Monday, September 12, 2011

IFT Digging In On School Day Issue

Their battle line is drawn. (HT IFT)

Illinois Federation of Teachers President Daniel Montgomery is disturbed about the way the Chicago Public Schools is seeking waivers that would approve longer school days. He feels that the "waiver provision in the contract “was not intended” to be used in the way CPS is trying to use it". Meanwhile, "Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel say waivers are allowed under the contract, and teachers at five schools have approved them by large margins."

Both Rahm Emanuel and the IFT are use to getting their way. It will be interesting to see who wins out. As usual, a big labor boss cries foul whenever they're asked to give more. It really makes me believe that they care more about their contract as opposed to the kids that they're paid to educate.

Something else caught my eye: "CTU President Karen Lewis also serves as executive vice president of the IFT." Looks like another case of a high ranking big labor official double dipping on the public dole. This is also a point of contention that taxpayers have with union bureaucrats. It makes them look like fat cats who are only out for themselves. I wonder what the CTU rank and file feels about that?

Background reading:

Chicago Sun-Times: Illinois teachers union official blasts CPS longer-day tactics

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