Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Americans Believe King Hussein Is A Muslim

Is he a Muslim? More Americans believe so. (HT IMAO)

The latest polls are showing More Americans believe that King Hussein is a Muslim. First, from Pew Research:

"A new national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that nearly one-in-five Americans (18%) now say Obama is a Muslim, up from 11% in March 2009. Only about one-third of adults (34%) say Obama is a Christian, down sharply from 48% in 2009. Fully 43% say they do not know what Obama’s religion is. The survey was completed in early August, before Obama’s recent comments about the proposed construction of a mosque near the site of the former World Trade Center."

Then there's this from Time Magazine:

"Nearly one-third of the country thinks adherents of Islam should be barred from running for President — a slightly higher percentage than the 24% who mistakenly believe the current occupant of the Oval Office is himself a Muslim. In all, just 47%of respondents believe Obama is a Christian; 24% declined to respond to the question or said they were unsure, and 5% believe he is neither Christian nor Muslim."

What gets me on that Time quote is that if people believe he's a Muslim they're mistaken. If it's a mistake, then why did Obama say "My Muslim Faith" when interviewed by George Stephonopolis? Why did he refer to himself as a Muslim when speaking to the Arab Street? Lastly, why does he always say Holy Karan? A devout Christian wouldn't do these things. Furthermore, you know the issue's cloudy when a White House spokesman has to say publicly that "The president is obviously a Christian. He prays everyday." The reality is Mr. Burton, it's not so obvious.

Pew Research: Growing Number of Americans Say Obama is a Muslim
Time Magazine: TIME Poll: Majority Oppose Mosque, Many Distrust Muslims
Associated Press: White House says Obama is Christian, prays daily

Saturday, August 21, 2010

King Hussein's Presidency "A Spectacular Political Collapse"

In reality, it's hoax & chaos.

Gotta love the UK press. They're doing what the lamestream media in this country won't do. That's being balanced on covering King Hussein. From the UK Telegraph:

"The last few weeks have been a nightmare for President Obama, in a summer of discontent in the United States which has deeply unsettled the ruling liberal elites, so much so that even the Left has begun to turn against the White House. While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party. While conservatism in America grows stronger by the day, the forces of liberalism are growing increasingly weaker and divided.

Against this backdrop, the president’s approval ratings have been sliding dramatically all summer, with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll of US voters dropping to minus 22 points, the lowest point so far for Barack Obama since taking office. While just 24 per cent of American voters strongly approve of the president’s job performance, almost twice that number, 46 per cent, strongly disapprove. According to Rasmussen, 65 per cent of voters believe the United States is going down the wrong track, including 70 per cent of independents.

Can it get any worse for President Obama? Undoubtedly yes. Here are 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in serious trouble, and why its prospects are unlikely to improve between now and the November mid-terms.

1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people
2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership
3. Obama fails to inspire
4. The United States is drowning in debt
5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat
6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake
7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive
8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration
9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security
10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness

There is a distinctly Titanic-like feel to the Obama presidency and it’s not hard to see why. The most left-wing president in modern American history has tried to force a highly interventionist, government-driven agenda that runs counter to the principles of free enterprise, individual freedom, and limited government that have made the United States the greatest power in the world, and the freest nation on earth.

America at its core remains a deeply conservative nation, which cherishes its traditions and founding principles. President Obama is increasingly out of step with the American people, by advancing policies that undermine the United States as a global power, while undercutting America’s deep-seated love for freedom."

Nile Gardiner's Telegraph piece is a must read. Remember these reasons when you go to the ballot box in November. The task for conservatives is to throw out as many Democrats as possible out of Congress.

Background Reading:

Another Black Conservative: Hope and Change: It came in like a lion, but is going out like a scam
UK Telegraph: The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown

Friday, August 20, 2010

Daley Machine Out To Bilk Taxpayers Once Again

The Home of Machine Politics and Bilked Taxpayers.

Mayor Daley has stepped in it once again and he's in full CYA mode. From the Chicago Sun-Times:

"Revenue Director Bea Reyna-Hickey was suspended for a day over the Aug. 10 memo that told police the city “will witness a dramatic decrease in annual revenues and not meet 2010 targets” if a slump in parking tickets and vehicle-compliance tickets continues.

“Stupidity. It was stupid. Just stupid. Some bureaucrat sent that out,” Daley said at an unrelated news conference. “The revenue department has nothing to do with the police department, period. They [officers] will determine whether you violated a law. No one else can. Especially revenue can’t.”

Questions for Mayor Daley: What administration does that bureaucrat belong to? Whose administration has a rep for cronyism, corrutption, and wasteful spending, and mismanagement?? You're not as slick as your old man, pal. We all know that everything in the machine is connected.

David Orr gets it right:

"Cook County Clerk David Orr and several aldermen said the memo sends the wrong message to the public. City Hall considers parking tickets a revenue-generating tool more than a public-safety tool, Orr said.
“I don’t think we put the citizens first enough in this town,” he said. “This is one indication of it. There’s been too much pressure [on officers] to write tickets.”

“I totally sympathize with the mayor because of the recession, but I also know how much has been stolen,” he said. “I would like to see City Hall fess up to the millions and millions of dollars that have been stolen over the years.”

This is another example of the ruling political class taking from the taxpaying class. They've been doing it forever, but it may be finally starting to catch up with them.

Lastly there's this from Mayoral Press Secretary Jacquelyn Heard:

"“The e-mail is backwards, given that the mayor is by no means encouraging police to write more tickets,” mayoral press secretary Jacquelyn Heard said.

Reyna-Hickey was suspended “because she is responsible for what happens in her office,” Heard added.

The Bottom line: Safety and fighting crime may be the line, but it's all about the revenue. This is what municipalities that are strapped for cash are doing, not just in Chicago, but nationwide. It's also time to make Mayor Daley accountable for what's happened in his machine administration.

Background Reading:

Chicago Sun-Times: Daley suspends revenue director over memo saying police not writing enough tickets

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Congressional Caucus You Haven't Heard About

Venues change, the socialism stays the same. (HT Gateway Pundit)

By now I'm sure you've heard of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Latino Caucus, and the Tea Party Caucus. However, odds are you haven't heard of the Democratic Socialists of America Caucus. From Gateway Pundit:

The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus.
This admission was recently posted on Scribd.com:

American Socialist Voter–
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA?
A: Seventy

Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee?
A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez,
Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA].

Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress?
A: See the listing below

Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07)
Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06)

Vice Chairs
Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33)
Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18)
Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02)
Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)

Senate Members
Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT)

House Members
Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02)
Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31)
Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL)
Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01)
Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08)
Hon. André Carson (IN-07)
Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL)
Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11)
Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01)
Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05)
Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09)
Hon. John Conyers (MI-14)
Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07)
Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07)
Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04)
Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03)
Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04)
Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05)
Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17)
Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51)
Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04)
Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11)
Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08)
Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Hon. John Hall (NY-19)
Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17)
Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22)
Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15)
Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02)
Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30)
Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04)
Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13)
Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09)
Hon. John Lewis (GA-05)
Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02)
Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3)
Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14)
Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07)
Hon. Jim McDermott (WA-07)
Hon. James McGovern (MA-03)
Hon. George Miller (CA-07)
Hon. Gwen Moore (WI-04)
Hon. Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Hon. Eleanor Holmes-Norton (DC-AL)
Hon. John Olver (MA-01)
Hon. Ed Pastor (AZ-04)
Hon. Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Hon. Chellie Pingree (ME-01)
Hon. Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Hon. Laura Richardson (CA-37)
Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34)
Hon. Bobby Rush (IL-01)
Hon. Linda Sánchez (CA-47)
Hon. Jan Schakowsky (IL-09)
Hon. José Serrano (NY-16)
Hon. Louise Slaughter (NY-28)
Hon. Pete Stark (CA-13)
Hon. Bennie Thompson (MS-02)
Hon. John Tierney (MA-06)
Hon. Nydia Velazquez (NY-12)
Hon. Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Hon. Mel Watt (NC-12)
Hon. Henry Waxman (CA-30)
Hon. Peter Welch (VT-AL)
Hon. Robert Wexler (FL-19)

This confirms that the radical leftists have hijacked and define the mainstream of the modern Democrat party. This also means you now know who needs to be defeated and removed from congress.

Allow me to remind you what their agenda is. From the American Socialist Voter, with my comments in parentheses:

"The market and its ideology is rife with internal contradictions. While capitalists abhor public planning as inefficient and counter productive, transnational corporations make decisions with tremendous social consequences, including automation, plant shutdowns and relocations, mergers and acquisitions, new investment and disinvestment--all without democratic input. They also engage in unrelenting efforts to control the market, even through illegal means such as price fixing, antitrust violations, and other collusion."

(Public planning is inefficient. Examples are Social Security, the US Postal Service, and Amtrak. Any industry that has financial issues has labor unions with heavy socialist influence. Like the automobile industry and the UAW.)

"In the workplace, capitalism eschews democracy. Individual employees do not negotiate the terms of their employment except in rare circumstances, when their labor is very highly skilled. Without unions, employees are hired and fired at will. Corporations govern through hierarchical power relations more characteristic of monopolies than of free markets. Simply put, the domination of the economy by privately-owned corporation is not the most rational and equitable way to govern our economic life."

(With public sector unions, bad employees are seldom fired, and get paid a nice sum of taxpayer money to sit in a "rubber room". The NEA is a close to a monopoly on the teaching profession that you can get.)

"Fifty years of world leadership have taken their toll on the U.S. The links among heavy military spending, fiscal imbalance, and a weakening economy are too clear to ignore. Domestically, the United States faces social and structural economic problems of a magnitude unknown to other advanced capitalist states. The resources needed to sustain U.S. dominance are a drain on the national economy, particularly the most neglected and underdeveloped sectors. Nowhere is a struggle against militarism more pressing than in the United States, where the military budget bleeds the public sector of much needed funds for social programs."

(What's a drain on the national economy are socialist entitlement programs, public sector union salaries with pension plans, and the high taxes and government spending that fund them. If America spent less on these things, and more on the military, cops, firefighters, and EMT's we'd all be better off. Notice they don't talk about the heavy military spending of the North Koreans or the Chinese, who are becoming much more capitalist these days.)

"No country, even a superpower like the United States, can guarantee peace and stability, never mind justice. Only a genuinely multinational armed force can intervene in violent conflicts to enforce generally accepted standards of human rights and democratic practices.

Such peacekeeping is one important function that must be strengthened within a new global governance. Enforcement of international standards is another. Treaties on human rights, international labor standards, women's rights, environmental protection have all been ratified by many nations (albeit generally not by the US). Enforcement remains problematic. New international regulatory bodies must ensure that the interests of all the world's people are protected with the power to tax transnational corporations that can now escape national taxes."

(A genuinely multinational armed force? New international regulatory bodies? The UN does all that and has been an abysmal failure. Private citizens or individual nations such as ours shouldn't have to give up their sovereignty or freedom to a collectivist global body like the UN. The US, especially under Reagan, kept the socialists at bay since the end of World War II and led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The socialists never forgave us for that.)

November can't come fast enough. Time for conservatives to take this country back.

Background Reading:

Gateway Pundit: American Socialists Release Names of 70 Congressional Democrats in Their Ranks
American Socialist Voter: Democratic Socialist of America
Scribd.com: American Socialist Voter

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Political Caption Of The Day

Looks like somebody's fed up. Note that this is a Government Motors vehicle. (HT Gateway Pundit)

Background Reading:

Sharpelbows.net: Motorist Finds a Great Way to Thank Obama Voters.
Gateway Pundit: Thanks Obama Kool-Aid drinkers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How Ethanol Wrecks The Economy

Brought to you by our tax dollars. (HT Common Sense Logic)

Ah, Ethanol. What Enviro-Marxists and Government love. Drivers not so much. If you visit the chat boards, you'll find everything from cars to motorboats to lawnmowwers suffering engine damage at the hands of Ethanol. Then there's this from Edmunds.com:

"Filling up With E85 in Las Vegas
The Flamingo Stop fuel station offers E85 out of the same nozzle from which gasoline is dispensed. We wondered if unsuspecting motorists have accidentally refueled with E85, intending to get gas. Unlike the diesel nozzle, which is a different size to prevent just such mishaps, the gas/E85 nozzle is one and the same.

Nearby, a man was pumping E85 into a brand-new Chevrolet Avalanche, complete with flex-fuel badges. It was a good opportunity to get some man-on-the-street reactions.

Edmunds.com: How do you like running on E85?
Avalanche Owner: The mileage sucks. On gas I can get 18 (miles per gallon). On E85 I get like 12.

Edmunds.com: Did you buy this truck so you could run on E85?
Avalanche Owner: Yup.

Edmunds.com: But you get worse gas mileage. So why do you do it?
Avalanche Owner: To help the environment.

Footnote: This man didn't seem to fit the profile of an environmentalist, tree-hugger or greenie. He was just a regular guy trying to do something good for the planet. We experienced a small burst of patriotic pride.

The Final Score — Fuel Economy and Cost
After refueling we put the fuel amounts and the prices paid into a spreadsheet and compiled a clear, side-by-side comparison for both fuel consumption and cost. Remember, these results apply only to this vehicle and to the prices in effect during our 667-mile test.

Gas Result: From San Diego to Las Vegas and back, we used 36.5 gallons of regular gasoline and achieved an average fuel economy of 18.3 mpg.

Gas Cost: We spent $124.66 for gasoline for the trip. The average pump price was $3.42 per gallon.

E85 Result: From San Diego to Las Vegas and back we used 50 gallons of E85 and achieved an average fuel economy of 13.5 mpg.

E85 Cost: We spent $154.29 on E85 for the trip. The average pump price was $3.09 per gallon

Gas/E85 difference:The fuel economy of our Tahoe on E85, under these conditions, was 26.5 percent worse than it was when running on gas.

A motorist, filling up and comparing the prices of regular gas and E85, might see the price advantage of E85 (in our case 33 cents or 9.7 percent less) as a bargain. However, since fuel economy is significantly reduced, the net effect is that a person choosing to run their flex-fuel vehicle on E85 on a trip like ours will spend 22.8 percent more to drive the same distance. For us, the E85 trip was about $30 more expensive — about 22.9 cents per mile on E85 versus 18.7 cents per mile with gasoline."

Not a good bargain, is it peeps? The effects on the economy are widespread. From Common Sense Logic:

"I believe that we are at a pivotal point in the country and the decision to use Corn Ethanol as an alternative fuel was wrong and is creating a problem worse than the original one. If we had not gone down the Corn Ethanol road, and expanded oil discovery and drilling in our own country, the cost of gas and food would be lower and the dollar would be much stronger. We would not be in this decaying economic mess that we are in now.

Instead as it stands now:

The dollar continues to decline.

The price of gas and food keeps going up.

Congressional committees continue to hoodwink the American people by putting “Big Oil” executives on display in the hot seat when it suits them politically or financially.

There are no new refineries being built.

There is no drilling in ANWR or off our coasts.

Will America wake up before a corrupt Congress destroys this once Great Nation?"

I sincerely hope so, The first step is to trow out Democrats in November. Then start making he push to kill the subsidies and ohter entitlements to get the economy moving again.

Background Reading:

Common Sense Logic: The Real Cost Of Corn Ethanol
Edmunds.com: E85 vs. Gasoline Comparison Test

Monday, August 9, 2010

Democrats Reveal Themselves On Bush Tax Cuts

They want more in 2011.

Recently there's been chatter about some Democrats wanting to extend the Bush Tax Cuts. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) put that to the test by proposing not one, but two amendments to keep them in place. The results? From the Heritage Foundation:

"the Senate also defeated two amendments by Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC), both by 58-42 votes, that would have prevented the largest tax hike in American history. And earlier this month, Vice President Joe Biden told ABC News that the only thing wrong with President Barack Obama’s first $862 billion economic stimulus was that it didn’t borrow and spend enough.

The message to the U.S. economy’s job creators from this Administration and Congress is clear: You can expect higher spending, higher taxes and higher deficits for years to come. The verdict on this approach is in. Today the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its monthly jobs report showing the economy shed 131,000 jobs in July as 143,000 temporary census workers lost their government jobs. With the private sector only managing to add 71,000 jobs and averaging only 51,000 jobs over the past three months, the private economy appears stuck in first gear. Despite the job losses, the nation’s unemployment rate didn’t budge from 9.5% because another 181,000 discouraged workers left the workforce. All told the U.S. economy has now lost 2.4 million jobs since President Barack Obama signed his stimulus bill, and his administration is 7.6 million jobs short of what he promised the American economy would support by 2010.

Faced with this failure, the Obama administration wants to double down on its tax and spend policies by hiking taxes on America’s job creators. Research on the last seven recessions shows that small businesses generate about two out of every three new jobs during recoveries. But the $3.2 trillion Obama Tax Hike in January will hit these businesses the hardest. As Heritage Foundation analyst Curtis Dubay has detailed, while only eight percent of small businesses pay the highest two tax rates, those businesses earn 72 percent of all small business income and pay 82 percent of all income taxes paid by small businesses. According to a study by the American Family Business Foundation, just stopping President Obama’s Death Tax hike alone would create 1.5 million jobs.

But lower taxes and a more dynamic private sector is not the direction that President Obama wants to take the country. Obama’s economic direction is obviously not popular among conservatives, and is now becoming less and less popular among independents and liberals. As Slate columnist David Weigel told National Review’s Dan Foster this week: “It is like the biggest failing of Obama, and I keep saying this, that he just can’t be honest about the fact that he wants America to be more like Europe. Obviously he does.” We couldn’t agree more."

The Bottom Line: The Democrats in the U.S. Senate have once again prove the formula, Democrat = Tax Increase rings true. King Hussein and the Democrats tax increases will make this nation and its citizens poorer. This is yet another reason why Americans need to throw out as many Democrats as possible in November.

Background Reading:

WSJ: Democrats Dissent on Bush Cuts
Askheritage.org: Will the Obama Tax Hike Lead America Closer to an European Welfare State?

20 States Sue To Repeal Obamacare

This time it's the States. (HT AR15.com)

Several states are joining the fight to repeal Obamacare. From the Associated Depressed:

" Twenty states and the nation's most influential small business lobby demanded Friday that a federal court in Florida hear their challenge to President Barack Obama's health care overhaul because they face imminent harm from its mandates.

The states, the National Federation of Independent Business and several individual taxpayers filed their response Friday in Pensacola federal court.

A key issue raised by their lawsuit is whether the federal government can require individuals to purchase health care insurance and fine those who don't.

"If Congress can regulate the failure to have health care insurance coverage, it can equally regulate the 'failure' to meet any other requirement it chooses to impose," Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum wrote in the response.

Though the health care mandate does not take effect until 2014, the states will suffer now from spending more resources on an expanding Medicaid enrollment and from losing sovereignty "to enact statutes or state constitutional provisions to protect their state citizens from compulsion in their healthcare choices," McCollum wrote.

Obama's health insurance requirements also would impose significant costs on small businesses, he said.

The court must hear the case to preserve individual liberties granted through the Constitution, said Karen Harned, executive director of the Small Business Legal Center of the National Federation of Independent Business.

"The federal government does not have the authority to regulate an individual's decision to do nothing. If they did, then they could force us to purchase any product they want," she said.

In a statement, Harned said the government's motion to dismiss was based on "political rhetoric and flimsy legal arguments" and was an attempt to distract the court from evaluating the case's constitutional issues.

McCollum, a Republican candidate for governor, is leading the legal challenge. Other states that have joined the lawsuit are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, Idaho, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Washington.

Virginia's attorney general separately sued the government. A federal judge denied the Justice Department's motion to have that case dismissed, saying the overhaul raises complex constitutional issues.

Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted in favor of a state measure to bar the government from requiring people to carry health insurance and penalizing those who don't.

The states argue the new law will require them to pay additional Medicaid costs not covered by the federal government, but that they cannot opt out of the program for low-income and disabled people because it has become too popular.

They maintain that violates the 10th Amendment, which says the states and people have powers that the constitution does not grant to the federal government nor prohibit the states from having.

"I'm really, really really perturbed right now about the intrusion of the federal government in the rights of my state," McCollum told reporters in Orlando. He said it was part of a pattern also seen in Arizona where the Justice Department has challenged a new immigration law.

Individuals who refuse to get health insurance will face a tax penalty, with exceptions for financial hardship and religious reasons."

With each passing day, more American realize that Obamacare is a bad deal. They also realize that King Hussein and the Democrat controlled congress is governing against their will. You'll see the results of that in November.

Background Reading:

Associated Press: States respond in health care overhaul lawsuit

Friday, August 6, 2010

Missouri Shows Out Against Obamacare.

The Latest to Resist.

By more than a 2 to 1 margin, Missourians voted to reject a key provsion of Obamacare. Proposition C would prohibit the government from requiring people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for not having it.

A couple of voters voiced their thoughts. From Fox News:

"To us, it symbolized everything," said Annette Read, a tea party participant from suburban St. Louis who quit her online retail job to lead a yearlong campaign for the Missouri ballot measure. "The entire frustration in the country ... how our government has misspent, how they haven't listened to the people, this measure in general encompassed all of that."

Missouri's ballot also featured primaries for U.S. Senate, Congress and numerous state legislative seats. But at many polling places, voters said they were most passionate about the health insurance referendum.

"I believe that the general public has been duped about the benefits of the health care proposal," said Mike Sampson of Jefferson City, an independent emergency management contractor, who voted for the proposition. "My guess is federal law will in fact supersede state law, but we need to send a message to the folks in Washington, D.C., that people in the hinterlands are not happy."

Not just the hinterlands, but most everywhere else. Then there's the first sentence of the NY Slimes article on this subject:

"Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved a measure aimed at nullifying the new federal health care law, becoming the first state in the nation where ordinary people made known their dismay over the issue at the ballot box."

Ordinary people?? As opposed to who? The ruling class? The political class? The Intellectual Media Class? This is, in addition to the rejection of Obamacare, a great example of the disconnect between Americans and DC & their propogandists in the lamestream media.

Background Reading:

Fox News: Missouri Votes to Block Obama's Health Insurance Mandate
NY Times: Missouri Voters Reject Health Law

Monday, August 2, 2010

Sarah Palin Questions King Hussein's Manhood

Taking on King Hussein? Now that takes cojones!!

Sarah Palin has slammed King Hussein on immigration. She took it one step further. Here's the quote:

PALIN: Jan Brewer, bless her heart, she's going to do all that she can to continue down the litigation path to allow secure borders because she's -- Jan Brewer has the cojones that our president does not have to look out for all Americans, not just Arizonans but all Americans in this desire of ours to secure our borders and allow legal immigration to help build this country as was the purpose of immigration laws. If our own president will not enforce the federal law, more power to Jan Brewer and 44 other states who are in line to help support Jan Brewer in state laws, state efforts to do what our president won't do.

Here's the Video. (HT YouTube)

Now for all the Obamabots ready to throw the race card and say Republicans are evil, there's something that you need to know. Gov. Palin's statement is merely the effect. You need to look at the cause.

Exhibit A: Kathleen Parker's article titled, Obama: Our first female president from 6/30/10.

Exhibit B: Rev Jesse Jackson back on 7/9/08 while accusing the fellow Chicagoan of "talking down to black folks", added "I want to cut his nuts out." So if Gov. Palin's right, and he really doesn't have cojones, it may have been due to Rev. Jackson's suggestion of removing them.

Exhibit C: James Carville, big time Clinton booster said the following about candidate Obama during the 2008 campaign: "If she gave him one of her cojones, they'd both have two". Hillary took that as a compliment, by the way.

Exhibit D: 5/6/08, Then Sen. "Evan Bayh (D-IN) was halfway through telling a story about "a steelworker in Northern Indiana" on stage beside his Senate colleague, Hillary Clinton. Clinton may not like the story, but her supporters love it: The sheet metal workers union official in Portage, Indiana cited by Bayh had praised her "testicular fortitude" before lighting into unnamed "Gucci wearing, latte-drinking" opponents. "

What I'm saying here is that this has been going on for awhile, and folks on both sides of the aisle have engaged in it. If Sarah Palin's racist and evil, then so are Evan Bayh, James Carville, Kathleen Parker, and Hillary Clinton.

Background Reading:

Washington Post: Obama: Our first female president
Politico: Swing Low, Sweet Hillary
NY Post: Jesse Jackson Says He Wants to Cut Obama's 'Nuts Out'