Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quotes Of The Day

Saturday night's dinner at the Gridoron Club in Washington, D.C. had a bigger crowd than usual due to the prescence of Sarah Palin.

She didn't dissapoint mainly due to her underestimated wit. My favorite quotes of hers from that evening were the following:

Regarding Vice President Biden, if the election had turned out differently, she said, "I could be the one overseeing the signing of bailout checks and vice president Biden could be on the road selling his book, 'Going Rogaine.'"

Regarding the toxic relations with some McCain campaign staffers, she stated, "The view is so much better from inside the bus than under it," referring to her current book tour by bus.

Liberals still fear her, which is why they smear her at every opportunity. It will be interesting to see what the future holds. (HT Michelle Malkin, My Way, & Politico):

Michelle Malkin: Quote Of The Day
My Way: Palin Pokes Fun At Herself At Journalists' Dinner
Politico: Palin Cracks Wise At Gridiron dinner

Monday, December 7, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

King Hussein's poll numbers continue to slide. Can you figure out why?? (HT Rush Limbaugh):

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Political Caption Of The Day

I have a dream. I would love to see this happen!! (HT Steve Cooper):