Friday, September 24, 2010

Top 10 Failures Of Obamacare So Far

A spectacular failure if there ever was one.

How has Obamacre failed America? Let me count the ways. From Human Events:

1. Premiums Have Gone Up
2. You Can’t Keep Your Current Plan And Doctor
3. National Budget Deficit Is Worse
4. More Children Are Uninsured
5. Small Business Taxes Increased
6. Small Businesses Health Care Burden Increased
7. More Government Spending
8. Senior Citizens Suffer from Medicare Cuts
9. Minorities Get Worse Health Care
10. Democrats Losing Elections

Background Reading:

Human Events: Top 10 Failures of ObamaCare After Six Months

Illinois' Big Government Reaches Deeper In Citizens Pockets

The Land of Big Government.

Residents in Illinois know full well that state, county, and local governments are strapped for cash. Public officials are scrambling for ways to fill budget shortfalls. Here's the latest from the Chicago Sun-Times:

"Being a speed demon on Illinois roads soon could take a bigger bite out of your bank account.

Fines for a series of minor but common traffic offenses will go up by as much as 60 percent -- adding $45 to the typical speeding ticket -- after the Illinois Supreme Court signed off on new charges that take effect Sept. 15."

The fact that the court did this raises a big red flag. This is all about one thing: Revenue. Here's the proof:

"The increases have the potential to pump more revenues into some cash-strapped county and local governments, though there are no firm estimates from the courts, the secretary of state's office or the Illinois Municipal League.

But in DuPage County, where about 185,000 tickets get adjudicated annually by the court system there, Circuit Court Clerk Chris Katcharoubus predicted Friday the higher fee structure could result in "a couple million dollars or so" more for the county.

"The financial impact was not something we looked at because we see this as bond," said Ford, the Champaign County judge. "But of course, with the petty offenses where the person can just use their bond money to pay, there'll be a financial increase in the amount of money getting paid to the [Circuit Court] clerks. But that's a by-product of it."

The legislation passed the Democratic-led General Assembly as an alternative to massive layoffs Quinn threatened against the State Police last spring in a bid to offset the state's $13 billion budget deficit."

Remember the formula: Democrats = Tax Increases = Big Government.

Illinoians, aka the ones who have to pay for this, aren't happy for example:

""That's terrible because a lot of people have lost their jobs," Barbara Oladunni, 40, an unemployed South Sider, said of the increases that will kick in in two weeks. "Speeding is a serious offense because somebody could get hurt, but I think the [new fines] are a little ridiculous."

"Man, that's too much," said Michael Green, 32, a South Sider and a forklift operator, when told of the new fee structure. "They've already got their hands in too many people's pockets. I'm going to be more careful. I'm going to drive like somebody's grandfather."

Bottom line: In this economy, people need to keep more of what they earn. The new fine increases do the exact opposite. In this instance, Illinos government is waiting for you to screw up so they can punish you.

Background Reading:

Chicago Sun-Times: Speeding becomes a high-ticket item as fines rise

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Vegas Junket, Baby!!!

Where big kids go to play. (HT Michelle Malkin)

Here's an instance of what happeened in Vegas didn't stay in Vegas. From CBS4 - Denver:

"The CBS4 investigation learned that the Census administrators were flown to Las Vegas Aug. 24 and put up at the luxurious Treasure Island hotel and casino on the Las Vegas strip. Some of the managers stayed for two days, others stayed for three."

Looks like our money's going to Vegas against King Hussein's wishes. I wonder what's his take on this??

Speaking of King Hussein's check out this flashback from Michelle Malkin:

"Hey, remember when President Obama told Americans to stay away from Vegas…twice?


“When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you’re trying to pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save on college. You prioritize, you make tough choices.”


… “You are not going to be able to give out these big bonuses until you pay taxpayers back. You can’t get corporate jets. You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.”

Census officials’ response: Yes, we can!"

Do you now understand why this country must get back to constitutional principles, and fast??

Background Raeading:

CBS4 - Denver: Investigation: 140 Census Bosses Took Vegas Trip
Michelle Malkin: Your Census dollars at work: $100,000 Vegas junket to Treasure Island, baby

Political Caption Of The Day

A new daily standard? (HT Michelle Malkin)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Democrat Congress's DREAM

Say No to this DREAM, which in truth is a nightmare.

Between one and two this afternoon, The U.S. Senate is slated to vote on the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. Here's what it does. From the Socialist Worker:

"If passed, the DREAM Act would grant legal residence to students in college regardless of immigration status, thereby also opening employment opportunities in the U.S. after graduation for undocumented immigrants.

However, the DREAM Act would also grant legal residence to undocumented immigrants who serve in the military. Some on the left have voiced concern that residency would be yet another benefit used by aggressive military recruiters to entice immigrant youth--Latinos, in particular--to join the military."

This is in a word, amnesty. Specifically for the young adult illegals. Time to melt those phone lines (Provided in the second link). Americans must realize that Democrats are for open borders, NOT secure borders.

Background Reading: Undocumented and unafraid in LA
Michelle Malkin: Stop the illegal alien student bailout now: DREAM Act Senate phone list; Update: Vote scheduled Tuesday 2:15pm

Monday, September 20, 2010

Obamabots Exhausted Of Defending King Hussein

More Americans are doing it everyday. (HT

With each passing day, more Obama voters are realizing the error they made. Case in Point: at a CNBC Town Hall Meeting, one such voter asks king Hussein the following hard hitting question:

"Quite frankly, I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted of defending you, defending your administration, defending the mantle of change that I voted for, and deeply disappointed with where we are right now. I have been told that I voted for a man who said he was going to change things in a meaningful way for the middle class. I'm one of those people. And I'm waiting, sir. I'm waiting. I -- I don't feel it yet ... Is this my new reality?"

King Hussein responded by saying that his questioner, and those like her, "are the bedrock of America," thanks to their hard work, patriotism, and family values. The president went on to cite some of the ways he and his administration are helping the middle class (Obamacare & Finance reform), and also included a moment of levity. Probably because he couldn't cite anything his administration's done to help people create wealth. The Anguish of Americans overshadowed King Hussein's timid response.

Bottom Line: Michelle Malkin Said it best: "Takeaway quote: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You.”

And we’re exhausted, Obama-bots, of hearing all the desperate defenses, subsidizing them, and being called RAAACISTS/fatcats/meanies/haters for pointing out all the abject failures you’re finally acknowledging."

Background Reading:

Yahoo Buzz Log: Town Hall Exchange Sparks Big Buzz
Michelle Malkin: Obama-bot to Dear Leader: “I’m Exhausted Of Defending You”
Real Clear Politics: Town Hall Questioner To Obama: "I'm Exhausted Of Defending You"
Real Clear Politics: Obama Responds To "Exhausted" Woman

Friday, September 17, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work: African Genital-Washing Program

I know we have to do our part, but come on man! (HT

If anyone still believes that stimulus money went towards creating American jobs, think again! From

"The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), spent $823,200 of economic stimulus funds in 2009 on a study by a UCLA research team to teach uncircumcised African men how to wash their genitals after having sex.

The genitalia-washing program is part of a larger $12-million UCLA study examining how to better encourage Africans to undergo voluntary HIV testing and counseling – however, only the penis-washing study received money from the 2009 economic stimulus law. The washing portion of the study is set to end in 2011.

If most of the men in the study wash their genitals after sex, are willing to do so after the study ends, and report that their partners accept the regimen, the researchers will develop another study to see if the “penile cleansing procedure” actually works to prevent HIV infections. (Meaning they'll want another taxpayer funded grant)

The study’s lead investigator Dr. Thomas J. Coates was the fourth highest-funded researcher in the country in 2002 and is currently conducting HIV research on three continents. asked both Coates and NIMH the following question: “The Census Bureau says the median household income in the United States is $52,000. How would you explain to the average American mom and dad -- who make $52,000 per year -- that taxing them to pay for this grant was justified?”

Coates, who was unavailable for comment, directed to ask grant-related questions of his assistant, Darya Freedman, who did not respond.

The NIMH also declined to respond to’s question."

Bottom Line: When called out, they can't justify bilking taxpayers. This is why there's such a huge revolt against government today. Careless wastful spending and bloaed budgets. Give me back my money!

Backgreund Reading: Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program

Political Caption Of The Day

More than ever, Americans want Obama and the Democrats to keep the change. (HT Leo & Michelle Malkin)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11th: In Rememberance & Resolve

A day that forever changed America the world.

Today we remember those who were murdered, as well as those who serve in our military. Americans must also maintain resolve to protect our way of life and defeat our enemies who want to destroy it, both foreign and domestic. We must also resolve to help other nations stay free because the more nations that are free, the easier it will be to protect our freedom.

God Bless and keep our troops overseas fighting evil at the door. Same for our Police Officers, Firefighters,and EMT's.

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Fueling Left Wing Causes

He wasn't lying about this. (HT Cowgirlfromhell's Blog)

Here's one way King Hussein's administration spreads the wealth: Through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Check out some of the 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees:

Workers Defense Project, Austin TX - $85,000
American Federation of Teachers Educational Foundation, Washington, DC - $220,000
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc, San Francisco, CA - $225,000
Compacion Foundation, Hispanic Contractors Association de Tejas, Balch Springs, TX - $180,000
International Union, UAW, Detroit, MI - $220,000
New Jersey AFL-CIO, Trenton, NJ - $200,000
SEIU (Service Employee International Union) Education and Support Fund, Washington, DC - $215,000

This is only part of a list of 44 total recipients receiving $6,999,995 of your tax dollars. To redistribute wealth to buy votes from left wing groups and unions. This doesn't come up for a vote, or get earmarked. What make this even worse is that some of the recipients have some ties to supporting illegal immigrants. This is why DC needs to be overhauled.

Background Reading:

OSHA: 2010 Susan Harwood Grant Awardees

Rush Limbaugh: Regime, OSHA Spread Our Cash

Friday, September 10, 2010

Your Tax Dollars At Work: Public Sector Fat Cats

This goes for the state and local level too. (HT

What do tax dollars pay for? O let me count the ways. From The Free Enterprise Nation:

In the first quarter of 2010, employees in the private sector earned $300 billion LESS than they earned in the last quarter of 2007, while governments grew and their payrolls increased.

In 2010, there are 3 million FEWER workers in the private sector than there were 10 years ago, but 2 million MORE working in government. That's why they want more taxes from fewer workers.

At the end of 2009, average compensation and benefits to federal workers was $123,049, as compared with $61,051 for private sector workers. And, during 2009, federal workers got an average of 6.9% in raises and two new employee benefits!

State and local government and public education workers averaged $82,492 in compensation and benefits in 2008, more than $25,000 a year MORE than private sector workers.

The average taxpayer who actually PAID income taxes in 2008 paid $10,000 that year. That was enough to pay ONE federal worker for ONE MONTH!

n San Francisco, one of every three city workers earns more than $100,000 a year. The AVERAGE pay is $93,000! The number earning more than $100,000 increased by 800% in the last decade.

At the University of Connecticut, there are 29 people who are being paid to work full time while they are also collecting pensions of over $100,000 a year.

In Illinois, there are teachers earning salaries of more than $150,000 a year (for 9 months work), who can retire at 75% of pay after 30 years, or 100% of pay after 40 years…with guaranteed 3% raises every year, and free health insurance.

In Miami, Florida, the city’s pension contribution for 2011 is $101 million, accounting for almost the entire projected $105 million budget gap. The average city resident earns $29,151; the average city employee’s salary is $75,961 per year. Nearly half of the city’s employees earn $100,000 or more; 186 earned over $200,000. Average firefighter’s salary was $118,000 in 2009; 8 of Miami’s top 10 earners are firefighters, making over $336,000 per year in salary and benefits.

Unfunded liabilities for Social Security and Medicare are estimated to be $106 TRILLION, eight times more than Congress says the US debt is.

New York – In Suffolk County, there are currently 500 police officers earning over $150,000 per year.

A Long Island school superintendant collects a $316,000 annual pension while earning $225,000 annually working for a different school district.

The city of Vallejo, CA filed bankruptcy as a direct result of overly generous salaries and pensions; 40% of the city’s employees earned $100,000 or more. Average firefighter’s salary was $170,000 per year. That didn’t prevent the city council from recently approving a 7.5% raise for the city police department.

Bottom Line: Public sector salaries and pensions are busting budgets all across the fruited plain. People are getting tired of it. The time has come for the bloated public sector to "sacrifice". That has to be top priority at the state and local level to reign in spending. Gov. Chris Christie in New Jersey has set the template, and believe me others will follow.

Background Reading:

The Free Enterprise Nation: Look Where Your Tax Dollars Are Going!

Side Effects Of Obamacare

Complete with far reaching side effects.

Like many prescription drugs, Obamacare has side effects. From The Heritage Foundation:

"Aetna Inc., some BlueCross BlueShield plans and other smaller carriers have asked for premium increases of between 1% and 9% to pay for extra benefits required under the law, according to filings with state regulators.”

It’s exactly what conservatives predicted. While the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) did estimate that Obamacare would cause health insurance premiums to rise, conservatives correctly pointed out that the CBO’s estimates were wildly optimistic. James Capretta wrote at the time:

"For weeks, experts have been warning that the Senate legislation would lead to serious “adverse selection” in the individual and small-group insurance markets. Adverse selection occurs when, on average, the pool of insured lives becomes less healthy over time compared to a relevant comparison group. The Senate bill would require insurers to take all comers, with heavily regulated rates. These rules would help those with chronic conditions get less expensive coverage. But they would also drive up premiums for the young and healthy.

CBO argues that risk-selection problems will be mitigated by the presence of new insurance subsidies, penalties for those who don’t get coverage, a once-a-year enrollment window which will limit the opportunity to come back into insurance, and the tendency for people to comply with mandates even if they are costly. But, as others have shown, even with subsidies, the cost of coverage for many low and moderate wage families will be very substantial. Many people could reduce their costs if they paid the penalty instead of premiums and signed up with insurance only when they really needed it. Would the fact that they might have to wait a few months before getting insurance be enough to keep them in coverage all year? Hard to predict. In fact, as pointed out here, it appears that none of most-cited models used to estimate the impact of health-reform plans, including CBO’s, has an explicit capacity to calibrate insurance take-up rates based on the penalties imposed on those who go without coverage. Apparently, the premium estimates are based as much on judgment as analytics, and CBO’s judgment is clearly on the optimistic side."

Knowing this, is it any surprise that Democrats are distancing themselves from their glorious crowning achievement? It's one of the central reasons why they'll get hammered in a few weeks. A number of news outlets have reported on health insurance rate hikes. The last link is the most comprehensive I've seen to date, and well worth the read & view.

Background Reading:

Dallas Morning News: As insurers face health care law requirements, customers face cancellations
LA Times: Health Net is cleared by state to raise premiums
WSJ: Health Insurers Plan Hikes
Health Insurance Tips & Advice: The TRUTH about ObamaCare

King Hussein Creates Record Debt

Yet another reason to rebel. (HT

We now have an idea of what irresponsible spending leads to. From

"In the first 19 months of the Obama administration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.

At the end of fiscal year 1989, which ended eight months after President Reagan left office, the total federal debt held by the public was $2.1907 trillion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. That means all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan had accumulated only that much publicly held debt on behalf of American taxpayers. That is $335.3 billion less than the $2.5260 trillion that was added to the federal debt held by the public just between Jan. 20, 2009, when President Obama was inaugurated, and Aug. 20, 2010, the 19-month anniversary of Obama's inauguration.

By contrast, President Reagan was sworn into office on Jan. 20, 1981 and left office eight years later on Jan. 20, 1989. At the end of fiscal 1980, four months before Reagan was inaugurated, the federal debt held by the public was $711.9 billion, according to CBO. At the end of fiscal 1989, eight months after Reagan left office, the federal debt held by the public was $2.1907 trillion. That means that in the nine-fiscal-year period of 1980-89--which included all of Reagan’s eight years in office--the federal debt held by the public increased $1.4788 trillion. That is in excess of a trillion dollars less than the $2.5260 increase in the debt held by the public during Obama’s first 19 months.

When President Barack Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, the total federal debt held by the public stood at 6.3073 trillion, according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, a division of the U.S. Treasury Department. As of Aug. 20, 2010, after the first nineteen months of President Obama’s 48-month term, the total federal debt held by the public had grown to a total of $8.8333 trillion, an increase of $2.5260 trillion.

In just the last four months (May through August), according to the CBO, the Obama administration has run cumulative deficits of $464 billion, more than the $458 billion deficit the Bush administration ran through the entirety of fiscal 2008.

The CBO predicted this week that the annual budget deficit for fiscal 2010, which ends on the last day of this month, will exceed $1.3 trillion.

The first two fiscal years in which Obama has served will see the two biggest federal deficits as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product since the end of World War II."

Bottom Line: King Hussein's spending and economic policies have bankrupted this country, mortgaging at lest the next two generations future in the process. This is why people who never been involved in politics before are getting involved now. They're trying to save this country from an out of control rogue federal government that craves more power to abuse. This is why the Democrats must lose their majorities in congress in November. That's just the beginning. Then we must hold that rogue congress in check during in final months, Then the new congress can take steps to reverse course.

Background Reading: Obama Added More to National Debt in First 19 Months Than All Presidents from Washington Through Reagan Combined, Says Gov’t Data

Political Caption Of The Day

Reasons why Americans have disdain for Democrats. (HT Investors Business Daily)