislation being suggested, from cap-and-trade to socialized medicine, are really bad ones and stem from a misguided worldview."

If you have role models like Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, and Jeremiah Wright, with a wife with similar views, you will definitely have a warped worldview to say the least.

Now for more of Moeller's column regarding community organizing:

"What is a community organizer?

It is at base a social agitator. At first I thought it might just be someone who organized block parties and helps to get out the vote? In fact, their primary goal according to Rules for Radicals, (and I quote) is to, “rub raw the wounds of discontent.” This is to be accomplished among primarily minority groups whose anger can be mobilized to bring about radical societal change. Saul Alinksy encourages tactics such as “overwhelming the system.” These tactics are designed to get the current system to collapse so a new collectivist, re-distributive form of social order can be erected in its place.

In other words, the community organizer’s political views, their "means" and "ends", are distinctly Marxist. (If you disagree, then you don’t know what Marxism is.) Their primary goal is to amass and centralize political power. Community organizers are left to decide what their own definitions of morality will be. This way, according to their dogma, anything standing in the way of doing what they have defined as the “right thing” becomes expendable. I’m not making this up. It’s in their literature, the very literature Obama embraced and taught classes on to new recruits during the 1980’s and 1990’s."

The rest of his piece brings things in with an even sharper focus. The bottom line is this: King Hussein isn't who he or the Matrix say he is. He craves power. As the President of the United States, one would be hard pressed to be able to acquire more. However he's using the power of the federal government to seize as much as he can. This is because he's devilishly shrewd, relentlessly calculating, and mercilessly ambitious. (HT A Voice In The Wilderness):

HT A Voice In The Wilderness: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Time To Define Terms

As you know the word Nazi has been all the rage lately. However, I doubt that most people know what it really means. When you think Nazi, you think Hitler and you should. However, do you know Hitler's ideology? This separates the professionals from the rank amateurs.

Nazi is an abbreviated term for the German words National Socialism. As the name suggests, features of nationalism and socialism are combined to form a National Socialist ideology, although the combination process isn't very straightforward. The term most typically refers to Nazism, which was the extreme form of the National Socialism ideology of the German Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party, or NAtionalsoZIalistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)), which was led by Adolf Hitler.

Notice I purposely put the letters NA and ZI in caps. Nazi is an acronym more than anything else. So when somebody calls you or any other conservative a Nazi, they're calling you an extreme socialist. Don't let them get away with that.

Now Nancy Pelosi, the one who started all this, said the following:

PELOSI: I think they are Astroturf -- you be the judge -- of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town hall meeting on health care.

Here's what she was really referring to. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

This photo states two things: The crowd opposes Nazi Fascism, and the crowd correctly identifies King Hussein and the Democrat leadership as Fascists and Nazi-like radical Socialists. This is a classic leftist tactic: accuse your opponent of what they're guilty of. Calling in union thugs to these townhall meetings is astroturfing. If you look at this article, you'll see that David Axelrod practically invented astroturfing.

Going Forward Nancy Pelosi will be known as Nazi Pelocchio, because she's a radical socialist and a (poor) liar.

You can read more about National Socialism here. (HT Huffing and Puffington Post & Wikipedia):

Huffing and Puffington Post: David Axelrod: A Tale of Two Firms
Wikipedia: National Socialism

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

Another good statement on Obamacare, aka Deathcare and the attempted government takeover of health insurance. (HT Rush Limbaugh):

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Conyers & Durbin: Two Reasons Why Americans Have Contempt For D.C.

On July 24th, 2009 at the National Press Club, Congressman John Conyers (D-MI) said the following:

CONYERS: "I love these members that get up and say, "Read the bill!" What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you've read the bill?"

That's the whole point, genius. It's your job to go through this bill to make sure your constituents (Read: voters) aren't getting a raw deal in legislation. However, this comment makes it pretty clear that you're a lapdog for House Speaker Nazi Pelocchio and voting the party line.

Then there's Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). On Monday, he "warned other members of Congress against antagonistic audience members at healthcare town hall events who may be funded by industry interest groups", so he thinks, by stating the following:

DURBIN: Well I think members should be out, speaking with the public, meeting with people who are the health care professionals and talking about the current situation. I’ve done it and I’ll continue to do it. But you know, I hope my colleagues won’t fall for a sucker-punch like this. These health insurance companies and people like them are trying to load these town halls for visual impact on television. They want to show thousands of people screaming ‘socialism’ and try to overcome the public sentiment which now favors health care reform. That’s almost like flooding the switchboards on Capitol Hill. It doesn’t prove much other than the switchboards have limited capacity. So, we need to have a much more balanced approach that really allows members of Congress to hear both sides of the story, rather than being sucker-punched or side-tracked by these types of tactics.

First of all, if any DC politician gets "sucker-punched", they brought it on themselves by not being aware of the bills' details because they haven't read it. Second, These are real Americans going to these town hall meetings. The health insurance companies didn't put them up to it. They want government out of their lives. Your party, at King Hussein's direction, is packing town hall meetings with union thugs through the side door. He's great at stacking his audiences and questions at press conferences.

Americans know good and well just how inefficient the Federal government is. Simply look at their wonderful management of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Federal Highway Infrastructure, Cash For Clunkers, and the list goes on. We have had enough of you self righteous, pompous pigs at the trough and that uproar is what you are seeing. Good job trying to play the red herring though. With each passing day, more Americans are on to you. (HT Rush Limbaugh & The Hill):

Rush Limbaugh: Conyers: No Need to Read Bills
The Hill: Durbin Warns Other Lawmakers Of Healthcare Town Hall 'Sucker Punch'

Friday, August 7, 2009

The One I Hope Got Away

I have reported in earlier posts about the senseless "honor" killing of young Islamic girls, mostly by their fathers. In this case, Fathima Bary, pictured above, hopefully ran away and hid. She was in the process of converting to Christianity from Islam, a no-no punishable by death in a Muslim household.

According to news reports in Ohio, The teenager's cell phone has been turned off and her Facebook account deactivated. Not a good sign, but no evidence of foul play has been found either. This is one story to keep an eye on in the coming weeks. (HT AtlasShrugs):

Atlas Shrugs: Fathima Rifqa Bary: I Hope She Got Away

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Saluting A Freedom Fighter

At this time I would like to congratulate Michelle Malkin for her latest book to debut at #1 on the NY Times bestseller list. A great job on correctly identifying Obama's cabinet and why Obama is losing the trust of Americans all across the fruited plain. Highly recommended. (HT

A Shovel Ready Project That King Hussein Should Cancel

This one pretty much nails Obamacare. (HT AtlasShrugs):

Monday, August 3, 2009

Why The Eight Sellout Republicans Supported Cap And Trade

Why did the Republican sellouts help pass Cap and Trade, aka Tax and Kill? In three words, follow the money.

The Washington Examiner makes the following discovery: "Political Action Committees (PACs) connected with the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, Ocean Champions and Republicans for Environmental Protection have made donations to most of these same eight Republican lawmakers in recent election cycles.

Rep. Kirk of Illinois, for instance, was among the top 20 recipients of PAC donations from environmental groups in the 2008 election cycle. He received $1,000 from the League of Conservation Voters (PAC), $4,000 from Ocean Champions (PAC) and $4,000 from Republicans for Environmental Protection (PAC). In this same cycle Republicans for Environmental Protection also donated $4,000 in PAC funds to Rep. Reichert.

The League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club have directed support toward the New Jersey Republicans who voted for the new regulations. Rep. LoBiondo received $1,020 from the League of Conservation Voters (PAC) in the 2008 election cycle and $2,010 from the Sierra Club (PAC) in the 2006 election cycle.

Rep. Lance, who first elected to Congress in 2008, has already received a donation from the League of Conservation Voters (PAC) for the 2010 election cycle in the amount of $250. Rep. Smith also received a $250 (PAC) donation from the League of Conservation Voters in the 2008 election cycle.

Rep. Mike Castle, the Delaware Republican, has also attracted support from these groups. The League of Conservation Voters (PAC) donated $750 in the 2008 election cycle and Republicans for Environmental Protection donated $1,000 in the 2006 election cycle."

So the lobbyists, aka special interests, had more influence with DC politicians on the Tax and Kill bill than the constituents. If you want to know why things happen in DC the way they happen, follow the money, and the answer will find you. (HT Washington Examiner):

Washington Examiner: Republicans Who Helped Pass "Cap And Trade" Benefitted From Environmental Donations

Resisting Statism

This could be a candidate for the official poster of the conservative resistance. (HT

March Of The Jokers??

A second Joker from DC has arrived on the scene. This time, it's the House Speaker, SanFranNan. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Political Caption Of The Day

A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, its Obamacare, aka Deathcare. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tough Words For King Hussein

Kelly King, pictured above, is a police officer in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She had some pretty tough words for King Hussein regarding Skipgate. She was interviewed by CNN anchor Don Lemon. He asked her, "When you heard about what happened with this sergeant, what did you think?"

KING: I was appalled. I know Jimmy. I have known him for more than 11 years with the Cambridge police. I knew him when he worked for Harvard. I know him to be a good police officer, a good man with character, and I knew these charges were bogus. There has been a tremendous rush to judgment. And I think the thing to be learned first and foremost from this is to look at all of the evidence, to consider all, to weigh all. I think Professor Gates has done a very good job of filling up a very effective smoke screen calling race into this. It had nothing to do with it.

LEMON: Well, what about the president?

KING: It's unfortunate. I supported him; I voted for him; I will not again. I agree that I think it's admirable that he would speak on behalf of his friend, but he should have recused himself. He should have stepped back and he should have said, "I support my friend but I don't have all the facts. I won't weigh in yet."

LEMON: The governor?

KING: I would apply the same to him.

LEMON: What do you want the people around the country to know who may have already made up their minds about Sergeant Crowley?

KING: Keep their minds open and realize that we would not support someone that we felt wronged someone else. We took this job to do the right thing. We all took this job to do the right thing. We would not support anyone in blue doing the wrong thing.

There you have it. Officer Kelly King saying she won't vote for Obama again after his latest fiasco. Since this incident took place, many police officers and their unions nationwide have supported Crowley, and demanded an apology from the President, who has only thrown Skip under the bus without an apology to Crowley. To inject this topic during a press conference on healthcare is asinine. For someone Harvard educated, he does a lot of dumb things. This is why I never voted for him. I apologize for the voters of the state of Illinois for sending politicians like Obama, Durbin, and Kirk to DC and have such a negative impact on the country like this.

Perhaps now King Hussein will invite Officer King to the White House for a glass of wine to smooth things over. It's the least he could do, as well as get another photo op. (HT Rush Limbaugh):

Rush Limbaugh: Black Cambridge Cop Vows Never Again to Vote for President Obama

Pictures of The Day

With these pictures I was reminded of a very important lesson: You can find out someone's character by the way they treat others, especially friends who can't do anything for them. In King Hussein's case, It reminds me of the way he didn't support his friend Forrest Claypool (by remaining silent) when Claypool was running against Todd Stroger for Crook County Board President. Very, very telling. Contrast this with his predecessor as well as who he gives reverence to. (HT AtlasShrugs & Rush):

Atlas Shrugs: Shot of the Day
Rush Limbaugh: A Revealing Beer Summit Photo

More Discontent For King Hussein

With each passing day more Americans are having contempt for King Hussein, even in L.A. and Hollywood, as this poster shows. Could be a matter of time before this one spreads all across the fruited plain. (HT Tammy Bruce):