Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pelosi Wants To Ram Through Cap And Trade On Friday

In yet another example of how DC is completely out of control, SanFranNan will attempt to ram Cap and Trade through the House on Friday under the cloak of Climate Change. Mark Levin has appropriately called this Tax and Kill. This is because cap and trade will drive up the cost of everything as the government tries to manage our economy. The environmentalists are purposely and intentionally making society poorer through their policies, deficits and massive spending.

The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis found that by 2035 gasoline prices would increase 58 percent, natural gas prices would increase 55 percent, home heating oil would increase 56 percent, and worst of all, electricity prices would jump 90 percent.

But the direct tax on household energy use is just the beginning. The energy tax also hits producers. As the higher production costs ripple through the economy, the household pocketbooks get hit again and again. When all the tax impacts have been added up, the average per-family-of-four costs rise by $2,979 per year. In the year 2035 alone, the cost is $4,609. And the costs per family for the whole energy tax aggregated from 2012 to 2035 are $71,493.

Just about everything we produce uses energy. As energy prices increase, those costs will be passed onto the consumer and reflected in the higher prices we pay for products. Higher energy prices also result in a slower economy, which means less production, higher unemployment and reduced income.

Time is short, therefore I urge you to call your Representative and demand that they vote against this bill. (HT Mark Levin, Heritage Foundation, & Politico):

Heritage Foundation: Breaking Down The Costs Of Waxman-Markey Global Warming Legislation
Politico: Nancy Pelosi To Bring Climate Change Bill To Floor

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Political Caption of the Day

King Hussein has shown his weakness, inexperience, and lack of understanding of the concept of liberty. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Matrix Update

Today's installment features Mika Brzezinski. She's at MSNBC. She plans to write a book about the Matrix. She'll call out agents (journalists) to name their political affiliations, and stop claiming to be objective. That will be a fun read. Stay tuned. (HT NewsBusters):

NewsBusters: Mika Brzezinski: Liberal Reporters Should Be 'Brave Enough to Reveal their Political Affiliations'

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

King Hussein Oversteps His Bounds, Again

Over the weekend, King Hussein canned an Inspector General. It's the IG's job to investigate allegations of waste, fraud and abuse within federal agencies. Obama wrote the following in a statement:

"It is vital that I have the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General. That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General."

This doesn't go into any specifics, so lets go deeper. According to Republican Sen. Charles Grassley, a strong advocate of inspectors general, Walpin received a call from the White House Counsel's office on Wednesday evening. Walpin was told that he had one hour to either resign or be fired. Senate sources say Walpin asked why he was being fired and, according to one source, "The answer that was given was that it's just time to move on. The president would like to have someone else in that position." Walpin declined to resign.

This is key because the Inspectors General Reform Act requires that the president give Congress 30 days' notice before dismissing an IG. One of the co-sponsors of the Act was then-Sen. Barack Obama. The Act also requires the president to outline the cause for his decision to remove an IG.

Sen. Grassley wrote a letter to Obama stating, "I was troubled to learn that [Wednesday] night your staff reportedly issued an ultimatum to the AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin that he had one hour to resign or be terminated," Grassley wrote. "As you know, Inspectors General were created by Congress as a means to combat waste, fraud, and abuse and to be independent watchdogs ensuring that federal agencies were held accountable for their actions. Inspectors General were designed to have a dual role reporting to both the President and Congress so that they would be free from undue political pressure. This independence is the hallmark of all Inspectors General and is essential so they may operate independently, without political pressure or interference from agencies attempting to keep their failings from public scrutiny."

Grassley's recollection of events implies that Obama's brownshirts tried to pressure Walpin out of his job without having to go through the 30-day process. It was only when Walpin refused to resign that the White House then notified Congress of the president's intention to fire Walpin. Kudo's to Walpin for forcing Obama's hand, and make him abide by the law that he co-sponsored.

So why the big rush to run Walpin out of town? Could it be that he accused Sacremento , CA Mayor Kevin Johnson (yes the former Phoenix Suns point guard), a prominent Obama supporter of misusing AmeriCorps grant money? Money that he doesn't have to pay back, despite that it may have been pilfered from taxpayers. If it's indeed the case, we have more corruption, cronyism, coverups, and crucifying of the whistleblower coming directly from the White House. It's the Chicago way. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Atlas Shrugs: Corruption Eruption: Thug In Chief Fires Americorps Inspector General

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor: A Product Of Affirmative Action

Judge Sonia Sotomayor once described herself on video as “a product of affirmative action” who was admitted to two Ivy League schools despite scoring lower on standardized tests than many classmates, which she attributed to “cultural biases” that are “built into testing.” Affirmative Action tells its recipients that they're not really good enough. You can't make it without our help. This results in people having a chip on their shoulder that poisons them.

Sotomayor went further, saying that “with my academic achievement in high school, I was accepted rather readily at Princeton and equally as fast at Yale, but my test scores were not comparable to that of my classmates”. “And that’s been shown by statistics, there are reasons for that. There are cultural biases built into testing, and that was one of the motivations for the concept of affirmative action to try to balance out those effects.”

So she plays the victim, throwing out the race card. A typical liberal minority ploy. Another fine example of a bitter Affirmative Action recipient. The clips include lengthy remarks about her experiences as an “affirmative action baby” whose lower test scores were overlooked by admissions committees at Princeton University and Yale Law School because, she said, she is Hispanic and had grown up in poor circumstances.

People like Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King made their mark before Affirmative Action was in place. They weren't nearly as bitter about their experiences as Sotomayor. If the Constitution and Anti-discrimination laws are on your side, do you really need a program like this that produces bitterness and (self)loathing? (HT Real Clear Politics & NY Slimes):

Real Clear Politics: Sotomayor: "I Am A Product Of Affirmative Action"
NY Slimes: Videos Shed New Light on Sotomayor’s Positions

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Political Caption: Obama's Two Worlds

After his Cairo speech where he ripped America, screwed the Jews, and pandered to Islam, this is very fitting. (HT Atlas Shrugs):

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Political Caption of the Day

A true sign of the times. (HT Suitably Flip):

King Hussein Kills GM To Save UAW

King Hussein and his brownshirt auto task force hijacked the bankruptcy process and turned bankruptcy law on its head. The reason for it was simple: It was a political kickback for the UAW's financial support during the campaign.

I say this confidently because the UAW clearly got a sweeter deal than the bondholders. The United Auto Workers Fund, their health care trust, will get $585 million every year from GM, whether there's a profit or loss, in the form of a dividend on preferred stock.

Besides the bondholders, autoworkers and people who work in select dealerships will lose their jobs due to dealership and factory closings. That makes them losers in this deal too. The big winners are Gettelfinger and his cronies. This is because they take the earnings of union workers, in the form of confiscatory union dues, siphon off the donations, and donate to the Democrat Party. All the big labor unions do this.

The Obama administration took a tragic situation and turned it into an expensive mess to pay a political debt. It wasted billions of dollars over many months delaying GM’s filing and then implicitly put itself on the hook for many billions more. The financial, political and social echoes of that decision will be with us for a long time. In short, this was a train wreck that didn't have to happen. (HT Financial Times & Wasington Compost):

Financial Times: How Washington Blew GM’s Bankruptcy
Washington Post: GM's New Owner

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Conservative Pro-Israel Parties Make Gains In EU

It looks like we have a role reversal in the making. Based on the recent elections, the EU is moving right while the US is moving left.

In the Netherlands, Geert Wilders' Freedom party won 17 percent of the country's votes, giving it four out of the country’s 25 seats in the 736-seat EUP. Wilders has set off violent protests in the Muslim world because of his 15-minute film called Fitna, which links violence with the Koran. He also is working with Israeli Knesset Member Aryeh Eldad (National Union) to expose violence in Islam. He has compared the Koran, to Mein Kampf. He also campaigned on an anti-European Union and anti-immigrant platform in the Netherlands, anti-socialism.

In Britain, the white-only British National Party astonished analysts by winning two seats for the first time. The party opposes the presence of ethnic minorities in Britain and is against immigration.

The ruling Labor party of Prime Minister Gordon Brown won only approximately 15 percent of the vote, signaling a possible defeat in the next local elections.

Austria’s Freedom party doubled its strength since the 2004 elections, running on a platform with posters declaring "The Occident in Christian hands.” Party leader Nick Griffin said his victory was a vote for “indigenous people” who he said are victims of racial discrimination.

In Hungary, the right-wing Jobbik party, which describes itself as anti-immigration, won three of the country’s 22 seats in the EUP. In addition, the main center-right opposition party won 14 seats compared with only four seats for the ruling Socialist party. Slovakia also elected a ultranationalist party to the EUP for the first time.

French president French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s party scored an impressive victory, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party held on to the support it had in the previous elections. Bottom Line: Seeing what King Hussein's doing is enough to get the EU to move right and free itself from its socialist cesspool. (HT Atlas Shrugs,, &

Atlas Shrugs: Anti-Islam Parties Win Big In Europe! Hezbos Lose Big! Vote: Center - Right Parties On Top Anti-Islam Parties Big Winners In European Union

Rick Santelli Strikes Again

The Godfather of Tea Parties has struck again. This time, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is the target. Geithner was asked the following by Steve Liesman on CNBC's Power Lunch:

Steve Liesman: Treasury is issuing over time and not so much time trillions of dollars of debt. The Fed's buying $300 billion of Treasuries. Why is this not the dreaded concept of monetizing the debt which so many economists would warn against?

Now look at Geithner's response and Santelli's reaction:

GEITHNER: There's no risk of that in the United States because, again, we have a strong independent central bank whose obligation under the law is not just to achieve maximum sustainable growth but to keep inflation low and stable over time. And I know the chairman is completely committed to that.

SANTELLI: Are we monetizing? And his answer was no, we have a strong independent central bank. Now, the latter may be true, but it certainly isn't an answer to the question. And I'd like feedback everybody, that quantitative easing can't exist without the monetization process. We issue debt, we print the money to buy it. That is monetizing. I can't believe that was his answer. It's pretty disingenuous. If that's the Treasury Secretary in charge of all this activity and that was his answer, it makes me nervous. Blatantly saying they're not monetizing when the March statement for the first time ever expressed quantitative easing and put it on the map, I just think that that's the wrong answer. He's not telling the truth!

So Santelli has called Geithner out for lying. Not only to Americans, but the Chinese as well. Santelli's right, we are monetizing the debt. Monetizing the debt is, we issue debt, we sell Treasuries. We do this or that. Then we print money to buy it ourselves. They have these auctions, Treasury auctions, they're not raising as much money as they are projected to raise, we sell Treasuries and monetizing the debt as we issue the debt, meaning, we've made a decision to spend $12 trillion we don't have. So that $12 trillion of debt, well, you have to monetize it, the $12 trillion has to be something. So you print the money. Now, we're not going to print all $12 trillion at once, we're going to print it as we need it. That's why there's still time to stop this with elections in 2010 and 2012. Right now the deficit probably this year, two trillion, but with all the other stuff Obama wants this summer it will be more like four. So you print the money to monetize the debt. Therefore it's inflationary. The Chinese are totally right about this and they're scared to death that we're monetizing our own debt. You should be, too because it will make both our and the global economy worse. And Geithner's over there telling the Chinese we're not doing that, that's just absolutely absurd. They're laughing at him and they're ticked off at him in these meetings. (HT Rush Limbaugh, Real Clear Politics, & Radio Equalizer):

Rush Limbaugh: Santelli: Little Timmy Is A Big Liar
Real Clear Politics: Santelli: Geithner Is "Lying To The American Public"
Radio Equalizer: Rick is Back! Rush: Santelli's "Somehow Broken Free" of NBC's Crackdown

Sarah Palin Warns That Government Wants To "Control the People"

Check out what Sarah Palin said when introducing Micheael Reagan at a speech in Alaska on June 4th:

PALIN: Friends, we need to be aware of the creation of a fearful population and of fearful lawmakers being led to believe that big government is the answer. To bail out the private sector because then, government gets to get in there and control it and, mark my words, this is going to happen next, I fear -- bail out next, debt-ridden states, then government gets to get in there and control the people.

You bail out Automakers, you own them. Next, if you bail out states like California, you own them. You bail out newspapers and broadcast networks, you own them. If you have national health care, they own you because they can tell you what medicines treatments, and surgeries you can have, and when you can have them, if you're not dead first.

Gov. Palin's telling people point blank that this is about controlling people. This is why Liberals and the Republican party establishment hate her so much: she can communicate the truth to people and expose leftists for what they are, even in her own party. Here's more from Gov. Palin:

PALIN: Since when can you get outta huge national debt by creating trillions of dollars of new debt? It all really is so backwards and skewed as to sound like absolute nonsense.

Our government is promoting bad behavior. Anarchy and chaos. People are going to banks asking, "Are you issuing mortgages, are you making home loans?" The bank says, "Yes, we are." People are coming in asking, "Can we still get a mortgage with no money down? Can we still get a mortgage even though we can't pay it back?" See, it's amazing what people learn and what they hear and what they think is available. "Oh, we can still maybe get a mortgage without a down payment?"

We're doing the exact opposite of what we need to do to get out of this mess. More people are realizing it every day, and hopefully, it will catch up with Kng Hussein and the Corruptocrats starting in 2010. (HT Rush Limbaugh and Real Clear Politics):

Rush Limbaugh: Sarah Palin Warns: Government Wants to "Control the People"
Real Clear Politics: Palin: Government Wants To "Control The People"

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor: A Radical Like King Hussein

The Sotomayor saga. Not really unique. Besides the usual hypocrisy of Democrats making it their policy to block every Republican nominee and expect Republicans in turn to confirm theirs, we have the sanitizing of the liberal nominees statements.

Sonia Sotomayor said in 2001 that “I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.” This implies that a Latina Woman has richer experiences than a white male, which isn't necessarily true, and makes her a bigot. Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Tom Tancredo have called it as such. Here's the Key: No one has denied the charge, the White House and the Matrix have only said that this criticism is too harsh and to shut up. Obama wants her to have a do-over saying, "Well, I think if she had it to do again, if she had it to say again, she would choose her words different."

Then there's the 1994 statement that “Justice O’Connor has often been cited as saying that “a wise old man and a wise old woman reach the same conclusion in dueling cases. I am not so sure Justice O’Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes the line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, if Prof. Martha Minnow is correct, there can never be a universal definition of ‘wise.’ Second, I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion.” This shows she's been making statements like this for years, and the Democrats can't say it's a slip of the tongue. I for one, do not want someone who will inject bigotry and sexism into The Supreme Court.

This is a reflection of President Obama because he nominated her. A president will only nominate judges with a legal and worldview similar to his. King Hussein's worldview was shaped by Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, and Jeremiah Wright. We all know by now that the Rev. Wright is a big time bigot.

Then there's Sotomayor's Puerto Rican Nationalism. Check out part of this assessment of Sonia Sotomayor’s senior thesis at Princeton:

First, I'm curious as to when Sotomayor ceased being a Puerto Rican nationalist who favors independence — as she says she does in the preface. (The position, as she points out in the thesis, had received 0.6 percent in a 1967 referendum, the most recent such vote before she wrote the thesis.) I don't know that I've seen it reported anywhere that she favored Puerto Rican independence, which has always been very much a fringe position. . . .

Second, her unwillingness to call the Congress the U.S. Congress is bizarre — in the thesis, it's always referred to as either the 'North American Congress' or the 'mainland Congress.' I guess by the language of her thesis, it should be said that she's seeking an appointment to the North American Supreme Court, subject to advice and consent of the North American Senate. This kind of rhetoric was very trendy, and not uncommon, among the Latin Americanist fringe of the academy.

Fits pretty well with King Hussein's we're all global citizens mantra, doesn't it?

First Lady Michelle Obama has also weighed in on this. At the Mathematics Science Technology High School, First Lady Michelle Obama gave the commencement address, this a part of what she said:

MICHELLE OBAMA: I read the story of Judge Sonia Sotomayor. She went to Princeton, and in the story she said that when she arrived at Princeton as a freshman -- and this was nine years before I would even think about going -- she said when she stepped on that campus, she said -- and this is a quote -- she said she "felt like a visitor landing in an alien country." Despite all her success at Princeton and then she went on to Yale Law School where she was at the top of her class in both schools, and despite all of her professional accomplishments, Judge Sotomayor says she still looks over her shoulder and wonders if she measures up. And when I read her story, I understood exactly how she feels.

This is the first lady of the United States admitting that Sotomayor is still carrying around a chip on her shoulder, she still feels inferior because the evils of this culture and what it did to her -- letting her into Princeton, finishing the top of the class -- she got a chip on her shoulder, she still feels inferior, still has a guilt complex, and so does Michelle Obama. The first lady of the United States, I understand how mad she is, I understand the chip on her shoulder, I understand her story. The people running this country -- Obama, his wife, Sotomayor -- they're mad. They're angry. They still feel the need for retribution. They gotta show somebody how mad they are, still gotta teach somebody a lesson, they gotta get even.

So Michelle Obama describes the fear that Sotomayor felt at Princeton -- and its lasting effects to this day." I've been laid off multiple times. I've been told "you can't". If you go through the rest of your life trying to show those people that they were wrong, you're never going to be happy because they're never going to admit it and you'll never know how they really feel." That advice was some of the best advice I ever got. Don't use as your motivation the "I'll show them," in a personal sense, because it poisons you, it distracts you from the real reason you're trying to succeed. Well, somebody needs to give this advice to Sonia Sotomayor and Michelle Obama. Get over it. You've overcome it.

Mrs. Obama, you are the first lady of the United States of America. If you want to run around and still act like you are the victim of a great injustice, because you grew up in America, a country you said that you were never proud of, until a year-and-a-half ago, then it's really time to get over it, because this kind of attitude results in the formulation of policy. This kind of attitude results in speeches that you give. This kind of attitude causes your husband to apologize for your country all over the world. This kind of attitude makes it possible for you to never be happy no matter what you achieve. I want to be happy and I believe that most people aspire to be happy. The American left is oriented toward being miserable. Misery, rage, and anger are their happiness. I can't relate to it. I understand it, but I just don't relate to it. (HT Rush Limbaugh, Heritage Foundation, Reuters, Real Clear Politics, Hot Air, NewsBusters, & National Review):

Rush Limbaugh: Nobody Denies Sotomayor Will Bring Element of Racism to Court
Rush Limbaugh: Leahy Promises: Sotomayor Hearings Will be All About Rush
Rush Limbaugh: All the Latest on Sonia Sotomayor
Rush Limbaugh: Michelle Obama Tells Us She Identifies with Sotomayor's Rage
Heritage Foundation: Obama Picks Sonia Sotomayor for Court
Reuters: Racial Ruling Looms Large for Sotomayor
Real Clear Politics: 'Out of Context' - Thomas Sowell
NewsBusters: Mark Levin Says Damaging New Sotomayor Texts Emerging: Will Media Notice?
National Review: Former (?) Puerto Rican Nationalist Nominated to North American Supreme Court
National Review: Is It Going to Be Race and Resentment, All the Time? - Victor Davis Hanson

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Carrie Prejean X 10, Literally!!

The gutter has just gotten six feet deeper. The latest example of leftist hatred and rage has come from Guy Cimbalo. His hit piece, So Right, It's Wrong, was featured Monday on Don't try to go there, it's been taken down thanks in part to the Twitter community. What makes this more appalling was's attempt to sanitize this with their Playboy 's "Top 10 Conservative Women We Hate to Love", which has since been taken down with an apology.

The majority of writers, conservative and liberal alike, know there's a certain line you just don't cross. This guy didn't just cross it, he long-jumped over it.

Here's a sample of what I mean:

Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship—a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate f***. We may despise everything these women represent, but god***mit they're hot. Let the healing begin.

That's a quick aggressive start. These are the 10 women on Guy Cimbalo's hate f***, list:

Michelle Malkin
Megyn Kelly
Mary Katharine Ham
Amanda Carpenter
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Dana Perino
Laura Ingraham
Pamela Geller
Michele Bachmann
Peggy Noonan

This list features nationally syndicated columnists, TV and radio show hosts, and a sitting congresswoman. Guy picks great targets doesn't he? One surprising about this list is that Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Debbie Schlussel didn't make it. Probably because he'd really get hammered. The other is that the pictures of these women weren't that great, which I thought was a requirement at Playboy.

The writing, as expected, was horrible. Here are some examples:

On Michelle Malkin: "This highly f***able Filipina"

On Mary Katharine Ham: "You get this one pregnant, she stays pregnant. Karma's a b****, isn't it?"

On Amanda Carpenter: "She is also a columnist at TownHall, a website for illiterates who disprove evolution by their very existence." (Actually, she writes for the Washington Times)

This article promotes hate, intolerance, misogyny, and fantasy rape in a very dark way. It leads me to speculate that Guy Cimbalo had a awful childhood and an even worse sex life. Conservative and liberal bloggers alike, have denounced this article. Even the National Organization For Women has spoken out against this in a statement that was read on The View.

Pamela Geller, Megyn Kelly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Michelle Malkin, and Amanda Carpenter have spoken out on this. I hope these 10 women come together and file a massive class action suit against Playboy and take them to the cleaners. It's what they deserve. They're already in a defensive CYA mode, so they're ripe for the picking. Some people have already canceled they're subscriptions to Playboy and AOL canned Tommy Christopher for taking on Playboy.

This will continue to gain traction and the backlash against Playboy will only get louder and angrier.(HT Atlas Shrugs, Newsbusters, Frugal Cafe Blog Zone, Pink Elephant Pundit, Michelle Malkin, Jezebel, Stop The ACLU, Tommy Christopher & Right Wing News):

Right Wing News: Playboy's Hit Piece On Conservative Women
Tony Christopher: Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise
Stop The ACLU: Playboy, That Magazine Of Free Expression, Goes Major Hater
NewsBusters: Liberal Writer Fired By AOL News For Reporting Vile Playboy List
NewsBusters: UPDATE: Politico Apologizes; Politico Sanitizes Vile Playboy Attack on Conservative Women
Pink Elephant Pundit: Playboy Publishes Rape Fantasy List
Jezebel: Playboy On Conservative Women: "Castration Has Begun To Look Appealing"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Another Reason To Hate Big Government

Finance Committee Chairman Edward M. Burke (14th) wants to require red-light runners to complete a “Red Light Education Program” to prevent them from becoming repeat offenders. What this means for Chicagoans is that, once passed, you have to pay $25 on top of the $100 ticket you have to pay for getting busted at a red light camera. If you don't go to class, it's another $50 fine.

This isn't about safety as much as it is about revenue. Dallas has put several of their red light cams on idle due to lack of revenue. Now they have to come up with something else to soak taxpayers with.

Now here's something really interesting: Cinninatti, OH just passed an amendendent to remove all cameras from intersections. Other cities are considering following suit after studies have shown that the cameras don't work. other cities still are guilty of shortening yellow light times to collect profits. One city had to refund over $1 Million to motorists. Then there are lawsuits in Ohio and Tennessee challenging the constitutionality of red light cams. Big brother at work. (HT Chicago Slum-Slimes, Dallas Morning News,, Safety, & Knoxville News):

Chicago Sun-Times: Drivers Nabbed By Red Light Cameras May Need School
Dallas Morning News: Dallas' Red Light Cameras May Face Changes As Revenue Estimate Drops Red Light Cameras Just Don't Work
ABC News Akron-Canton, OH: Woman's Lawsuit Threatens To Remove Red-Light Cameras Recent Rulings Reaffirm Legality Of Photo Enforcement Programs
Knoxville News: Lawyer Battles Red-Light Cameras

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sign Of The Near Future: 110 MPG V-8 Engine

Doug Pelmear, owner of Horse Power Inc., who drove his 20-year-old Mustang from Napoleon, Ohio, to Las Vegas and back last year on 39 gallons of fuel will open his first manufacturing facility Monday to allow others to get 110 miles per gallon.

Why hasn't the Big Three come up with such and invention and build a prototype, they probably did. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the big boys and the government fought Pelmear tooth and nail to prevent him from going to market with this. Nor would it surprise me if they offer him a big payout to keep his engine off the market. Stay tuned to see if this engine, which is a potential solution to the gas price crunch, makes it to display by years end. (HT Toledo Blade):

Toledo Blade: Wauseon Plant To Open Monday For 110-mpg Car Engines

Americans Want Gitmo To Stay Open

In a recent USA Today poll. Americans by a 2 to 1 margin say they want Gitmo to stay open. They don't want Islamic terrorists on their soil, or worse, in their state. Unfortunately, Americans in back November voted an ultra-supportive Islamist into the White House. Proving once again that fate is not without a sense of irony. The question I hve on this issue is since King Hussein and the Democrats are so poll driven, will they listen to Americans this time and keep Gitmo open? Stay Tuned. (HT Debbie

Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Say "Don't Close Gitmo!"

By Debbie Schlussel

You didn't need a USA Today/Gallup poll to tell you that the vast majority of Americans oppose closing the U.S. Navy detention center at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba You didn't need a poll to tell you that we don't want Islamic terrorists on our soil.

All you needed was to look at the vote, a few weeks ago, in which all but six far-left Democrat U.S. Senators voted to withhold funding from Barack Hussein Obama in his efforts to close Gitmo.

My question is, where the heck were these 65% of Americans in the election in November of last year? Well, I guess they really weren't given much of a choice, since John McCain--just like Obama--campaigned on the idea of closing Gitmo.

Still, it's staggering to note that more Americans oppose closing Gitmo than voted for Obama--more than two to one. It just goes to show how fickle and skittish Americans are . . . or how stupid, since they clearly are afraid of Islamic terrorists on U.S. soil, yet they voted the most Islamo-friendly jerk possible into the White House.

Americans are overwhelmingly opposed to closing the detention center for suspected terrorists at Guantanamo Bay and moving some of the detainees to prisons on U.S. soil, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds.
By more than 2-1, those surveyed say Guantanamo shouldn't be closed. By more than 3-1, they oppose moving some of the accused terrorists housed there to prisons in their own states.

And of course, USA Today took this poll as yet another opportunity to bash America and accuse us of "fear." We should be fearful. And, sadly, we aren't . . . not nearly enough.

In many parts of the world, however, Gitmo has become a symbol of U.S. arrogance and abuse, and Obama has cited its closure as a way to lay the foundation for better relations. He is scheduled to deliver a major address aimed at the Muslim world on Thursday from Cairo. . . .
"Coming up on eight years after Sept. 11, fear remains, and fear is politically potent," says political scientist Paul Freedman of the University of Virginia, who studies public opinion. "When it comes to the issue of terrorism รข€¦ people are inclined to err on the side of that fear."

Former vice president Dick Cheney said Monday that Obama made "a mistake" in promising to close the facility by the end of the year.

"I think it's going to be very difficult," he said at a National Press Club luncheon, given the reluctance of U.S. allies and citizens to accept its prisoners. "These are bad actors. These are the worst of the worst." . . .

In the survey, Americans were inclined to accept the argument by Cheney and former president George W. Bush that the detention center had made the United States safer.

Last, but not least, here's the money quote:

By 40%-18%, they said the prison had strengthened national security rather than weakened it.
Those who want the prison to remain open feel more strongly on the subject that those who want to close it. A 54% majority of those polled say the prison shouldn't be closed, and that they'll be upset if the administration moves forward to close it.

Sadly, not upset enough in November 2008.