Saturday, September 12, 2009

Debunking Obamacare Myths

Now that congress is back in session, Democrats are once again pushing government health care. King Hussein said in a NY Slimes op-ed that only his plan can provide "coverage that will stay with you whether you move, change your job or lose your job".

Many Americans are concerned about this since over three million jobs have been lost since King Hussein's election. As a side note, people want jobs more than health care changes, that's why the polling data is where it is. The reason Americans can't keep or obtain health insurance if they move or lose their jobs is because of government.

Even if you move or lose your job, you can still purchase auto and home insurance. Federal tax incentives have created a system where currently, the majority of people get health insurance through their employers. Then the tax code punishes people who don't get their health insurance through an employer by denying individuals the tax deduction for health insurance that their employers get.

Next, you have state governments who have to approve insurance companies to do business in their states, with their mile long list of mandates. If Democrats really want reform, they could simply lift the government controls and allow health insurance competition across state lines. They don't have to wait until 2013 to implement this.

A second myth that needs to be debunked is that Obamacare will not cover abortions or illegal immigrants. This needs to be addressed because you have Democrats like Howard Dean and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), carrying Obama's water on TV angrily shouting that these are right-wing lies. With liberals, you usually find that the opposite of what they say is true. Ann Coulter really breaks this one down. From her post on September 9th:

"Then why did Democrats vote down amendments that would prohibit coverage for illegals and abortion? (Also, why is Planned Parenthood collecting petition signatures in Manhattan -- where they think they have no reason to be sneaky -- in support of national health care?)

"On July 30 of this year, a House committee voted against a Republican amendment offered by Rep. Nathan Deal that would have required health care providers to use the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program to prevent illegal aliens from receiving government health care services. All Republicans and five Democrats voted for it, but 29 Democrats voted against it, killing the amendment.

On the same day, the committee voted 30-29 against an amendment offered by Republican Joe Pitts explicitly stating that government health care would not cover abortions. Zealous abortion supporter Henry Waxman -- a walking, breathing argument for abortion if ever there was one -- originally voted in favor of the Pitts amendment because that allowed him, in a sleazy parliamentary trick, to bring the amendment up for reconsideration later. Which he did -- as soon as he had enough Democrats in the hearing room to safely reject it.

If any liberal sincerely believes that national health care will not cover illegals and abortion, how do they explain the Democrats frantically opposing amendments that would make this explicit?"

Another question to ask is why are we rushing this if it doesn't go into effect until 2013? If this is so important, it should go into effect on January 1 2010. None of this adds up. Until DC can come up with a health care plan that will make real impact, like tort reform, there's no way I can support anything that's currently sitting in congress. (HT Ann Coulter):

Ann Coulter: Liberal Lies About National Health Care: Fourth In A Series

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