Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sen. Harry Reid Could Be Recalled Out Of Office

He may still get voted out. (HT Wikimedia)

As you are aware, the Democrats got slaughtered in last months midterm election. One democrat who survived was Senate majority leader Harry Reid. However, that may not last. From the Washington Times:

"With most Americans distracted by holiday plans, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, has sprung another Christmas surprise, vowing to ram through a far-left agenda in the waning days of 2010. Last year, he put a giant lump of coal in Americans' stockings with Christmas Eve passage of Obamacare.

This year, he has tried to force through a pork-loaded $1.1 trillion spendathon, dumping the nearly 2,000-page omnibus bill into the hopper four days before the Senate was supposed to adjourn. That hit a snag when Republicans actually revolted. But he also wants to ram through consent of the New START and amnesty for illegal aliens (the Dream Act) and overturn the military law barring homosexuality. Who knows what other tricks he has up his Grinchly sleeve?

Mr. Reid, who has called opponents "evil mongers," was re-elected in November to another six-year term. So what is a Nevadan who is appalled at Mr. Reid's arrogance to do?

Nevada is one of 11 states with broadly worded recall laws that allow petitioners to give citizens a chance to recall public officials - which may include members of Congress and senators - before their terms end. In fact, given the performance of the 111th Congress, 2011 may become the Year of Recall.

Here's Nevada's language:

"Every public officer in the State of Nevada is subject, as herein provided, to recall from office by the registered voters of the state, or of the county, district, or municipality which he represents." (Article 2, Sec. 9).

When I (Robert Knight) called the Nevada secretary of state's office, a nice lady asked me, "Is this about Harry Reid? No, you can't recall U.S. senators." The office sent a 1978 letter from the secretary of state that says pretty much the same thing.

The letter acknowledges that "there are no cases directly interpreting the language of Article 2, Section 9 regarding its applicability to federal officers." But citing cases involving other offices and noting that the provision describes officers "in" the state and not "of" the state, the letter concludes that the U.S. and state constitutions bar recalling U.S. senators. As Bill Clinton might say, it depends on what the meaning of "in" is. But we're still left without a federal court ruling.

The American Civil Rights Union has found that 11 states - Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin - have constitutional or statutory provisions for recall of "all," "every" or "any" elected officials. Together, these states have 21 incumbent U.S. senators, whom recall petition drives could put on the ballot in a special election. They include Democrats and Republicans. For more information, go to

Discontent with Congress is at an all-time high, according to Gallup's 2010 Confidence in Institutions survey, which ranks Congress at the very bottom of a long list, with just 11 percent of Americans registering a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence" in Congress (as contrasted with the military, which garners 76 percent).

If cases arise in several states, the issue will finally face constitutional scrutiny.

Meanwhile, it wouldn't hurt for the "world's greatest deliberative body" to know that a restive citizenry is determined to hold it more accountable."

If folks in the state of Nevada have a resolution to Recall Harry Reid, I would certainly support it given the great damage he's done to this country.

Background Reading:

Washington Times: Reckless Congress makes case for recall

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another ObamaCare Side Effect: Death Panels Exposed Through Breast Cancer

Every day, it gets more revealing. (HT Michelle Malkin)

Any woman reading this should find this post pretty disturbing. Death panels & rationing has hit the breast cancer front. From the Washington Examiner:

"OnFriday, the Food and Drug Administration could doom thousands of breast cancer victims. The FDA will be considering the unprecedented step of revoking approval for Avastin, a drug that represents the last hope for women with late-stage breast cancer. About 17,500 women a year are treated with the drug, which cuts off blood flow to tumors. It does not cure cancer, but it does stop its growth and extend life.

Doctors and patients were then stunned last summer when the ODAC ruled, by a vote of 12-1, that the drug did not produce clinically meaningful results. Why did the panel deny the obvious evidence of Avastin's effectiveness? One member of the FDA's panel, Jean Grem of the University of Nebraska, said, "We aren't supposed to talk about cost, but that's another issue."

The Obama administration wants to ration health care in order to help pay for universal coverage and other Obamacare goodies. Donald Berwick, Obama's controversial nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, has explicitly endorsed rationing. The CMS is now considering whether to refuse Medicare payments for Provenge -- another expensive but effective late-stage prostate cancer treatment.

Government bean counters were never supposed to determine what your treatment options are, and patient advocacy groups are justifiably outraged. If Avastin and other expensive wonder drugs are denied approval because of costs, proponents of government-run health care will have to no choice but to admit "death panels" have gone from rhetoric to reality."

This bears repeating: with the Federal Government's track record of bungling things like Social Security, Education, and the Post Office, why on God's green earth would you want it handling health care?? That's doesn't even make bad sense!

Background Reading:

Washington Examiner: Examiner Editorial: Breast cancer drug offers glimpse of death panels

Political Caption Of The Day

This could be the updated cover photo of David Limbaugh's Bankrupt. (HT Mrk Levin)

A Giant "Successful Failure"

The biggest ponzi scheme of all. Thanks FDR. (HT

A hard hitting piece by Marc Rudov has highlighted the ultimate in dependency on big government. Here's the punch line from the American Thinker:

"Social Security's failure is rooted not in actuarial anomalies, but in the violation of immutable psychology: people succeed only when they are responsible for their own decisions and actions. When government manages your life, it will fail -- and therefore, you will fail.

Examples of socialism's failure abound -- from the Weimar Republic to the Soviet Union to Cuba. Even the history of Thanksgiving provides such a lesson. The colonists at Plymouth Plantation were starving because of laziness and dependence on the industrious few who produced food. In 1623, Massachusetts Governor Bradford fixed the problem by abolishing socialism and mandating self-sufficiency. He gave each household a parcel of land and the right to keep or trade any food produced -- or face starvation. End of famine."

One way to take back this country is to phase out massive entitlement programs like this, and repeal Obamacare.

Background Reading:

American Thinker: Social Security: Successful Failure

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Omnibus Bill: The Latest Earmarked Monstrosity

This time it's more ridiculous spending. (HT

Right now in our nation's capital, The Omnibus bill is all the rage. Given that it's 1,924 pages long, and pack with over 6,400 earmarks, it is indeed outrageous. Here's a sample of those earmarks, HT Drudge Report:

$277,000 for potato pest management in Wisconsin
$246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in Michigan and Minnesota
$522,000 for cranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in New Jersey
$500,000 for oyster safety in Florida
$349,000 for swine waste management in North Carolina
$413,000 for peanut research in Alabama
$247,000 for virus free wine grapes in Washington
$208,000 beaver management in North Carolina
$94,000 for blackbird management in Louisiana
$165,000 for maple syrup research in Vermont
$235,000 for noxious weed management in Nevada
$100,000 for the Edgar Allen Poe Cottage Visitor’s Center in New York
$300,000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society in Hawaii
$400,000 for solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas
$727,000 to compensate ranchers in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan whenever endangered wolves eat their cattle

Quite the laundry list isn't it? Nothing in there that I can support. I've been critical of Sen. John McCain's lack of covservatism in the past, but I agree with him when he said the following yesterday:

“Mr. President, at 12:15 p.m. this afternoon, my office received a copy of the omnibus appropriations bill. It is 1,924 pages long and contains the funding for all 12 of the annual appropriations bills for a grand total of over $1.1 Trillion. It is important to note that the 1,924 pages is only the legislative language and does not include the thousands of pages of report language which contain the details of the billions of dollars in earmarks and, I’m sure, countless policy riders.

“While we continue to uncover which earmarks the appropriators decided to fund – thanks to a new online database – we at least know what earmarks were requested by Members and how much those projects would cost the American people if they were all funded. Taxpayers against Earmarks, and Taxpayers for Common Sense joined forces to create this database. According to the data they compiled – for fiscal year 2011 Members requested over 39,000 earmarks totaling over $130 billion. Absolutely disgraceful. I encourage every American to go to the website study it, and make yourselves aware of how your elected officials seek to spend your money.

“One thing is abundantly clear to me – that the majority has not learned the lessons of last month’s election. The American people could not have been more clear. They are tired of wasteful spending. They are tired of big government. They are tired of sweetheart deals for special interests. They are tired of business as usual in Washington. And they are tired of massive bills – just like this one - put together behind closed doors, and rammed through the Congress at the last moment so that no one has the opportunity to read them and no one really knows what kind of waste is in them.

“Let me be clear about one thing – if the Majority Leader insists on proceeding to this monstrosity - the American people will know what’s in it. I will be joined by many of my colleagues on this side of the aisle to ensure that every single word of this bill is read aloud here on the Senate floor.

“I encourage my friends on the other side of the aisle to rethink their strategy and move forward with a short-term continuing resolution to fund the government into next year when a new Congress takes over – a Congress that was elected by the American people on November 2nd. “The majority may be able to strong arm enough members into voting for this omnibus – but they will not win in the end. The American people will remember – and I predict that we will see a repeat of November 2nd in the very near future.”

That's conservatism in action. Calling out the pigs at the trough. Needs to be done a lot more often. As Sen. McCain said, go to and take a look at how this rogue congress and white house want to spend your money. Bookmark it!!

Background Reading:

Drudge Report: THE LAST FEAST: 6,488 EARMARKS

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Despite Midterm Bloodbath, Democrats Want Tax Increases

On tax policy and the economy, this MUST be done. (HT

Remember in my last post when I stated that President Obama and the Democrats still want to raise your taxes? Well, here's the proof. From

"'It is not a sensible way to run a country to have this magnitude of tax issues left to annual uncertainty," said Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner earlier this month, and he's certainly right about that. But at the current moment the single biggest obstacle to more certainty is his boss, President Obama, who (before this week) still refuses to compromise on the tax increase set to whack the economy in a mere 30 days.

Republicans won 63 House seats running against those tax increases, but Mr. Obama still seems under the spell of the dead enders led by soon-to-be-former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The magnitude of the looming tax increase ought to snap him out of this hypnosis. If the Democrats who still run Capitol Hill for another month fail to act, tens of millions of American households will see their paychecks shrink immediately in the New Year.

Capital gains and dividend tax rates will climb to 20% and 39.6%, respectively, from 15%, and the top two income tax rates will climb to 38% and 41% (including deduction phaseouts), from 33% and 35%. The typical family with an income between $40,000 and $75,000 a year will pay as much as $2,000 more in 2011, as the 10% tax rate bracket and the $1,000 per child tax credit vanish.

This could have been resolved months ago, except that the White House and Congressional Democrats insist that some taxes must be raised. Mr. Obama wants the lower rates to expire on incomes of $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples. Dozens of Democrats revolted against that in the campaign, so the latest gambit, courtesy of New York Senator Chuck Schumer, would raise that threshold to $1 million.

Republicans shouldn't be suckered into raising taxes on anyone, especially not on small business job creators. The U.S. corporate tax rate of 39% (a combination of state average and federal rates) is already about 15 percentage points above the international average, and for the first time in a generation the personal rate of 41% would rise above the average of our overseas rivals. That's all before the 3.8% surtax on investment income arrives in 2013, courtesy of ObamaCare.

Because most nations tax their companies at a business rate lower than the personal rate, the Tax Foundation says the Obama plan would mean that many Subchapter S corporations in the U.S. would pay "virtually the highest tax rates in the world on their business income." In other words, the after-tax rate of return on investment in the U.S. would fall relative to investing in Europe or Asia. This is an invitation to outsource more jobs. The U.S. should be cutting tax rates to become more competitive, as President Obama's deficit reduction commission and tax reform advisory panel have recommended.

Even in this lame duck liberal Congress, there is a bipartisan majority in both houses to prevent this tax increase. The only obstacles are a defeated, willful liberal minority that wants to extract one more pound of flesh from the private economy, and a President who still fails to comprehend that jobs and wealth are created outside of government and politics. If Democrats won't compromise this month, the first vote in the new Republican House in January should be to repeal the Obama-Pelosi-Schumer tax increase."

At this point, it won't come to that after the so-called compromise. Nevertheless, this is still one of the key reasons that the left must be defeated continually so we can keep our nation and society intact.

Background Reading: The Dead Enders

Sen. Sherrod Brown - A Must See Video

Even after the election, He still doesn't get it. (HT Wikipedia)

Despite his party's shellacking in last month's midterm elections, Sen. Sherrod Brown D-OH is still pushing a failed economic model (link to the video is below). He believes that the best way to grow the economy is through unemployment benefits. House Speaker Nazzi Pelocchio said this nonsense back in July, which is one reason why Americans fired her from that post last month. A great explanation come from The Right Scoop:

"We’ve been extending unemployment benefits for 2 years or more now, and has it grown our economy? Have we seen any new jobs because of unemployment benefits? I didn’t think so, and that simple test just proves how ludicrous this really is.

Furthermore, by keeping the tax code the same for at least several years are more, it will tell business that they can now spend that money they’ve saved up because of economic uncertainty, which will in effect create jobs. Of course, we have to do more than just keeping the tax code the same, like repealing Obamacare. But keeping the tax code the same, especially in a recession, is crucial."

Amen. Also state the case that President Obama and the Democrats still want to raise Taxes. Never forget that.

Background Reading:

The Right Scoop: Sen Sherrod Brown: Best way to grow economy is unemployment benefits

Monday, December 6, 2010

The (Bogus) Federal Payfreeze

This time it's symbolism. (HT

So the President has orders a pay freeze. Sounds good, but when you peel back this onion, it's merely a token. It doesn't address the step or cost of living increases, meaning the budget will be as bloated as ever. More from the American Spectator:

"In his press conference, Obama claimed that the move would save the government $28 billion over five years. Taking that number at face value, that would represent a sixth-tenths of one percent reduction in the projected $4.52 trillion deficit over that same period (2011 through 2015). It would be the equivalent of a person who expects to rack up $10,000 of of credit card debt over the next five years touting the fact that he's found a way to reduce his expenses by $60 over that time period. In football terms, it would be like a kickoff return that gains about a half of a yard."

Not much of a "change", is it??

Background Reading:

American Spectator: The Federal Pay Freeze, In Context

11 Signs Of The Times

The fight for the country rages on. (HT

As you know, one of the reasons that President Obama and the Democrats were crucified in last months midterm elections is because of the economy. here are some glimpses from

"#1 In November 2006, the “official” U.S. unemployment rate was 4.5 percent. Today, the “official” U.S. unemployment rate has been at 9.5 percent or greater for more than a year.

#2 At Thanksgiving back in 2006, 26 million Americans were on food stamps. Today, there are over 42 million Americans on food stamps and that number is climbing rapidly.

#3 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median household income in the United States fell from $51,726 in 2008 to $50,221 in 2009. Median household income declined the year before that too. Meanwhile, prices have continued to rise throughout that period.

#4 At the end of the third quarter in 2006, 47 banks were on the FDIC “problem list”. At the end of the third quarter in 2010, 860 banks were on the FDIC “problem list”.

#5 California home builders began construction on 1,811 homes during the month of August, which was down 77% from August 2006.

#6 In 2006, new home sales in the United States were near record highs. In 2010, new home sales in the United States are at record lows as the following graph from Calculated Risk demonstrates….

#7 A recent survey of last year’s college graduates found that 80 percent moved right back home with their parents after graduation. That was up substantially from 63 percent in 2006.

#8 According to one analysis, the United States has lost a total of 10.5 million jobs since 2007.

#9 In 2006, the Social Security program took in somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 billion more dollars than it paid out. Of course the U.S. government spent all that money instead of setting it aside. So now more U.S. retirees than ever are ready to start drawing on Social Security and a “tipping point” is rapidly coming. Social Security will pay out more in benefits in 2010 than it receives in payroll taxes. This was not supposed to happen until at least 2015, and the years ahead look very, very grim….

#10 The U.S. government’s debt ceiling has been raised six times since the beginning of 2006.

#11 In 2006, the U.S. national debt was getting close to 9 trillion dollars. Today, the U.S. national debt is well past 13 trillion dollars and is rapidly closing in on 14 trillion dollars.

So is there much hope for an economic turnaround any time soon?

No, not really.

Even the Federal Reserve, usually one of the biggest cheerleaders for the U.S. economy, is not very optimistic right now. In fact, the Fed has just announced that they are projecting that unemployment will still be at about 8 percent when the next presidential election arrives in 2012.

Actually, if the official unemployment rate was to get that low by then that would really be something to celebrate. Many economists fear that unemployment will be even higher than it is now by then."

Obviously President Bush was a part of it. He made some missteps on the domestic side. However, he was aided by a Democrat controlled congress that was sworn in back in January 2007. You know, the one that has those abysmal approval ratings, with soon to be ex House Speaker Nazzi Pelocchio, who was fired from her post last month.

Background Reading: 11 Statistics That Reveal Just How Far The U.S. Economy Has Fallen Over The Past Four Years

Bradley Manning: Biggest Intelligence Leak In History

Sellouts. (HT UK Guardian)

WikiLeaks has a worldwide impact. From the UK Guardian:

"An innocuous-looking memory stick, no longer than a couple of fingernails, came into the hands of a Guardian reporter earlier this year. The device is so small it will hang easily on a keyring. But its contents will send shockwaves through the world's chancelleries and deliver what one official described as "an epic blow" to US diplomacy.

The 1.6 gigabytes of text files on the memory stick ran to millions of words: the contents of more than 250,000 leaked state department cables, sent from, or to, US embassies around the world.

What will emerge in the days and weeks ahead is an unprecedented picture of secret diplomacy as conducted by the planet's sole superpower. There are 251,287 dispatches in all, from more than 250 US embassies and consulates. They reveal how the US deals with both its allies and its enemies – negotiating, pressuring and sometimes brusquely denigrating foreign leaders, all behind the firewalls of ciphers and secrecy classifications that diplomats assume to be secure. The leaked cables range up to the "SECRET NOFORN" level, which means they are meant never to be shown to non-US citizens.

The US military believes it knows where the leak originated. A soldier, Bradley Manning, 22, has been held in solitary confinement for the last seven months and is facing a court martial in the new year. The former intelligence analyst is charged with unauthorised downloads of classified material while serving on an army base outside Baghdad. He is suspected of taking copies not only of the state department archive, but also of video of an Apache helicopter crew gunning down civilians in Baghdad, and hundreds of thousands of daily war logs from military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It was childishly easy, according to the published chatlog of a conversation Manning had with a fellow-hacker. "I would come in with music on a CD-RW labelled with something like 'Lady Gaga' … erase the music … then write a compressed split file. No one suspected a thing ... [I] listened and lip-synched to Lady Gaga's Telephone while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history." He said that he "had unprecedented access to classified networks 14 hours a day 7 days a week for 8+ months".

Manning told his correspondent Adrian Lamo, who subsequently denounced him to the authorities: "Hillary Clinton and several thousand diplomats around the world are going to have a heart attack when they wake up one morning and find an entire repository of classified foreign policy is available, in searchable format, to the public ... Everywhere there's a US post, there's a diplomatic scandal that will be revealed. Worldwide anarchy in CSV format ... It's beautiful, and horrifying."

He added: "Information should be free. It belongs in the public domain."

Manning, according to the chatlogs, says he uploaded the copies to WikiLeaks, the "freedom of information activists" as he called them, led by Australian former hacker Julian Assange.

Assange and his circle apparently decided against immediately making the cables public. Instead they embarked on staged disclosure of the other material – aimed, as they put it on their website, at "maximising political impact".

This isn't the first time a member of the gay community has sold out their country. From

"Maybe there's a reason gays have traditionally been kept out of the intelligence services, apart from the fact that closeted gay men are easy to blackmail. Gays have always been suspicious of that rationale and perhaps they're right.

The most damaging spies in British history were the Cambridge Five, also called "the "Magnificent Five": Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean and John Cairncross. They were highly placed members of British intelligence, all secretly working for the KGB.

The only one who wasn't gay was Philby. Burgess and Blunt were flamboyantly gay. Indeed, the Russians set Burgess up with a boyfriend as soon as he defected to the Soviet Union.

The Magnificent Five's American compatriot Michael Straight was -- ironically -- bisexual, as was Whittaker Chambers, at least during the period that he was a spy. And of course, there's David Brock.

So many Soviet spies were gay that, according to intelligence reporter Phillip Knightley, the Comintern was referred to as "the Homintern."

Bradley's friends told the Times they suspected "his desperation for acceptance -- or delusions of grandeur" may have prompted his document dump.

Let's check our "Gay Profile at a Glance" and ... let's see ... desperate for acceptance ... delusions of grandeur ... yep, they're both on the gay subset list!

Obviously, the vast majority of gays are loyal Americans -- and witty and stylish to boot! But a small percentage of gays are going to be narcissistic hothouse flowers like Bradley Manning.

For liberals, gays in the military is a win-win proposition. Either gays in the military works, or it wrecks the military, both of which outcomes they enthusiastically support."

This will make the argument of profiling as well as keeping gays out of intelligence areas of the military, to say the least. No telling how much damage was done.

Background Reading:

UK Guardian (Via Mark Levin): How 250,000 US embassy cables were leaked
AnnCoulter.Com: Bradley Manning: Poster Boy For 'Don't ask, Don't Tell'

A Healthcare Irony

Irony from the purple shirts. (HT Wikipedia)

In a glittering irony, Children of workers in an SEIU affiliate are getting their health coverage dropped. From

"One of the largest union-administered health-insurance funds in New York is dropping coverage for the children of more than 30,000 low-wage home attendants, union officials said. The union blamed financial problems it said were caused by the state’s health department and new national health-insurance requirements.

The fund is administered by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, an affiliate of the Service Employees International Union. Union officials said the state compelled the fund to start buying coverage from a third party, which increased premiums by 60%. State health officials denied forcing the union fund to make the switch, saying the fund had been struggling financially even before the switch to third-party coverage.

The fund informed its members late last month that their dependents will no longer be covered as of Jan. 1, 2011. Currently about 6,000 children are covered by the benefit fund, some until age 23.

The union fund faced a “dramatic shortfall” between what employers contributed to the fund and the premiums charged by its insurance provider, Fidelis Care, according to Mitra Behroozi, executive director of benefit and pension funds for 1199SEIU. The union fund pools contributions from several home-care agencies and then buys insurance from Fidelis.

“In addition, new federal health-care reform legislation requires plans with dependent coverage to expand that coverage up to age 26,” Behroozi wrote in a letter to members Oct. 22. “Our limited resources are already stretched as far as possible, and meeting this new requirement would be financially impossible.”

Bottom Line: If union workers think they'll be exempt from this beast, think again. Your union bosses sold you out. You must ask yourselves if the union dues your paying out is really a good investment.

Background Reading: Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers’ Children

Time To Be Held Accountable

Two Organizations that have a LOT of explaining to do. (HT Wikipedia)

Some of the side effects of Obamacare have been felt all across the fruited plain. Mostly in the form of health insurance increases for workers. President Obama and the Democrats were held accountable for this monstrosity in the midterm elections last month.

Now it's time for those who supported this disaster to be held accountable. Specifically the AARP and the AMA. By engaging in crony capitalism, they sold out their members and this nation. From Legal Insurrection:

"The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) and American Medical Association (AMA) came out in support of the 2000-page plus House Democratic health care bills.

Do not be deceived by this alphabet soup of support. The positions of the AARP and AMA amount to political posturing divorced from the reality of the legislation.

The AARP position, much like that of Consumers Union, is a masterpiece of disingenuous and misleading prevarication, starting with this sentence in the opening paragraph:

"The Association’s support follows nearly two years of work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to craft a health care reform plan that meets the needs of AARP’s nearly 40 million members and all older Americans."

No, there is nothing bipartisan about it. Republicans literally have been shut out of the House legislative process and no major Republican ideas were allowed into any of the current bills. This legislation is solely about the expansion of government, without consideration for any market or individual mechanisms to save costs and expand coverage.

The legislation also will be disastrous for senior citizens. The bill enacts $426billion in cuts to Medicare and other federal programs and $572 billion in tax increases (apart from the mandate tax), much of which will fall on seniors. The bill also will lead to de facto rationing, most of which will fall on seniors, as "bending the cost curve" leads to bureaucratic decision-making and guidelines as to the worth of a life later in life relative to the cost of care."

These organizations , along with all the others, need to have their feet held to the fire for this.

Background Reading (HT Mark Levin):

Legal Insurrection: Alphabet Soup of Health Care Delusions
Legal Insurrection: When Will AARP, Consumers Union and AMA Be Held To Account for Obamacare?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Smithsonian Freak Show

Something that sould be defunded along with ObamaCare. (HT Nigel Young)

As you are already aware, Americans want the Federal Government to drastically reduce spending. A perfect place to start is the Smithsonian Institution. From

"The federally funded National Portrait Gallery, one of the museums of the Smithsonian Institution, is currently showing an exhibition that features images of an ant-covered Jesus, male genitals, naked brothers kissing, men in chains, Ellen DeGeneres grabbing her breasts, and a painting the Smithsonian itself describes in the show's catalog as "homoerotic."

The exhibit, “Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture,” opened on Oct. 30 and will run throughout the Christmas Season, closing on Feb. 13."

Sounds like fun for the whole family. Yet another example of government doing so much of what they're not supposed to do, that they can't do what they're actually supposed to do.

Background Reading: Smithsonian Christmas-Season Exhibit Features Ant-Covered Jesus, Naked Brothers Kissing, Genitalia, and Ellen DeGeneres Grabbing Her Breasts

Political Caption Of The Day

Some folks just can't handle the truth. (HT

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Political Caption Of The Day

I don't think they mant for the worse. (HT