Saturday, June 6, 2009

Carrie Prejean X 10, Literally!!

The gutter has just gotten six feet deeper. The latest example of leftist hatred and rage has come from Guy Cimbalo. His hit piece, So Right, It's Wrong, was featured Monday on Don't try to go there, it's been taken down thanks in part to the Twitter community. What makes this more appalling was's attempt to sanitize this with their Playboy 's "Top 10 Conservative Women We Hate to Love", which has since been taken down with an apology.

The majority of writers, conservative and liberal alike, know there's a certain line you just don't cross. This guy didn't just cross it, he long-jumped over it.

Here's a sample of what I mean:

Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship—a cuckoo land where party affiliation and factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and you’ll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate f***. We may despise everything these women represent, but god***mit they're hot. Let the healing begin.

That's a quick aggressive start. These are the 10 women on Guy Cimbalo's hate f***, list:

Michelle Malkin
Megyn Kelly
Mary Katharine Ham
Amanda Carpenter
Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Dana Perino
Laura Ingraham
Pamela Geller
Michele Bachmann
Peggy Noonan

This list features nationally syndicated columnists, TV and radio show hosts, and a sitting congresswoman. Guy picks great targets doesn't he? One surprising about this list is that Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, and Debbie Schlussel didn't make it. Probably because he'd really get hammered. The other is that the pictures of these women weren't that great, which I thought was a requirement at Playboy.

The writing, as expected, was horrible. Here are some examples:

On Michelle Malkin: "This highly f***able Filipina"

On Mary Katharine Ham: "You get this one pregnant, she stays pregnant. Karma's a b****, isn't it?"

On Amanda Carpenter: "She is also a columnist at TownHall, a website for illiterates who disprove evolution by their very existence." (Actually, she writes for the Washington Times)

This article promotes hate, intolerance, misogyny, and fantasy rape in a very dark way. It leads me to speculate that Guy Cimbalo had a awful childhood and an even worse sex life. Conservative and liberal bloggers alike, have denounced this article. Even the National Organization For Women has spoken out against this in a statement that was read on The View.

Pamela Geller, Megyn Kelly, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Michelle Malkin, and Amanda Carpenter have spoken out on this. I hope these 10 women come together and file a massive class action suit against Playboy and take them to the cleaners. It's what they deserve. They're already in a defensive CYA mode, so they're ripe for the picking. Some people have already canceled they're subscriptions to Playboy and AOL canned Tommy Christopher for taking on Playboy.

This will continue to gain traction and the backlash against Playboy will only get louder and angrier.(HT Atlas Shrugs, Newsbusters, Frugal Cafe Blog Zone, Pink Elephant Pundit, Michelle Malkin, Jezebel, Stop The ACLU, Tommy Christopher & Right Wing News):

Right Wing News: Playboy's Hit Piece On Conservative Women
Tony Christopher: Playboy Magazine Officially Hates Women, Conservative or Otherwise
Stop The ACLU: Playboy, That Magazine Of Free Expression, Goes Major Hater
NewsBusters: Liberal Writer Fired By AOL News For Reporting Vile Playboy List
NewsBusters: UPDATE: Politico Apologizes; Politico Sanitizes Vile Playboy Attack on Conservative Women
Pink Elephant Pundit: Playboy Publishes Rape Fantasy List
Jezebel: Playboy On Conservative Women: "Castration Has Begun To Look Appealing"

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